Yue Xi'er will come to Moonlight Forest to get revenge on Wolfhunter Clan.

Now Wolfhunter Clan is in collusion with the Shadow Temple.

Then if something happens to Yue Xi'er, it will naturally be inseparable from the strength of the two parties.

Qi Le with anger, simply has no idea of ​​keeping his hands.

After entering the territory of Wolfhunter Clan, all those who dared to stop Qi Le, whether it was from Wolfhunter Clan or from the Shadow Palace, were all shocked and killed by the soul.

There is not even a chance to get close.

As long as it is within a certain range and Qi Le notices it, it will fall silently.

Such terrifying power is truly terrifying.

"Sacrifice, Sacrifice Lord!"

"An enemy is coming in, and our people are about to be unstoppable!"

"Sacrifice Lord, this The enemy of time is too terrifying. Our clansman has all fallen down before being approached."

Several Wolfhunter Clan clansman rushed to the sacrificial hall.

The tone of reporting to Liefei was full of extreme panic.

Can't even see the enemy's face, so he was killed directly.

And the most terrifying thing is that every clansman killed has no signs.

Until one second before they fell, they were still communicating with clansman around.

Then in the next second, suddenly fell down.

This kind of invisible fear can shred their psychological defenses to the utmost extent and cause them to collapse.

"What! Someone has attacked again?"

"Is it another demi-human tribe?"

Liefei was shocked and immediately Asked aloud.

Wolfhunter Clan has had such a big incident before, and it must be unrealistic to hide it.

In the Moonlight Forest, the demi-human tribes with the most widespread eyeliner and the most informed sources will definitely know about this.

Wolfhunter Clan was attacked by the enemy, strength great injury.

Even if the Shadow Palace sends someone to protect it.

But that is just passive protection.

Because the people of the Shadow Palace will stay in the Moonlight Forest, the most important purpose is to guard the blood sacrifice array arranged in the Moonlight Forest.

Wolfhunter Clan, who has become a public enemy of demi-human, still has to spend this difficult time cautiously.

Otherwise, be besieged by the remaining tribes of demi-human.

I am afraid that the clansman who survived Wolfhunter Clan will have to explain here.

"No, no, sacrifice to the lord."

"There is only one enemy at this time, and he does not have any Bloodline Strength aura."

Wolfhunter Clan clansman answered immediately.

While speaking, the Wolfhunter Clan clansman shuddered as he recalled the silhouette walking in the forest.

The body trembled even more.

Faced with such a real god of murder, no one can calm down.

Unless your strength can be higher than him.

Otherwise, you can only tremble out of fear.

"If you don't have the breath of Bloodline Strength, then you are not a member of the demi-human clan."

"Who would run into the territory of Wolfhunter Clan at this time to make trouble What?"

"Could it be..."

Liefei frowns thought, and suddenly thought of a probability.

"The remnants of the moon cat clan, that powerhouse behind!"

I have to say that Liefei can become a sacrifice to Wolfhunter Clan, his brain is still very useful.

Only based on this little information, you can guess the identity of the person coming.

However, it is precisely because of guessing the identity of the enemy.

It made Liefei's face more ugly.

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