Especially enemies in Qi Le perception.

As soon as Space Gate opens, Qi Le will appear in front of the enemy in the next instant.

Those dozens of nightmare scattered in City of Life, when faced with angry Qi Le, simply did not have any strength to fight back.

As long as Space Gate opens, there is a nightmare that will die on the spot.

There is nowhere to escape.

These differentiated nightmares, Demon Race clansman, are simply not enough to see.

But in less than a quarter of an hour, Qi Le came to the last nightmare and raised his fist.

"If you have the next life, remember not to come to City of Life."


The punches are like electricity, and the sound is like thunder.

Prestige of this Fist, the space around it shook a little, splitting the air sound, like a scream, tearing the night sky apart.

The nightmare in the boxing fist was smashed to pieces by this fist.

The energy in the body was shaken away in an instant.

Close your fists and stand still.

Qi Le exhaled a long breath, feeling that the qi in his heart was almost gone.

Fighting, you still need this kind of fist to the flesh to appear hearty.

Like those magician ranks, it’s boring to use magic to bombard, and whoever gets the trick will get out of the game.

After standing still for about five minutes, Qi Le slowly opened his eyes.

"You guys, what are you doing?"

But immediately after opening his eyes, Qi Le was taken aback.

Because the clansman of all races around here have all gathered and gathered around Qi Le.

Looking outside, it is a large area densely packed. The crowds are surging. You can see it without counting. There are tens of thousands of people here.

Although the crowd seemed very crowded, they were very neat and made no sound.

And also set aside a considerable space for Qi Le.

Until Qi Le opened his eyes and spoke.

The surrounding crowd just started to move.

"Thank you!"

All the people around Qi Le, as if they had been trained, bent down and shouted uniformly.

The loudness of the voice shocked Qi Le.

"You're welcome, no effort at all, no need to be so grand."

Qi Le repeatedly waved his hands and said.

It turned out that these tourists came to thank you, Qi Le thought something happened.

Had it not been for the damn nightmare Demon Race that affected the business in the shop, Qi Le had always remembered the breath of nightmare, thinking about when to teach them.

I am afraid that after being awakened tonight, Qi Le will still feel that it is what City of Life is doing.

After all, Qi Le has never been interested in these festivals.

But no matter how polite Qi Le is, the people around him are still thanking him.

For the benefactor who saved him, the trifling is just a thank you, and the basis is not enough to express his gratitude.

Just because of the current situation, these tourists can only thank you.

"You're welcome, you're really welcome..."

It is the first time that Qi Le has been so grandly thanked by tens of thousands of people, so he has been smiling and almost smiled. Stiff.

But, just at this brief moment, a tyrannical force completely different from the previous nightmare, like a big net, shrouded from the sky.

In an instant, the entire City of Life was shrouded in it.

"No, wait, there seems to be a big guy who hasn't solved it."

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