As the public enemy of the entire demi-human.

Even in the hands of Yue Xi'er there is a fish that escaped the net.

The remaining demi-human tribes in Moonlight Forest will probably not let go of the remaining Wolfhunter Clan clansman.


With a punch, numerous cracks appeared on the ground.

Although the magic array of purified bloodline is fragile, it takes a lot of space.

With the power of the Grandmaster Rank powerhouse, it will take a lot of time to destroy it all.

However, just when Yue Xi'er wanted to continue destroying the magic array, a wave of majestic Battle Qi suddenly strikes on her.

"pu ——!"

The unsuspecting Yue Xi'er's pupils shrank suddenly, and a mouthful of blood came out directly.

The tyrannical impact directly knocked Yue Xi'er out.

Smashed into the woods.

"I have only been away for a few days, how did the whole Wolfhunter Clan become like this."

Nalankang came to Wolfhunter Clan step by step with his hands behind his back. Outside the sacrificial hall.

Yingyi, who shot Yue Xi'er, was also hidden in the darkness again.


Liefei looked at the coming Nalankang, gritted his teeth, and finally lowered his head.

The situation is better than people.

Although Nalankang is just a Grandmaster Rank powerhouse, Kageichi who is guarding him is a real Heroic Rank powerhouse.

"Lie Fei offered sacrifices to the sacrificial offerings. It doesn't seem to be a good look on your face."

Nalankang still said with a smile on his face, speaking slowly.

"Sorry, sir, the Bloodline Strength you want may not be delivered to you as scheduled."

Liefei looked at the open space outside the sacrificial hall with a cold face.

The cracks above, and the collapsed grooves.

It was like hitting Liefei's heart, and it made him feel so distressed that he almost bleeds.

"Oh? Liefei sacrifices to the priest, do you know the consequences of your saying this?"

Nalankang raised his eyebrows and looked like smiling eyes Among them, there was a flash of dangerous rays of light.

The Shadow Palace does not have that many time, wait for Wolfhunter Clan to repurify Bloodline Strength.

If Liefei can't hand over the bloodline orb today, I am afraid that the whole Wolfhunter Clan will be sent underground by Shadow One without the need for others to do it.

"Of course I know, but the magic array was destroyed by someone."

"There is really no way to take out that many bloodline orbs."

Lie Fei without the slightest hesitation transferred all the responsibility to Yue Xi'er.

I want to borrow the hands of the Shadow Palace to get rid of Yue Xi'er.

After all, with Wolfhunter Clan's current strength, there is really no way to take Yue Xi'er.

"Is that so?"

Nalankang narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at the magic array, and scanned the things in the grooves.

Then opened the mouth and said: "It doesn’t look like it’s all destroyed."

"Since you are not protected well, then the bloodline orbs that are still intact are all Give it to the Shadow Palace!"

Nalankang said slowly.

It sounds like a discussion.

But the tone, like an order, cannot be disputed.

"What did you say!"

Liefei stared wide-eyed, glaring at Nalankang.

"Similarly, I don't want to talk about second time."

"The Shadow Palace has given you enough, bloodline orb, you can't keep it, do you still want to let it Will the Shadow Palace bear the loss?"

Nalankang was coldly snorted, looking at Lifei with disdain.

In front of the Shadow Palace, Wolfhunter Clan is nothing but a useful ant that's all.

If you did good, then it is not impossible to give some benefits.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1078: The Arrival of the Shadow Palace)...

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