"What is this?"

"These guys look terrifying, are they a new race? I have never seen it before."

"The breath on them is so scary."

"Not only the breath, but their eyes seem to be panicked."

Was alarmed by the movement. Visitors from, gathered around one after another, pointing fingers at the group of nightmares.

There are more races that can come to City of Life for sightseeing, and there are a few weird-looking ones that are nothing unusual.

So although visitors feel that the appearance of these nightmares is somewhat terrifying.

But there is not much fear.

However, just when these tourists were pointing fingers and discussing spiritedly, the nightmare who fell on the ground flashed with violent blood light in their eyes.

"ao ——!"

Accompanied by dozens of sharp roars, these nightmare who only knows to kill rushed into the tourists, dashing on the streets, basically No one can stop.

Every nightmare that Storkal splits up has the strength of Heroic Rank.

Even if it can only be at the bottom of the Heroic Rank.

But for those tourists who come to City of Life to play, it is an unmatched enemy.

Where the Nightmare goes, no one can resist it.

A thick blood mist soon spread on the streets, this is how the nightmare devours its prey.

Although in the place where Nightmare hunted, there is no sight of blood flowing into a river and mountains of bones, but this is full of blood mist, which is also frightening.

"City of Life is really not guarded by a powerhouse."

"This feeling of devouring flesh and blood and enhancing strength is really good."

Carl stood in the sky, looking at the hunting in City of Life, the blood mist lingering around him became more intense.

Dozens of nightmares do not seem to be many.

But the efficiency of hunting is many times faster than when Stokal was alone.

This is also the reason why Stokar would rather consume life force and energy to split the nightmare Demon Race clansman to hunt, rather than do it himself.

One is to be able to detect the strength of the target to prevent accidents.

So that when you encounter an enemy you can't defeat for the time being, you can withdraw and leave at any time.

The second is to speed up hunting.

With Storkal's powerhouse-level strength, if you use your full strength, you can shatter half of City of Life in one move.

But then, tourists and residents in City of Life will also follow scattered ashes and smoke.

What else is Stokal going to devour?

As the killing continues.

Fear spreads in City of Life.

The previous pointing fingers have disappeared.

In the current City of Life, clansman of all races are everywhere, the shouts of lose one's head out of fear, and hysterical screams, as well as the extremely fearful calls for help.

But for these nightmares who have no spiritual wisdom.

Unless it is a powerhouse whose strength exceeds them, these voices, simply won't let their movements stop for a while.

Although Storkal can't swallow the emotion of fear.

But this scene of spreading fear in front of him still makes Storkal feel happy.


"There seems to be some movement outside, don't you need to sleep in the middle of the night?"

Qi Le was vaguely vaguely The cry of awakened from his sleep.

Because the branch in City of Life has not loaded the soundproofing materials of the main store.

Although the location of the shop is relatively remote, there is generally no movement.

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