"Okay, I promised. You should know when the store opens and closes."

Qi Le agreed directly without saying anything.

Open a store and somehow still have some income.

It doesn’t matter if there are fewer customers.

even more how, in this way, there is another free labor in the store.

"You know, you can do things with confidence."

Yue Shuangxue waved his small paw, then patted his furry chest.

An expression of "I do work, you can rest assured".

Qi Le nodded, did not speak.

Then as soon as I left the store, I turned around and saw Yue Shuangxue stretching on the counter.

Then, there was a look of excitement, "The adults at home are out, you can act wilfully."

"It's a strange thing if I can rest assured."

"System, you should help look at the store. I think you don't want to lose your income these days. Right."

Qi Le couldn't help holding his forehead, and reminded him in his mind.

system: "The host can rest assured, no one can take advantage of the store."

"Well, I believe you."

Qi Le deeply thinks Of course I clicked nodded.

Don't worry about this sentence of system, it is much more useful than Yue Shuangxue's sentence.

People who can take advantage of system are not born yet.

That is, Qi Le, as the Store Manager, can flick the system and get something out of it.

But now the system is getting smarter.

The reaction to Qi Le's flicker is getting faster and faster.

In this way, it's time to bring forth the new through the old, a new routine to fool the system.

system: "Host, I feel like you are thinking of something bad. This system suggests that you put these thoughts away."

Qi Le hearing this, expressionless Replied: "That must be your feeling wrong, what I was thinking about, I haven't thought of it coming from you yet."


Moonlight Forest, the territory of Wolfhunter Clan .

Liefei stared stiffly at the black robed man who came slowly.

Nalankang landed on one knee respectfully, lowered his head, and shouted loudly.

"Welcome to Palace Lord."

This shout is not only a etiquette, but also a reminder of Lifei.

In Wolfhunter Clan's clansman, there are not many people who can approach the sacrificial hall. After Yue Xi'er attacked, only Liefei was left here.

So after hearing Nalankang’s shout, Liffey suddenly fell to his knees.

Following the example of Nalankang, he landed on one knee and shouted loudly.

"Wolfhunter Clan sacrifices to Liefei, representing the entire Wolfhunter Clan, and welcoming the Palace Lord of the Shadow Palace."

This sentence represents Liefei's willingness to acknowledge allegiance to the Shadow Palace, and On behalf of the entire Wolfhunter Clan, willing to acknowledge allegiance to the Shadow Palace.

"No need to be polite."

Shadow Demon said quietly.

Although Shadow Fiend has extremely paranoid obsessions, he is not a person who values ​​pomp.

Because the Shadow Palace itself is a force hidden in the darkness.

The Shadow Warrior rank owned by Shadow Fiend is also associated with shadows.

So, if not necessary, Shadow Fiend prefers simple forms.

Those red tapes are always not worth mentioning in the face of absolute power.

Just like the disciplines of the Shadow Palace, they are still fighting in the Moonlight Forest.

But Shadow Fiend came to the territory of Wolfhunter Clan first.

But no one dares to despise him.

Because those who dare to despise the Shadow Demon are already asleep in the ground at this moment.

"Palace Lord, what can I do next?"

Nalan Kang nodded got up, but still bowed his head, and asked respectfully.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter One thousand and 89: Wolfhunter Clan is willing to offer loyalty)...

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