system: "Host, please rest assured, this is the Heaven and Earth luck given to you by the will of Heaven and Earth of the Eastern Desolation ."

system: "Just host you I don’t need it for the time being, so I sent it to the person you want to resurrect that's all."

Heaven and Earth luck!

This is a good thing.

Good things that can make countless powerhouses flock to.

Shadow Demon has worked so hard to plot against for decades, isn't it just for the luck of Heaven and Earth?

The result is now.

Heaven and Earth from the Eastern Desolation directly gave a free copy.

In this moment, Yue Xi'er was not only able to be resurrected perfectly, but also a blessing in disguise.

With Heaven and Earth luck, you can get the favor of Power of Heaven and Earth.

Invisibly, it greatly enhanced Yue Xi'er's cultivation aptitude, innate talent, and potential.

More importantly, having the luck of Heaven and Earth on your back is equivalent to obtaining a pass to be promoted to the powerhouse level.

"This is really a great gift."

After listening to system's explanation, Qi Le immediately felt relieved.

In this way, the Road of Cultivation after Yue Xi'er is even brighter.

With the will of Heaven and Earth of the Eastern Wilderness, anyone who wants to trouble Yue Xi'er will have to be struck by lightning before he takes action.

"Finally, it was not in vain that I tried my best to leave the spirit of Demon Abyss in the hardships and dangers of the Eastern Wilderness."

Qi Le suddenly felt that the Heaven of the Eastern Wilderness And Earth's will is much more generous than system.

system: "Host, I seem to feel that you are thinking about something unfounded."

Sure enough, this Erbi system likes to look around when it's okay.

"No, how could I think about those weird things."

"I was just thinking that Heaven and Earth in the Eastern Desolation will make the spirit of Demon Abyss so generous I have given away all the remaining Heaven and Earth luck. Isn’t it a loss?"

Qi Le asked this question, it is typical to get cheap and sell well.

By the way, it can also vaguely compare the stingy things of system.

system: "Host you think too much. This system may do such a generous thing, but Heaven and Earth has more will than this system."


Qi Le immediately expressed disdain for system's self-selling boast.

Qi Le is very clear. This two-part system is only low in IQ, and has nothing to do with generosity.

The only advantage is that the things that have been fooled will never go back.

And even if compelled by circumstances is ready to go back, this two-part system will give equivalent or even super-value compensation.

But, anyway.

If system is boastful and generous, Qi Le will never agree with it.

system: "..."

system: "Host, do you still want to know the reason?"

"Yes, of course, system, your lord If there are a lot, don't worry about such trivial matters."

Qi Le quickly put away his disdainful expression, his face straightened, and said seriously.

You still have to give the face you should give.

Otherwise, the Erbi system would really fly into a rage out of humiliation, but it would be bad.

system: "That's right, the system will let you go this time a lot."

"It really is a massive system."

"Then let Master System continue to explain why Heaven and Earth will not lose their will."

Qi Le immediately changed to a frivolous look.

It can be heard from the previous words of system, although Heaven and Earth of the Eastern Desolation will transport a large amount of Heaven and Earth Qi to Yue Xi'er.

But for the will of Heaven and Earth in the Eastern Desolation, it is an absolutely no-loss business.

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