Qi Le's sudden hug made Yue Xi'er feel at a loss.

I don't know whether to respond to Qi Le's hug or push Qi Le away, but the whole person froze there.

But soon, Yue Xi'er discovered that Qi Le just held her without any other actions.

The warm embrace made Yue Xi'er gradually relax.

In my memory, this seems to be the first time Store Manager actively hugs itself.

And the word "family" in Qi Le's mouth makes Yue Xi'er's eyes full of warmth and touch.

In any case, this means that Qi Le has recognized the identity of Yue Xi'er.

"Father, mother, and clansman, have you all seen that, Xi'er is not alone now, Xi'er still has family members willing to accompany him."

"Xi'er is... very happy now."

Yue Xi'er's stiff body relaxed, slowly closing his eyes and leaning against Qi Le's arms.

No matter how Qi Le sees herself, Yue Xi'er can affirm that no matter which identity in the family, she is willing to stay with Qi Le all the time.

"Why do I feel sour in my mouth."

Yue Shuangxue, who was lying on the side, said to himself with a weird expression.

Although I am very happy for Yue Xi'er, Yue Shuangxue just feels that he has a sour emotion in his heart.

Think about it, letting a cat eat dog food is always a bit inappropriate.

" Okay , don't worry about it, come back today, I have a serious business looking for you."

Qi Le noticed Yue Shuangxue's expression, and suddenly said with a smile.

Then I picked up some things that I could say about opening a branch, and said it roughly.

"A new piece of Heaven and Earth! Store Manager, you don't encounter any danger over there, right."

"There are really such races as Elf Race, Dwarf Race, and Beast Ear Race. What do they look like?"

Yue Xi'er and Yue Shuangxue are not concerned about the same direction.

As a cat, curiosity has the upper hand.

"It's just opening a shop. What can be dangerous, don't worry so much."

Qi Le touched his nose, laughed and said.

If there are still dangers under the care of the system, Qi Le won't be too lazy to open a shop.

Although the IQ of this two-pen system is not high, the military force value is still quite high.

After answering Yue Xi'er's question, Qi Le looked towards Yue Shuangxue again, saying: "Since you are so curious, don't you want to go and see it for yourself?"

"I think, I heard you say that the beast ears all have hairy ears. They should look pretty."

Yue Shuangxue's two ears stood up immediately, and he looked very energetic.

"Don't think too much about it. Although the Beast Ear Race does have Variation Beast bloodline, it is definitely not as pure as you."

Qi Le looks at Yue Shuangxue two non-stop The shaking ears can't help but joke.

"I'm just curious. I heard you say that the beast ears are cute before, but I think it's like that, so I want to see it with my own eyes."

Yue Shuangxue tremble He pointed his ears and explained.

"When did I say this?"

Qi Le felt a little stunned when he realized that he had been counter-generalized.

Then I started to recall in my mind, but did not recall the memory of the beast ear mother.

"Just when you first knew about demi-human."


Yue Shuangxue mentioned it again, Qi Le I remembered.

That was a long time ago when Qi Le was not very familiar with demi-human.

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