The soldiers of the city of Brightness who fought with the black armored soldier in the Shadow Palace were wiped out by the cavalry.

Only Rong Yukuo was left besieged in the battlefield.

Like a trapped beast, guarding the last dignity.


The rapid passing of physical strength makes Rong Yukuo do his best every time he swings his halberd.

Although the Grandmaster Rank powerhouse is strong, it is not completely shedding body, exchanging bones like the Heroic Rank powerhouse.

Falling into the battlefield, Rong Yukuo is doomed to end.

On Rong Yukuo's armor, there is no spot on Rong Yukuo's body that has no scars.

Dragon-Blood Mount is also riddled with scars.

But Rong Yukuo still insists.

Before the last trace of power is exhausted, absolutely impossible to stop.

This kind of bravery, even the black armored soldier in the Shadow Palace of fierce and unafraid of death, feels a bit of fear.

"Come again, why go back!"

Rong Yukuo roar, panting like a broken bellows.

The arm holding long halberd has already begun to tremble slightly.

This is a performance that is about to lose strength.

Dragon-Blood Mount also stopped running, and began to breathe incessantly.

At this time, the black armored soldiers in the Shadow Palace only surrounded Rong Yukuo and stopped attacking.

"You... are afraid..."

Rong Yukuo said intermittently, and the chest pain began to appear due to the loss of force.

"He is exhausted, ready to take Yaoguang City."

Yingluo saw this, his eyes drooped.

Even if Rong Yukuo's ending is doomed.

But it is undeniable that Rong Yukuo is indeed a warrior worthy of respect.

"Take my bow."

Yingluo said suddenly.

The guards who followed Yingluo immediately took their orders and took Yingluo's longbow.

This is an extremely magnificent longbow, the bow body is polished from the leg bones of the Grandmaster Rank Peak demonic beast.

The bowstring is made by twisting several hamstrings of Grandmaster Rank Peak demonic beast.

"Dear worthy warriors, let us say goodbye forever."

The eagle took over from the guards around him, took a Magic Core as an arrow, and made it into feathers. arrow.

Hit the bowstring.

"Come on, as long as I Rong Yukuo is still standing here, you don't want to go any further!"

Rong Yukuo took a deep breath forcefully, holding back what's in his chest Pain, roaring anger.

The scars all over the body are because the Battle Qi in Rong Yukuo's body is no longer enough to form a protective body Battle Qi.

The wounds of large and small, the blood that keeps flowing.

These things will constantly take away Rong Yukuo's physical strength.

Persevering until now, it has long been an arrow at the end of its flight.

However, no one dared to step forward to fight Rong Yukuo with the black armored soldier in the Shadow Palace.

By the strength of oneself, block the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses.

Probably because of a belief.


At this moment, a black shadow flashed past like lightning.

Then it turned into a feather arrow, pierced into Rong Yukuo's heart, and penetrated Rong Yukuo's heart.

"pu ——!"

Unstoppable blood spilled from Rong Yukuo's mouth.

The feather arrows created with Magic Core as arrows are blessed with armor piercing magic and burst magic.

When he pierced Rong Yukuo's heart, he also took away the last trace of Rong Yukuo's life force.

"Damn, I seem to be beaten by that guy again..."

Rong Yukuo's eyes began to fade.

In this brief moment, what Rong Yukuo thought of was Ling Xiao who had fought with him.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 105: The Death of Rong Yukuo)...

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