The Shadow Warrior can manipulate the shadow, and naturally it can also use the shadow to assassinate.

This is also the reason why Shadow Warrior's assassination ability ranks among the best among many ancient ranks.

"Go die for me!"

The silhouette of the Shadow Demon suddenly emerged from the shadow behind Qi Le.

A dark shadow dagger was held in the hand by the Shadow Demon and pierced Qi Le's heart.

The speed is fast, like a black lightning.

"Be careful, Qi Store Manager!"

Baili Fenghua looked at him and felt shocked.

However, just as the reminder was spoken, the Thousand Machine Ball in Qi Le's hand turned into a slasher.

Without turning his head, he slashed towards the Shadow Demon.

From the perspective of God, all hidden enemies will be invisible.

It greatly enhances the perception and range of perception.

After entering the battle, the perception can be used to cover the entire battlefield without consumption until the end is found.

This explanation is not a joke.

This kind of non-consumable perception can capture every subtlety in the battle in your head.

This is the complete control of the battle.

It can be said that as long as the God perspective skills are still there, no one can sneak attack to Qi Le.

All assassin is just a not very funny joke to Qi Le.

"I have already said that your concealment skills are nothing but a joke that's all to me."

Qi Le coldly snorted, the saber knife in his hand suddenly A huge force broke out.

martial skill Trigger special effects with proficient skills.

armor piercing!


The shadow dagger in the hands of the Shadow Demon broke at the sound.

The Sabre Sword did not lose its momentum, and it slashed directly at the shadow demon's throat.

"shua ——!"

A splitting the air sound cut through this space and slashed on the shadow demon.

However, Shadow Demon's reaction speed was not slow. When the saber approached, he replaced his body with a shadow stand-in.

Carrying a huge saber knife, slashed on the shadow stand-in.

Divided the shadow double into two instantly.

"You still want to fight with me, and I will be with you at any time, but you have to be conscious of death."

Qi Le looked at the shadow demon's eyes, The intense anger that appeared.

This is an emotion that has never appeared before.

"Qi Store Manager, will you be angry too..."

Baili Fenghua has been paying attention to the situation here.

At the moment, I am also a little surprised.

To be honest, Baili Fenghua and Qi Le have known each other for a few months.

But in the impression of Baili Fenghua, Qi Le seems to have always been an easygoing image.

Even if the strength is deep and unmeasurable, there is no powerhouse shelf in the store.

However, at this moment, Baili Fenghua actually felt Qi Le's anger.

Just a look makes people feel palpitations.

"Do you have a good sense of death?"

"This sentence, I will return it to you, no one has dared to talk to me like this!"

The devil's face became gloomy.

Qi Le's strength is indeed a bit beyond the expectations of Shadow Demon.

But this does not mean that Shadow Fiend is afraid of Qi Le.

In the previous assassinations, although the Shadow Demon had the meaning of attacking him, it was also expected that Qi Le would prevent him in advance.

However, Shadow Warrior is not a pure assassin rank.

Shadow Warrior is a combined rank of warrior and assassin.

The assassination ability is Peak's.

The ability to fight head-on is also Peak's.

"Since the concealment technique is not effective for you, let's fight head-on."

Shadow Demon Detective Hand, shook the void.

The shadow immediately condenses into a slender katana.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 112: It's just a joke that's all)...

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