When there is nothing to do, Qi Le will also take out the Membership Card and open the forum in the communication system to take a look.

It's all talking about events at this time.

The Elf Holy City, the Beast Spirit City, and the Dwarf Race King City are crowded with clansman of various races.

Including the outside of these city-states, they are full of clansman who live outside the city because they can't stay in the city-state.

Fortunately for these three races, building a shelter is not difficult.

Surrounded by various tall trees, they are the best building materials.

Among these trees growing in the northern mountain range, there is a small part of tenacious, but it is quite high.

It is often used as the skeleton of various buildings.

Together with the residence built outside the city this time, it is a temporary shelter that's all.

So those clansman who received summon and came outside the king's city of their own race began to build their own residences.

And the floor area of ​​each residence is not much.

After all, for Elf Race, Dwarf Race, and the beast ears, the temporary residence is just a place to eat and sleep.

It is inconvenient to build a large building.

Qi Le browses the dynamics of customers in the forum and uses these posts to understand the situation of the incident.

"Nightmare Demon Race can be considered shrewd, not so indifferent, go directly to these places to die."

"But being so shrewd is not good for me."

Qi Le sighed silently and glanced at the shop by the way.

I don't know how long this state of being able to live.


The fairy Holy City, the queen is great hall.

Here is the most central location of the Elf Holy City, and it is also the tallest and majestic great hall in the entire Elf Holy City.

Here, you can overlook the entire city-state without any difficulty.

However, there are not many Elf Race clansman qualified to enter the Queen's Great Hall.

Because this is the most solemn great hall, representing the majesty of the Elf Queen and the face of Elf Race.

At this moment, Tiana is standing on the top floor of the queen's great hall.

"It's 3rd day, I don't know how long Nightmare Demon Race wants to spend with us."

Tiana said slowly.

Nightmare Demon Race is used to wandering around, simply has no fixed place.

But most of the clansman of Elf Race gather here, every extra day is consumed, for the whole race, it is a huge consumption.

And it is easy to cause dissatisfaction with ordinary clansman.

"Last night, there were accidents in three more city states, one for the Beast Ears and two for the Dwarf Race."

Lanqi took the Membership Card and finished contacting Serratel. After that, I said it out loud.

"Fortunately, they also transferred clansman, so the number of clansman disappeared is not too large."

This is the only good news.

But for Tiana and the others' confidence, it is undoubtedly a major blow.

Just reducing the number of clansman disappeared can be regarded as good news. What a helpless thing.

"It's going to be dark soon. According to the characteristics of Nightmare Demon Race's attack, every time they attack is at night."

"We must pull yourself together ."

Shanna looked at the rays of light disappearing from the horizon, and said aloud.

The night is always disturbing.

But for Nightmare, it is the best cover for action.


Storkal stood in the forest, looking in the direction of the elf Holy City.

This place is far beyond the powerhouse-level powerful perception.

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