"You seem to be not as strong as you are in the big words."

Stokar doesn’t know how Qi Le has changed in just a few seconds .

After seeing the blood spilling from the corner of Qi Le's mouth, Storkal only felt more confident.

As long as the powerhouse-level power of this genuine can be swallowed, Stokal is sure that he can find a way to hunt other powerhouse-level powers.

When the time comes, the entire northern mountain range will become its own hunting ground.

"I just didn't get ready all of a sudden, but you, you seem to be very happy."

Qi Le wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, his tone still flat.

Don't care, sometimes it's more sarcasm than sneer.

"Just knowing to speak big, it will only make people feel ridiculous."

"You should die!"

Storkal said from his throat With a low growl, the imposing manner erupted from his body, and it skyrocketed again.

This time, even the surrounding Heaven and Earth began to tremble.

The imposing manner that is majestic like the sea and vast as the abyss, continues to spread outward, covering this world in.

The coercion of terror locked Qi Le.

Storkal wanted to use this blow to end the battle this time.

"Claws of Broken Abyss——!"

A huge claw mark suddenly appeared in the sky.

It's like tearing apart the sky.

As if three claw marks soaked with blood, in this brief moment, they actually dispelled the darkness of the night sky and dyed the entire piece of Heaven and Earth into scarlet.

The Power of Heaven and Earth contained therein makes the entire film of Heaven and Earth tremble.

The space is shattered every inch, the sky is shrouded by boundless blood light, and huge cliffs have begun to appear on the earth.

The mountains and rivers turned upside down, and the sky fell apart.

This scene resembling a doomsday is a blow by Storkal with all his strength.

The true power of the powerhouse-class power is enough to destroy heaven extinguishing earth.

"hong long long ——!"

The claw marks in the sky, moved towards Qi Le caught, and the terrifying pressure also blocked the space.

The violent power, even if it is only a trace of leaked prestige, is enough to make the ground around Qi Le continue to collapse, and countless rubbles fall into the cliff.

But more, they are still directly crushed into powder.

"Did you see it, this is my true strength!"

Storkal's roar followed in the claw marks, like showing off, but also like mocking .

The hurricane blew Qi Le's clothes hunting and hunting.

But Qi Le just watched the scarlet's claws approaching, remaining unmoved.

"If your strength is only such a little, then I want to say, you may think a little too much."

Qi Le narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice.

The rays of light of scarlet are really dazzling.

"What are you talking about? You damn fellow! You are just my prey to Stokal!"

Stokal hearing this, roaring angrily, the claw marks approaching The speed increased by one point again.

Qi Le glanced at the scenery beside him.

The space is cracking and the earth is shattered. In front of this terrifying power, everything seems to be annihilated.

However, there was a thought-provoking smile on Qi Le's mouth.

"Since you are so confident, then I will show you what is... true power!"

Qi Le slowly raised his head and looked towards After removing the claw marks, he slowly raised his right hand in front of his eyes, palms up.

Then he shook it suddenly.

Suddenly, the whole piece of Heaven and Earth suddenly shook, as if it had stagnated.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1,498: Real Power)...

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