"When I came to Wolfhunter Clan, I met an unidentified person."

"I don't know if what you said is this one."

Shadow Demon raised his eyebrows and hooked his fingers.

The shadow around him immediately appeared in human form, and then he threw a person over.

It is Yue Xi'er who is in a coma.

"That's right, it's her."

Liefei just perceives the Bloodline Strength and can be sure that it is correct.

This is really a mistake.

Originally, Liefei saw Yingyi flying Yue Xi'er out, but did not pursue it. He thought that Yue Xi'er had escaped.

I didn't expect and was hit by the Palace Lord of the Shadow Palace.

"Bloodline Strength with higher concentration, may you be sure?"

Shadow Fiend looked at Yue Xi'er, who fell on the ground, unconscious, and suddenly asked aloud.

"I can be sure!"

Liefei answered without hesitation.

"It seems that even the fortune of this world is taking care of me."

"The blood sacrifice array, the sacrifice that is thrown, the living, is naturally better than the dead Good."

A smile suddenly appeared on the face of Shadow Demon.

This smile immediately made Nalankang look at Liefei jealously.

"I will keep half of the bloodline orb. In the Moonlight Forest, I will also arrange a blood sacrifice array."

"Nalankang, leave this to You are responsible."

As soon as the shadow demon turned his finger, a black shadow immediately swallowed Yue Xi'er in.

Shadow Warrior has the power to manipulate shadows.

It is an effective and convenient storage method to swallow the hunted prey into the shadow.

"Yes, Palace Lord!"

Nalankang bowed immediately.

The blood sacrifice array that was opened this time is not just a small mess in the past.

Shadow Demon General If such an important matter is entrusted to Nalankang, that is the greatest trust in Nalankang.

"Three days later, Moonlight Forest and Ruins of Dragon will start the blood sacrifice array together."

"By then, I will take the entire Eastern Desolation!"


Shadow Fiend spread his arms.

The shadow behind the Shadow Demon in this brief moment, constantly devouring the shadow on the ground, rapidly growing.

In just a few seconds, it becomes a giant beast that covers the sky and the sun.

At this moment, Liefei really felt the power of Shadow Demon.

The pressure released by the giant beast that obscured the sky made the entire Moonlight Forest quiet for a moment.

The pressure of terror is like the endless waves of the deep sea.

Wreaked havoc in the entire Moonlight Forest.

"The Shadow Palace will last forever!"

Nalankang yelled loudly, with a look of worship and craziness.

"I hope you don't make mistakes."

The Shadow Demon gave Nalankang and Liefei a condescending look.

The giant beast beside him rushed down and swallowed the Shadow Demon in one bite.

Then it turned into countless black shadows and fell on the ground.

The breath of Shadow Demon also disappeared outside the sacrificial hall.

It’s like it’s never been there.


The movement of Ruins of Dragon is better than one day.

It has been a long time since no one dared to come here.

Zhuo Ziqi sits on the edge of the formation mark of the magic array all day long. The formation mark of the magic array that has already turned red is like being portrayed with blood at this moment.

Zhuo Zizheng also waited aside, quietly watching the changes in the magic array.

There seems to be no one around here.

But Zhuo Zizheng knew that all the people in the Shadow Palace were hidden in the dark.

There is even a Heroic Rank powerhouse among them.

"Come here."

In the midst of all this boredom, Zhuo Ziqi suddenly opened his eyes.

The perception of Heroic Rank allows Zhuo Ziqi to perceive changes in aura from far away.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1091: Three days)...

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