The real overlord rank, one rides as a thousand, the overlord’s domineering can make the enemy fearless before fighting.

Even opponents of the same level, under the pressure of the overlord, their strength will drop by 30%.

This is the power of the ancient ranks.

How can the power of these ranks be comparable to that of a swordsman rank?

"You have some insight."

When the shadow demon heard Baili's calm tone, his eyes flashed with surprise.

This thing about the ancient ranks, if it weren't the experienced and knowledgeable of Shadow Demon.

Ordinary people, I am afraid they have never even heard of it.

After all, those ancient ranks have been lost for a long time. I don’t know how long.

Those things that have been sunk in the long river of time have long since become legends.

How can ordinary people care.

"I have seen more things."

Baili Fenghua stared at the Shadow Demon closely, wanting to see some clues from his martial skill.


The shadow demon laughed indifferent expression, and then slowly said: "Since you recognize it, it's okay for me to tell you, my job Rank."

"Ancient rank: Shadow Warrior!"

Shadow Demon slowly said these three words.

Shadow Warrior, one of the ancient ranks.

Be attributed to the combination of fighters and assassin, Battle Qi class rank.

is one of the ranks hidden in the dark, possessing the power to manipulate shadows.

In terms of assassination ability, it is one of the strongest ranks.

"Shadow Warrior, really is an ancient rank."

"Shadow Palace is the current Palace Lord, half-step powerhouse...what is your purpose?"


Baili Fenghua raised his eyes and stared at Shadow Demon.

This level of strength is enough to be the most powerhouse in the Eastern Wilderness.

Simply no one can pose a threat to Shadow Fiend.

This level powerhouse, what else do you want?

"What is my purpose?"

"Your question is very good."

The Shadow Demon squinted his eyes with a false smile , And look at Baili Fenghua.

paused, and then said: "You think I will answer your question, right."

"Of course, I don't really care about this kind of thing, because it's here Now, there is no need to conceal anything."

"I ask you, you should know the so-called powerhouse-level power."

Shadow Demon said slowly.

"Of course I know."

Baili Fenghua is listening carefully.

Knowing the purpose of Shadow Fiend can we find weaknesses in it.

Otherwise, face the last half-step powerhouse powerhouse, and it is still an ancient rank.

Baili Fenghua knew that he basically had no chance of winning.

"Then let me tell you, in the current Eastern Wilderness, the impossible powerhouse-level power appears!"

The Shadow Demon suddenly raised his tone and said angrily.

That false smile also disappeared in this brief moment, and it turned into an angry face in an instant.

But soon, it changed back to a smiling face.

"What did you say?"

Baili Fenghua hearing this, some can't believe it.

The fact that the lifeblood of the Eastern Wilderness is broken and the luck is exhausted is a secret buried in the long river of time.

Only a handful of people know about the entire Eastern Wilderness.

Baili Fenghua is not clear about this, it is normal.

Even if it is Shadow Demon, he learned about it accidentally.

And what I know is not exhaustive.

I just know that in the Eastern Desolation, impossible powerhouse-level power appears.

The reason is simple.

Dong Huang’s lack of air luck is simply not enough to support a powerhouse-level power.

And this shortcoming is not only reflected in Human Race, but also in other races.

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