Because of this Wolfhunter Clan clansman, he simply doesn’t want to believe the fact that the Borzoi guard will be defeated after becoming mad.

"This voice..."

Lie Fei slowly opened his eyes.

This time, I can't calm down anymore.

The defeat of the Borzoi guard after the madness is a fact that even if it is very unbelievable, it has to be believed.

Before the fierce battle came out of the Heroic Rank Trial Space.

Simply no one can stop the enemy at this time.

"If I remember correctly, you called, Yue Xi'er, right."

Liefei took a deep breath, and came to the sacrificial hall forcibly calmly Doorway.

I saw a woman with a petite figure and a beautiful face, standing not far away.

Those beautiful eyes, with icy rays of light, are looking at the sacrificial hall.

After someone from the Moonlight Cat family escaped from Moonlight Forest, Liefei went to look through the family tree of the Moonlight Cat family.

Naturally, I can know who this person is in front of me.

"You actually know me."

"It's my honour, Liefei offered sacrifices."

Yue Xi'er said quietly.

The sacrificial rituals in the demi-human tribes are all characters who are as everyone knows in the demi-human.

It is not surprising that Yue Xi'er can know Liefei, it is a rare thing that Liefei knows Yue Xi'er's name.

"Of course I know you, the only survivor of the moon cat clan."

"I am deeply sorry for your tragic encounter."

Lie Fei sighed, pretending to be sad.

Lie Fei knew that before Lie Zhan came out, his current task was to delay time.

As long as the bloodline purification magic array is safe, nothing else is important.

"You don't have to say such things in front of me. Since I chose to come here today, then I have no plans to let you go."

Yue Xi'er Xiumeiwei Fuck, his expression was cold and frosty.

For Liefei, Yue Xi'er can only feel sick.

"Yue Xi'er, I don't mean to excuse myself, but don't you want to know the truth here?"

"You should be clear, demi-human The impossible differences between the various tribes are so big."

"How can I, Wolfhunter Clan, have the ability to deal with that many tribes at once."

Liefei has a sincere tone. Speaking of.

In order to delay time, he even sold the Shadow Palace without the slightest hesitation.

"You mean, behind this incident, there is another black hand?"

Yue Xi'er questioned.

If you are wronged, you have a debt.

Although Wolfhunter Clan is absolutely impossible to let it go.

However, behind this incident, the black hand who drove the genocide of the moon cat clan is also unforgivable.

"Of course, otherwise, I Wolfhunter Clan have what skills and abilities to contend with so many tribes."

Seeing Yue Xi'er's interest, Liefei knew that he was This step is right.

As long as you can wait until the fierce battle comes out.

The humiliation that I have suffered now, when the time comes, must be returned ten times.

"Who are they?"

Yue Xi'er asked sharply.

"Shadow Palace, I don't know if you have heard of it."

"Actually, these unfortunate things are simply not our intention."

Liefei pretended to be very sad, but said the name with some trepidation.

It seems that the hunting of those tribes is done under the persecution of the Shadow Palace, compelled by circumstances.

"Shadow Palace!"

Yue Xi'er's pupils shrank suddenly, and then immediately restored to their original state.

Yue Xi'er is very familiar with this name.

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