"That guy finally stopped."

Qi Le re-transfigured Dualbladed Halberd into a Thousand Machine Ball, and put it away.

In fact, Qi Le also knows in his heart that it is not difficult to defeat the Shadow Fiend in a short time, but it is basically impossible to kill the Shadow Fiend in a short time.

Half-step powerhouse level, how can it be so easy to kill.

So Qi Le at first is just holding the idea of ​​repelling Shadow Fiend.

And most importantly.

Qi Le’s Battle Qi is simply not a pure Battle Qi, but a more powerful energy.

This is the energy that system gives Qi Le.

No matter what level of Battle Qi and magic power you face, you can stabilize it.

As long as it can severely damage the Shadow Demon, the Battle Qi attached to the Shadow Demon's wound is enough for the Shadow Demon to drink a pot.

Qi Le knows this point in his mind.

But Shadow Fiend does not know, and it is impossible to know.

So for Qi Le, Shadow Demon will only be more afraid.

This will surely dispel Battle Qi from the wound first, and then continue to obstruct Qi Le.

"Must hold on."

Qi Le spread the perception, and soon found Yue Xi'er on the summon magic array formation eye.

There is still a breath, although a little weaker.

But as long as it is alive, it is good.

While perceiving Yue Xi'er, Qi Le has opened Space Gate.

The summon magic array that has been turned on also has defensive ability.

If you want to enter the summon magic array, unless it is a sacrifice.

Otherwise, it is the creature that comes out of the summon magic array.

Otherwise, it is to smash the summon magic array.

Although the summon magic array used for the spirit of summon Demon Abyss, at least the power of Heroic Rank can be destroyed.

But this is not difficult for Qi Le.

It's just that the powerful force that smashes the summon magic array may also hurt the Yue Xi'er on the formation eye.

So Qi Le impossible considers this method.

even more how, this defensive ability is actually just a decoration for Qi Le.

As long as the summon magic array is still in this space and can be sensed, Qi Le can use the power of the empty boots to get in.


The formation eye of the summon magic array.

Located at the center of the summon magic array.

Yue Xi'er, lying here, had already fallen into a coma.

Bloodline Strength was almost completely stripped.

This kind of damage is unbearable by any demi-human.

Although Bloodline Strength is not a life force, but if the Bloodline Strength is stripped off, the life force will also be destroyed.

At this moment, Yue Xi'er's life force is already exhausted.

"Found it."

The Space Gate opened, and Qi Le eagerly emerged from it.

I saw Yue Xi'er in a coma at a glance.

The face was so pale that there was no trace of blood at all, and there was also the skin that was so pale that there was almost no rosy.

Both are explaining the situation of Yue Xi'er.

Very not optimistic.

"It's okay, it should be okay."

Qi Le's heart suddenly tightened, and then immediately came to Yue Xi'er, cautiously helped Yue Xi'er up .

The movement is so soft as to hold a piece of fragile porcelain.

For fear of being heavier, you will break Yue Xi'er.

Immediately, Qi Le gently injected Battle Qi into Yue Xi'er's body, warming Yue Xi'er's body.

By the way, explore Yue Xi'er's physical condition.

Extremely weak, life force is exhausted.

Even the few remaining Battle Qis have stagnated and are no longer circulating.

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