On the 2nd day, the scouts from Bright Light City reported the news.

Not far away from the city, a large number of cavalry advancing movement was found, and the target was Yaoguang City.

" Good come!"

Rong Yukuo was sitting in the coach's mansion, analyzing the enemy's situation, and hearing this suddenly showed joy.

Morale can't be dragged down absolutely.

The so-called in a spurt of energy, it will decline again, and it will be exhausted after three.

This is the same for the soldiers who defend the city.

To put it bluntly, only Thousand Days is a thief, there is no reason for Thousand Days to guard against thieves.

If the rebellion of Zhenhuangcheng really does not come for a few days, the morale of Yaoguang City will definitely drop again and again.

People were alarmed by rebellion and chaos.

Soldiers are also humans. Hearing these news, his heart will also fluctuate.

So Rong Yukuo instead hoped that the rebellion of the deserted city would come sooner.

"Let all the soldiers of Yaoguang City gather, this time, we are ready to go out of the city to fight."

Rong Yukuo said with blazing eyes.

Cavalry is not suitable for siege.

This kind of thing, as long as any general who knows a little bit of military knowledge will know.

Therefore, the rebellion of the deserted city will definitely not use cavalry to attack the Yaoguang city, and that's all will be lost in vain.

And once they gave up the cavalry charge.

When approaching Yaoguang City, the advantage of cavalry ceased to exist.

Charge, that is also the distance that needs to be activated.

Even the best horse is impossible to speed up instantly.

Unless it is a powerful demonic beast.

However, the powerful demonic beast is impossible to be used as an ordinary mount.

Not to mention that most of the demonic beasts are very aggressive and are not suitable for use as mounts.

Even if you can tame the demonic beast.

But the fierce imposing manner exuded by the powerful demonic beast is simply not something ordinary war horses can withstand.

Putting into an ordinary battle formation will only disturb the horses.

Since there is no cavalry charge, then Rong Yukuo thinks.

Defending in Yaoguang City will only waste your advantage in strength.

Because in the face of enemies with strong Great Magician teams, the city wall does not bring much advantage.

Unless it is a magical array that can defend against magical attacks is portrayed on the city wall.

However, even though Yaoguang City is rich, it is not so lavish as to portray an array of defensive monsters on the city wall.

In that case, the Magic Core that needs to be consumed is an astronomical number.

After all, city-states are not the gates of sect.

There are so many city states in the entire Glorious Star Empire.

If you really want to lay out a magic array on the city wall of each city-state, it will exhaust the Glorious Star Empire's vault, and I am afraid it will not be possible.

"Yes, the subordinate understands."

The scout took the order and turned and left the coach's mansion.

Rong Yukuo got up from his chair after the scout had left.

"Come here, this handsome man put on armor!"


Outside the city of Yaoguang, there was originally a plain.

And now, on this plain, there are more than 90,000 riders, grandiose, and the sky is covered with smoke and dust.

The black armor and the white armor are entirely different, like two unstoppable torrents.

Banners cover the sky, and the sound of horseshoes shakes the sky.

It's really an imposing manner like a rainbow.

The eagle fell on horseback in armor and followed in this torrent.

Taking the lead is the best way for a coach to motivate morale.

"The front is the city of Glory."

"If you capture the city of Glory, you can directly point to Glorious Star Empire imperial city, when the time comes, I can use it too This credit has been exchanged for a Heroic Rank trial crystal."

Yingluo looked at the faint outline of the city state ahead.

Like a person about to starve to death, he saw a large table of delicious food.

There are rays of light in my eyes.

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