even more how, now Nightmare Demon Race hasn't met the clansman of Elf Race yet.

That unique breath is obvious.

"Come on, just leave it to me."

Lan Qi took out the hunting goggles from his arms.

In the forest, there was a group of nightmares who were about to rush into the Holy City of the elves and slaughter.

I have to say that Nightmare's appearance is still quite ferocious.

Those pairs of scarlet eyes are like a pool of blood, as if you can smell the rich smell of blood just by looking at it.

"ao ——!"

The nightmare who was blocked on the road by Ranchi suddenly let out a sharp roar.

Simply didn't care about the majestic Dragon's Prestige exuding from Lanqi's side.

As a Nightmare individual differentiated by Storkal, there is no spiritual wisdom at all, as long as the instinct to kill.

And fierce and unafraid of death.

If these nightmares rush to the Elf Race clansman, it will definitely be a huge disaster.

"There is no spiritual wisdom, damn it, the mastermind is not here."

Although Lanqi didn't know that the higher nightmare had the ability to differentiate clansman, he could also think that there was no nightmare of spiritual wisdom. Magic, how can it be so not one drop of water can leak out.

The strength of these nightmares in front of them is no more than Heroic Rank.

In front of Ranqi, simply can't see enough.

However, this is only for the powerhouse-level power.

Heroic Rank, anyway, it is also Peak battle strength, and it is definitely a huge threat to ordinary clansman of various races.

If you leave it alone, the situation will definitely be terrible.


Storkal stood quietly in the forest, and through these differentiated clansman, he perceives this scene.

"giant dragon..."

"When the relationship between Dragon Race and Elf Race is so good, it will send a giant dragon of the powerhouse class to guard Elf Race's clansman."

Although Nightmare Demon Race is also known for its battle strength tyrannical race.

But Stockal knows that it is too early for him to face Dragon Race now.

"hmph, I'm going to waste my life force again."

"Also, I will go hunting somewhere tonight. I heard that there is another one in Elf Race called City of Life."

Storkal knew that with his current strength, he could not be targeted by this giant dragon.

So I decisively cut off the contact with these clansman, to prevent the giant dragon from following the vine and finding myself.

Since the powerhouse-class powerhouse of Elf Race is here, hunt in another place.

It’s not too late to reappear until you are strong enough to face these races.

Storkal thought so, and his figure disappeared into the darkness.


"Lanci, how is the situation?"

Seeing Ranchi's return, Tiana couldn't wait to ask.

"Those guys are very cunning. They just sent a group of nightmares without spiritual wisdom to die. I guess they left after they discovered the reality here."

Lanqi sighed , Some angrily said.

Although the group of nightmares without spiritual wisdom cannot cause damage to Ranqi, the fierce and unafraid of death style of play can cause some obstacles in summary.

So that Ranchi completely spread the perception, and did not find the mastermind behind the scenes.

So the nightmare group can only be solved to vent their anger.

"Then this is terrible. If that's the case, we will wait here for the nightmare Demon Race walking right into a trap. Simply impossible."

Tiana heart startled, suddenly said.

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