"The strength of Heroic Rank."

"In this case, I am also qualified to participate in the battle this time."

Qi Le took a deep breath.

"I just don't know, what is going on in Moonlight Forest."

After getting acquainted with his own power, Qi Le came to the bedroom window.

He looked into the distance.


Moonlight Forest.

This forest is the main residence of demi-human in the Eastern Desolation.

Just like other races rarely go to the territory of Human Race.

In Moonlight Forest, except for those demi-humans and demonic beasts living in this forest, which are the aboriginals here,

it’s hard to see others Race.

Therefore, it is difficult for others to clearly know the terrain in Moonlight Forest.

Baili Fenghua brought the Imperial Sword Sect disciples to Moonlight Forest, and it was fortunate that Yue Xi'er led the way.

Otherwise, you will get lost first when you come to Moonlight Forest.

Don't even talk about looking for the trail of the Shadow Palace.

"Sect Master of Baili, this is the map of Moonlight Forest."

After Alone left the team and returned again, Yue Xi'er got an extra Scrolls.

It depicts an uncomplicated map.

Mark the distribution of some demi-human tribes, and some dangerous areas.

"Many thanks, Xi'er, to have this map, but it really solves my urgent need."

Baili Fenghua is worried about the Moonlight Forest. Case.

This map can be regarded as provide timely help.

This kind of high-rank demonic beast forest, unlike those low-rank demonic beast forests, you can walk around at will.

In the High Rank demonic beast forest, powerful demonic beasts abound.

Once you walk into their territory, you may be considered an intruder and be attacked.

Those Grandmaster Rank demonic beasts would be good.

But in Moonlight Forest, Heroic Rank demonic beasts are not rare.

Baili Fenghua doesn't want to provoke those Heroic Rank demonic beasts at this time.

"You are welcome, Baili Sect Master."

"This map was originally drawn by the best cartographer in my family, and it should be the last one. Now."

Yue Xi'er shook the head, sighed.

Before leaving the team, Yue Xi'er was just to return to the place where the moon cat clan was once.

The former prosperity has now become a ruin.

"Xi'er, are you okay?"

Seeing that Yue Xi'er looked a little ugly, Baili Fenghua immediately asked aloud.

"It's okay, it's just a touch of emotion that's all."

Yue Xi'er waved his hand, then pointed at the map again, and said aloud.

"Baili Sect Master, some of the labels on this map may be gone now. If you want to go there, you must pay attention."

"These tribes , And these passages, they may have been destroyed."

Yue Xi'er clicked several places on the map.

these all are the tribes that Wolfhunter Clan destroyed when he started hunting.

The Lunar civet clan is one of them.

The other tribes highlighted by Yue Xi'er are only that's all that Yue Xi'er knows.

Maybe other tribes were destroyed, but Yue Xi'er didn't know it.

"What happened? Why is there such a big change?"

Baili Fenghua's fingers fumbled lightly on the sheepskin roll.

I can feel that the texture of this lambskin roll is not so old.

In other words, this map should be drawn soon.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter One Thousand and 38: The Last Map)...

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