For the value of Gu Pingchuan as "the benefactor of magic elements", there is simply no need to consider whether the price is reasonable.

Because no matter what the price is, it is reasonable.

"One hundred thousand Spirit Crystals, no bargaining."

Qi Le slowly quoted the price.


There was a loud shout.

Regardless, these two words were not spoken by Gu Pingchuan, but by Ling Ao who was standing in front of the store.

"Ling Ao, why are you here?"

Gu Pingchuan looked back, his body intentionally or unconsciously wanted to block the title badge.

"Fortunately I came here, otherwise I don't know that Qi Store Manager has such a good thing here."

"Dean Gu, you don't need to block it, I can be outside the store I heard it all."

Ling Ao came to Gu Pingchuan with three steps and two steps.

Then he stared at the title badge placed on the table.

"This is the'career of magic elements', right."

"One hundred thousand Spirit Crystals, at this price, you are really too conscientious with Store Manager."

This sentence, Ling Ao said sincerely.

For these Heroic Rank magicians, "the patron of magic elements", not to mention 100,000 Spirit Crystals, even if it is 1 million Spirit Crystals, it is a low price.

Because for realm powerhouses like Ling Ao and Gu Pingchuan, they can get the blessing of magic elements, which is too great for the improvement of battle strength.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of improvement is simply not something Spirit Crystal can buy.

However, now, it can be solved with Spirit Crystal.

This is not a low price, so what is a low price?

"Wait, wait!"

"Ling Ao, this has to be a first come, first come. There is no bidding here in Qi Store Manager."

Gu Pingchuan quickly stopped in front of Ling Ao, righteously speaking.

"Of course I know."

"So I am not here to find Store Manager, see if there are other options."

Ling Ao Forcing himself to turn his head, no longer look at the title of "The Favor of Magic Elements", for fear that he would be tempted to grab it.

It's just the expression on his face, which seems quite painful.

"Aiya, come one step late, I will hate forever ."

Gu Pingchuan hummed an unknown tone when he saw it, activated the Membership Card on the counter, and paid One hundred thousand Spirit Crystals were purchased.

"Shut up."

Ling Ao looked at Gu Pingchuan with a tangled face.

That is to say, the relationship between the two is good, so that they can be so teased.

If you change to someone else, I'm afraid you will have to fight.

"Okay, well, this time is my first step, but if there is such a good thing next time, I will let you do it."

Gu Pingchuan Speaking of happily, the mood is obviously right.

Although in fact, the next time he encounters such powerful equipment that perfectly fits his rank, Gu Pingchuan will still be right in his pocket.

But if you should be comforted, you still have to comfort it.

"Okay, who you are I still don't know."

"I'm bad luck at this time, next time you won't be able to grab me."

Ling Ao waved her hand and bought a bottle of cold beer.

It's a drink to sorrow.

Qi Le watched the two quarreling beside him without speaking.

Qi Le sees this kind of thing a lot, and when it comes to The New World Mode, two people still have to team up to brush the dungeon.

"The things here are almost arranged."

"System, we can start branch location selection tonight."

Qi Le Standing behind the counter and seeing Yue Xi'er coming out of the warehouse, he called system in his mind.


.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 164: It's simply a price of conscience)...

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