"So many drinks..."

"Then I need a bottle of pure milk first."

Yafir after he learned well , First pick a bottle of pure milk.

Anyway, Qi Le's shop is here, and I can't run away, so there is no need to eat all at once.

"Take it yourself, there are on the price shelf."

"But it doesn't matter if you don't know, Membership Card will not be settled wrong."

Qi Le Speaking without raising his head.

By the way, I opened the lid of the instant noodles, and the rich aroma immediately permeated the entire store.


City of Life The towering city wall in this forest is indeed a spectacle.

But after seeing the crowd of to-and-fro, you will feel that the construction of this city wall is still very necessary.

On the streets of City of Life.

"Kurd, are you sure you didn't go in the wrong place?"

Fan Zan couldn't help but utter doubts after realizing that the road that Kurdish was taking was getting more and more remote.

"Very sure, Qi Store Manager said that he likes quietness, so he opened the store in a very remote place."

When Kurd said this, his tone was unconscious. Brought a trace of awe.

I also feel a little bit afraid of the ridiculous thoughts I had at the beginning.

Forging Master who even praises Fan Zhan master.

Kurdish originally wanted to take the inheritance of enchanting skills from the Forging Master.

Thinking about it now, it's really ridiculous.

"I like quietness, eh, I really have a master style."

"Now the youngster of Dwarf Race, it’s because I can’t rest my heart to hone my forging skills, I will let him These forging skills are getting weaker and weaker."

"If they can have the mood of one-tenth of this Forging Master, they won't be as lonely as they are now."

Fanzan listened to Kurdish words, and his words of admiration came out even more.

No matter what skill, will not be accomplished overnight.

The more a profound skill you want to honed to the point of having brought to the point of perfection, the more you need to be able to endure your temper and use time to continuously polish it.

So for this Forging Master who likes quiet, Fan Zan in the heart's evaluation is a bit higher.

In the current Dwarf Race.

Those clansman who have only learned a little about forging skills and fur, just want to open a weapon shop or open a forging shop.

For the more profound forging skills, I can't bear to delve into it at all.

How can it become a Forging Master?

The clansman of Dwarf Race do have unique innate talent for forging skills.

However, innate talent is certainly important.

Acquired efforts are also indispensable.

Innate talent can only determine the upper limit, and only hard work can determine the lower limit.

No matter how high the upper limit is, it just tells you that this is your limit and the highest point you can reach.

But if you don't work hard, then you can only wander at the lower limit.

"After listening to your words, I feel a little ashamed of my previous thoughts."

After the words of admiration were finished, Fanzan was sighed again and began to criticize Yourself.

In Fan Zan's view, a Forging Master with such a superb forging skill must be famous in City of Life.

However, Kurdish remarks made Fan Zan wake up.

The more you face the prosperity, the less you can calm down.

Fanzan is also inevitable.

After mastering the intermediate enchanting skill, known as the Forging Master, Fan Zan is also a little fluttering.

I am even more proud of my forging skills.

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