"City of Life can't be kept , but the guests are gone."

At this point, Qi Le's tone suddenly slowed down, as if he had suddenly figured it out What's the same.

"This guest if not, I stay in the store for food and drink, it touches do not worry about how to do later, the store is no business, do not know you will not worry."

Negotiations are also skillful.

Qi Le didn't expect this before, and the tone was a little anxious, and system caught the weakness.

Listening to the system, it seems to be a tone of excuse, maybe the price will be raised.

But now that I think about it, Qi Le is no longer anxious.

Although Qi Le also cares about the quality of the store's business, no matter what, it doesn't care as much about the system.

After all, Qi Le's personality is relatively easy-going. The store is also to live a leisurely life. It is natural to have customers, but it is actually that way if there are no customers.

There are food and drink in the store, and Qi Le is not worried.

even more how Now The New World Mode also has a world server, so it won’t be too boring.

But Qi Le was really angry before, because Nightmare Demon Race really affected the store's business.

Isn't it too shameless if this revenge is not reported?

If the business is not good because of his own reasons, Qi Le will recognize it.

But if this business is disturbed by other silhouettes, it will be sorry.

Even if Qi Le is easy-going, he still has to let these guys know how good they are, and let them know what they can do and what they can’t do.

However, anger returns to anger.

However, it is better not to show this emotion when negotiating.

This approach is particularly effective for this low IQ system.

system: "Host, wait a minute, although you are not in the store now, but this system does not say that it can't help you."


Qi Le knows that this method is effective, but absolutely didn't expect it to be so effective.

The anxious emotion just disappeared from Qi Le's face, and in a blink of an eye, it became the system that tried to challenge the host's wisdom in a hurry.

"But I'm not in a hurry right now, you can think about it again, it won't be too difficult."

Qi Le said slowly.

system: "Don't think about it, how can you be embarrassed? It is the unshirkable responsibility of this system to protect the safety of the host. Please don't refuse the host."

This is true. devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence.

But Qi Le knows in his heart that system is the business of a nervous store.

You know, when we were still in Cloudmist City before, system also had a task called protecting Cloudmist City for this purpose.

It is to ensure the business of the store.

It’s just that after such a long time, the system is now smarter, knowing that it can’t show up in such a rush, but has to wait for the price.

However, system will never think of it. With such a careful thought, in Qi Le's opinion, it is nothing.

Being able to read memory does not mean that it can improve IQ.

In terms of adaptability, system can't keep up with Qi Le.

"Are you sure this is an inescapable responsibility?"

Qi Le is still a rhetorical question from neither fast nor slow.

When negotiating, the more anxious the party, the less able to take the initiative.

So this thing about Chengfu, at this time, seems particularly useful.

system: "Of course, the host, please rest assured, this system does not charge any price for the power lent to you in this battle."

"If this is the case, then I will reluctantly. Accept it."

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