"However, you too underestimate the warriors of our Shadow Palace."

Yingluo's eyes looked at Yaoguang City with cold eyes, and a touch of coldness appeared in the corners of his mouth. Smile.

"If you are obediently and honestly unable to leave the city, you may be able to struggle on whilst at death's door for a few more days."

"However, since you are going to come out, then I'll teach you."

"What is the confidence of the Shadow Palace!"

coldly snorted, accompanied by orders.

"Mist of creatures!"

Yingluo waved his hand, and the voice of the order, with the help of Battle Qi, quickly spread into the ears of every soldier.

The black armored soldier who rushed to the forefront immediately drew his dagger and made a cut in his wrist.

In an instant, strange lines appeared on the wound.

The blood was spilled on the ground, but it was not absorbed by the ground.

Instead, a strange mist rose up.

This is the secret method possessed by the fighters trained in the Shadow Palace, which consumes their own life force and releases a weakened version of the mist of creatures.

When facing the enemy, there is no disadvantage.

And this is also the most terrifying place in the Shadow Palace.

The fighters they cultivated are almost all dead.

For the plan of the Shadow Palace, you can by fair means or foul, or even give up your own life.

The cavalry who charged out of Yaoguang City quickly collided with the black armored soldier of the Shadow Palace.

Originally, it should be a crushing situation.

But here, it is completely reversed.

The weakened version of the fog of creatures may not be a threat to the Heroic Rank powerhouse.

But its attribute that swallows Battle Qi and magic is the same.

When the horse is attacked by the mist of creatures, its physical strength will flow away quickly.

Those cavalry simply can't play any role, they fall to the ground because of the mist of life.

Once the rushing force disappears.

Faced with the black armored soldier in the Shadow Palace in the mist of life, the soldiers of Yaoguang City will never have a half chance of winning.

And every opponent killed by a black armored soldier in the fog of life will transform into the power of the fog of life, and then supplement it to the black armored soldier.

The more fights the more brave is.

"How is this possible!"

Seeing this scene, the expression on Rong Yukuo's face gradually turned into consternation.

There was even a chill from behind, reaching the bottom of my heart.

" My lord , what should we do now?"

The messenger next to him asked trembling with fear.

For a while, Rong Yukuo was speechless.

This is really a mistake, you lose every step.

Rong Yukuo did not expect at all that the rebellion of these deserted cities would have this method.

Able to treat the cavalry as nothing.

In the face of this kind of enemy, how long can the remaining 100,000 troops in Yaoguang City resist?

"Take my weapon and mount."

Thinking of this, Rong Yukuo knew that the odds of winning this battle were extremely slim.

However, Rong Yukuo, who was given a heavy responsibility by Paladin, was impossible to leave Yaoguang City.

"My lord, this..."

The messenger wanted to dissuade him.

Because Rong Yukuo needs to stay here to direct the battle, it is not suitable for him to play in person.

"No need to persuade this matter, prepare to evacuate the residents of Yaoguang City."

"In addition, prepare to send a letter to Glorious Star Empire imperial city."

"How about the victory or defeat, it probably won't take long."

Rong Yukuo shook the head with firm eyes.

There is the glory of death, but the shame of life.

The messenger looked at it and knew that he couldn't persuade him, so he took the order and let people take Rong Yukuo's weapon and mount.

A long halberd of nearly three meters.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter One thousand and 47: Get my weapon and mount!)...

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