"By the way, Ranch, the nightmare Demon Race clansman who escaped from Tianyuan this time is actually not many."

"The one I solved before, should be It's the last one, so you just need to observe it later, and you don't need to be so nervous."

Now that I know the good news, Qi Le naturally needs to tell Lanci.

This is also to pass the message to Tiana through the mouth of Ranchi and the others know.

But this is the case, Qi Le did not use a positive tone.

"Many thanks, Qi Store Manager kindly informs me that I will confirm this news."

Lanqi nodded, he responded.

Although I know the realm power of Qi Le, I disdain to lie.

But this kind of important news, if you don't confirm it personally, Ranch won't worry about anything.

"Okay, then I will leave first."

Qi Le knows Ranqi's mind, so he didn't say much.

It is good to be cautious.


Although his body is still a bit weak, Qi Le still returned to the store smoothly.

After this catastrophe, City of Life is expected to take a rest for some time.

Popularity is a good thing. After all, being attacked by Nightmare Demon Race is not City of Life’s fault. The impact will not be much.

But the buildings destroyed by Nightmare all need time to rebuild.

"What a prosperous city-state, Nightmare Demon Race, really damn it."

After Qi Le came back, the first thing was to take a bath and save the battle. Wash away all the traces underneath, and then put on a bathrobe and stand by the window to blow the air.

The originally dimly lit City of Life is now mostly plunged into darkness.

The panic that Storkal left behind has not dissipated until now.

The clansman of all races affected by the nightmare’s attack also left here or went into hiding.

Otherwise, Qi Le can't get back to the store so easily.

"But when it comes to Nightmare Race, according to the system's unwilling personality, it seems unreasonable to lend me Power of Heaven and Earth for the remains of a Nightmare."

"Am I at a loss again?"

Qi Le just likes to think as he sits by the window and blows the air.

So now when I recall what happened before, I feel something is wrong.

system: "Host, don't slander this system when you are fine."

"Are you peeking at my thoughts again?"

Qi Le First, it was a moment of surprise, and then laughed like self-deprecating.

The number of times this kind of thing happened is not one or two times, and now I am still surprised if it makes a fuss about nothing too much.

"But forget it, this is not important. Since you are all out, why don't you take away the remains of Nightmare?"

So As soon as Qi Le changed the conversation, he asked questions he was interested in.

system: "In fact, it's not a secret. This system is just curious about the ethnic innate talent possessed by Nightmare Demon Race, so I want to study the principle of spiritual Qi Yun instead of Heaven and Earth Qi Yun. "

system: "If it is researched out, the power of this system can be increased by a level."

"This... is really illiterate."

Qi Le did satisfy his curiosity, but his mood became depressed.

Because Qi Le didn't expect at all that system could get such a big benefit from the remains of Nightmare.

Speaking of which like this, isn't it a loss for myself?

However, in this transaction, it was a willingness to fight and a willingness to endure, and Qi Le also changed his mouth sorry at this time.

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