But I smell the rich fragrance.

Soon, the eyes of the girl of the beast ears showed a look of struggle.

"Then, is this barreled instant noodles delicious?"

The beast ear girl took a deep breath and swallowed while smelling the fragrance in the air.

For a foodie, whether it tastes good or not is the key issue. As for the price, it is all negotiable.

"Of course it is delicious, if you are not satisfied, I am willing to refund in full."

Qi Le said quietly.

It is of course impossible to find a system refund.

But with the Spirit Crystal that Qi Le has now saved, he took out thirty Spirit Crystals, which is one hair from nine oxen.

"That, that..."

"Then give me a bucket."

The beast ear girl struggled for a while before she said aloud To.

"Wait a minute."

Qi Le put down the fork in his hand and went to fetch a bucket of instant noodles in a new bucket. By the way, he also helped the beast ear girl Soaked.

"Wait 3 minutes, you can eat it."

After a warning, Qi Le returned to the counter.

Since this foodie girl came to eat in the store, it shouldn't be a problem to eat breakfast by yourself.

Qi Le thought to himself, picking up the fork in his hand, and mixing the bucket of instant noodles in front of him.

If this is soaked again, the noodles will be broken.

"Qi Store Manager, um, why did you open the store in this kind of place?"

Maybe it’s because you have nothing to do while waiting for the instant noodles. Started chatting with Qi Le.

Then the first sentence asked about Qi Le's sadness.

"This place is clean."

Qi Le replied blankly.

If you can choose, who doesn't want to drive in a lively place?

But the problem is that there is no choice.

During the small talk, Qi Le also knew the name of the girl from the Orc Ear Clan.


To be honest, this name doesn't sound like a girl's name at first.

Just like Yafeier himself, compared to the average girl, she is more heroic and looks valiant and formidable looking.

It’s just that the food attributes and the appearance of Yafeier are really not compatible.

And looking at Yafeier's realm, it is equally amazing.

Grandmaster Rank.

Although it is not yet Grandmaster Rank Peak, it is not far off.

To know the age of Yafeier, he looks about the same as Lilian, and it is estimated that the true age is not much different.

But Lilian is only a Professional Rank.

And Yafeier is already Grandmaster Rank.

This cultivation aptitude, this innate talent, is worthy of the beast ears called the battle race.

"Qi Store Manager, it’s been 3 minutes, can you eat it?"

Yafeier paid attention to the barreled instant noodles when chatting with Qi Le Never let go.

Accurately calculating time.

Even Qi Le admires this.

Eating food for good food is really making an all-out effort.

" Okay ."

"Then I will start."

Yafeier hearing this, immediately opened the lid of the barrel of instant noodles, Put the fork in a roll.

Then rolled up a ball of instant noodles and put it in the mouth.

Suddenly, a very rich flavor swept through Yafei'er's mouth, making her taste buds bloom.

"It's hot...but it's delicious!"

When the piping hot instant noodles are put in the mouth, the first feeling is definitely hot.

But the ultimate delicacy made Yafeier half-turned his head and breathed, simply reluctant to spit out the instant noodles in his mouth.

"Don't worry, eat slowly."

Qi Le slowly ate his instant noodles.

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