At the moment the Evil Spirit Body was opened, Yue Xi'er’s attack collided with the incoming Borzoi guard.


A huge popping sound rang out.

Two powerful attacks collided together, stirring up gusts of wind and waves, and moved towards spreading around.

The trees that were close by were directly torn to pieces by the wind and waves.

Sawdust was raised in the sky

However, the attack of the Borzoi guard did not stop.

Yue Xi'er's counterattack was not interrupted either.

The boiling Battle Qi roared, running endlessly in Yue Xi'er's body.

"boom~ boom~ ——!"

The loud noise that makes people's spine chill keep coming out, like thunderous waves, constantly exploding in this forest.

The surrounding trees were all shattered by the afterwaves of the battle, leaving only the stumps close to the ground, still bearing the constant waves of wind and waves.

Cracks appeared on the ground, and countless huge stones were broken.

Every fight between Yue Xi'er and the Borzoi guards can arouse smoke and dust and raise countless rubble.

The aftermath of Battle Qi almost cut off this whole layer of ground.

"After being frenzied, only this."

Under the blessing of the Evil Spirit Body, Yue Xi'er fought with seven wolves after being frenzied. Retreat, not letting down the wind at all.

Madness actually stimulates the combat instinct in demi-human Bloodline Strength.

This is a means that consumes Bloodline Strength.

And Bloodline Strength, for demi-human, is potential and lifespan.

This is exactly the same as the saying that using frenziedness requires the consumption of potential and lifespan.

The longer the madness is turned on, and the use of the madness demi-human, the strength will drop a lot.

After a delay.

Yue Xi'er can clearly feel that the strength of the Borzoi guard who is fighting against him is declining.

When the madness effect disappears, it is time for the Borzoi Guard to be removed from Wolfhunter Clan.

"Power and consciousness should be in balance with each other."

"For the sake of strength, giving up your own reason, you are destined to impossible to give full play to this power. "

Yue Xi'er mad very clear defects.

Having stayed in Qi Le shop for so long, if I can't even see this thing.

That's really useless.

"Now it seems that your strength should be about to disappear."

Yue Xi'er has been able to handle it from spare no effort at the beginning to now.

There is even time to laugh.

For the enemy, anger and ridicule are the most appropriate vents.

As long as you can maintain a clear mind and not be swallowed by anger, then any other behavior is not excessive.


"Sacrifice to the lord, something went wrong , there is a major event!"

Several Wolfhunter Clan clansman who went to watch, stumbled in Sacrifice lobby.

Before I saw Li Fei, I started shouting.

The tone of voice is filled with panic and panic, which makes their voices very short.

"Calm down, idiot!"

"What the hell happened?"

Liefei wrinkled when he heard these Wolfhunter Clan clansman shouts He frowned and said in a cold voice.

Still so flustered in the sacrificial hall, that is disrespect to the ancestors.

If these clansman didn't have a good reason, Lifei would definitely let them know what it would be like to disrespect their ancestors.

"Sacrifice your lord, the Borzoi guard is injured."

"They were injured by the remnants of the moon cat clan, and they are almost unstoppable."

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