Hearing this, Qi Le looking thoughtful clicked nodded.

Then rubbing his chin, he said faintly: "I have said so much, and I have benefited."

"What does this have to do with your release of the upgrade task in advance?"

system: "That's why this system says you are a stupid host, and you can't feel the favor of Power of Heaven and Earth."

system: "So it's not the system to bear this favor , Otherwise, do you think it is so easy to locate the branch?"


Qi Le looked dull.

This two-stroke system, why can you take the benefits of your own host so confidently?

Is there any reason for this? Is there still a king's law?

"You, you, you... I'm really, so angry."

Qi Le clutched his heart, suddenly feeling a little breathless.

system: "Host, this system knows what you are thinking, don't pretend to show it to this system."

I don’t know why, the system’s IQ suddenly seems to be quite high .

Sure enough, as soon as it involves specific benefits, the IQ of this two-pen system will suddenly increase.

"No, you have to give me back my share of benefits."

"Half is fine."

"No more It's time to discuss."

Qi Le is really furious.

The favor of Power of Heaven and Earth, this name feels strong enough to explode when you hear it.

This Erbi system even wants to be so arrogant and self-possessed. I really don't treat my host as a human being.

system: "Host, the favor of Power of Heaven and Earth, is really useless for you."

system: "Have you forgotten, you simply don't need to cultivation by yourself." ."


Qi Le was speechless when asked by system for the first time.

In this way, the favor of Power of Heaven and Earth seems to be really useless for Qi Le.

The favor of Power of Heaven and Earth sounds great, but the actual effect is to improve one's aptitude, innate talent, and potential.

Under the care of Power of Heaven and Earth, cultivation will not have bottleneck.

However, these things are useless for Qi Le.

aptitude, innate talent, potential, these things are worthless in front of the system.

"That won't work, even if it's useless, you can't give it to you so vainly."

"Either you can exchange it for something equivalent, or you can give it back to me, It doesn't matter if it's useless."

"At least it's a face to speak out."

However, Qi Le felt that he still couldn't compromise.

Otherwise, this Erbi system will definitely be unsatisfied next time.

So, in Qi Le's firm tone, the atmosphere seemed silent for a while.

system: "Host, the rank inheritance reel purchase channel has been repaired in half. If Power of Heaven and Earth can take care of it, it will definitely be repaired."

For a long time, this sentence came faintly in my mind.

system This is to change the purchase channel with the rank inheritance reel.

However, the rank inheritance reel purchase channel is originally Qi Le, and Qi Le naturally cannot accept it.

"No, there is a little bit missing, you can add some more."

Qi Le said very well.

At this time, you have to care about it, otherwise this two system will definitely not be recognized.

system: "Heroic Rank Trial Space at this time will appropriately reduce the difficulty."


Qi Le said immediately.

To complete the mission at this time, the Heroic Rank Trial Space in the trial room must be passed.

Otherwise, I have been borrowing the power of the system, I am afraid that those mission rewards are not enough to return to the system.

.. You can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1029: Half is OK)...

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