Qi Le turned his head and took a look. He was almost surprised .

A slot machine with a height of one person appears silently behind it. Anyone who turns around and sees it suddenly will make a cold sweat.

"How come you haven't moved at all this time."

Qi Le took a few steps back and almost fell out of the window.

It took a long time to calm down and I asked in my mind.

system: "Host, don't you think that making such a big noise in the middle of the night is very disturbing to the people?"


" Do you still know the term disturbing people?"

Qi Le asked a little surprised.

system: "Of course, the quality of this system is not something a stupid host can mention on equal terms."


Qi Le Without the slightest hesitation, he took a sip.

I really have a sentence in my heart, I don’t know if it’s inappropriate to talk about it.

system: "Now, let's ask the host to start sampling new purchase channels."

Probably I felt uncomfortable, so system quickly skipped this topic.

"Okay, then I'll see what you can play."

Before Qi Le came to the slot machine, he looked up and down to make sure there was nothing wrong with it. After that, he set his sights on the start lever of the slot machine.

This slot machine is not the same as a normal slot machine. There is only one reel on the screen.

Only one option will be displayed on the screen at a time.

And the option that appears on the screen now is...

Divine Artifact?

Qi Le stared wide-eyed as he looked at the two characters on the screen.

There is actually a Divine Artifact purchase channel!

"System, if I don't smoke anymore, can I do this?"

Qi Le pointed to the slot machine screen immediately and said to the system.

system: "Host, please stay awake. If you want to dream, this system recommends that you fall asleep first."


Qi Le was speechless about system.

"It doesn't matter, then let you ignorant system take a look at the luck of my Qi people."

Qi Le took a few deep breaths, cheering for himself.

Then pull the start lever of the slot machine, fiercely to the end.

"crash-bang ——!"

The wheel spun quickly.

About half a minute or so, the speed of the runner gradually slowed down.

The options passed by Qi Le.

Finally, I stopped at the same two-word option.


"What is this?"

Qi Le looked at these two words, the whole person was not good.

Title purchase channel?

Can the title be sold as a commodity?

system: "Congratulations to the host, I got the title purchase channel."

"Wait, wait, system, please wait a little bit, I need your explanation, the title is a What?"

Qi Le hurriedly stopped the system.

Qi Le knows the title, such as Flame Sovereign of Ling Ao, Protector Diety of Gu Pingchuan, these are all titles.

Kind of similar to a nickname.

However, Qi Le is difficult to understand the title evolution channel.

Could it be said that whoever is given the title can afford the title?

For example, the title of Protector Diety of Gu Pingchuan is not something everyone can afford.

system: "Sure enough, it is a stupid host, the title belongs to a special category of goods, with buffs, you only need to regard it as a special piece of equipment."

Special equipment?

Qi Le rubs his chin, as if it is indeed the case.

However, what exactly this title purchase channel looks like, you still have to buy from it before you know it.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (chapter 153: Title purchase channel)...

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