"I know, I won't take this task."

Xue Lang exhaled after confirming that Qi Le was not joking. Speaking slowly.

Qi Le's strength is beyond doubt.

Sometimes, listening to advice is not a bad thing.


Glorious Star Empire, a deserted city.

City Lord Mansion.

Yingluo stood by the window, his eyes falling on the endless Desert.

Not long after, in the Desert, rolling yellow sand was rolled up and swept toward the deserted city.

In the yellow sand in the sky, Ying Ying Chuo Chuo could see some dark shadows.

Accompanied by the sound of horseshoes, whizzing.

"It's started, and it didn't cost me to stay here for sixteen years, and finally it started."

Yingluo's eyes gradually became sharper.

There is a touch of coldness in it, like a sabre light in the eyes, which is breathtaking.

"Let all the City Guards in the deserted city gather immediately!"

Give an order.

Outside the study door, a guard left immediately.

In just a quarter of an hour, 50,000 City Guards in the deserted city were all assembled at the university field and the array was completed.

The soldiers are all neatly in Battle Armor, armed with swordsmen, with their heads high and their chests high, and their eyes sharp and firm.

Hundred households and Qian household stood in front of their respective formations, with their heads high.

The leader of the City Guard stood at the forefront, raised his head, looked at the school grounds, and shouted loudly.

"Eagle City Lord, the City Guard of the deserted city, the assembly is complete!"

"Very good."

I don't know when, Yingluo changed his armor , Stood on the stage.

My eyes patrolled over everyone's face in the school field.

City Guard is the battle strength belonging to each city-state.

Although nominally, it is necessary to accept the command of the imperial city generals, mainly by the command of the generals.

However, for Yingluo, this is a joke.

For sixteen full years, for a City Lord who is always thinking about it.

If you still can't control the City Guard in your own hands, then it is better for the City Lord to be improper.

"Open the city gates!"

Outside the deserted city, the people from Desert have also arrived.

The same is also 50,000 troops.

All of them are dressed in black Battle Armor, holding swords, and the dark horses are fat and strong, and you can see that they are good war horses at a glance.

This is the strength of the Shadow Palace remaining in the Desert.

It is also to keep an eagle's strength.

Together with the City Guard of the deserted city, one hundred thousand troops, the purpose is to contain the Glorious Star Empire.

"It's finally here."

The eagle stood on the stage, looking at the school ground below.

The city gate is wide open, the two forces are arranged in a square formation, and the entirely different ones stand on the left and right sides of the school field, one black one white.

These are the two most elite soldiers.

After Eagle Land completely controlled the deserted city, the training of City Guard also began to enter the real death training.

For this moment.

And the forces provided by the Shadow Palace, let alone.

Each one is experienced, a powerful warrior crawling out of the dead.

Glorious Star Empire is a kingdom that expands by faith.

Although the will is firm, it is not easy to instigate rebellion.

But when it comes to battle strength, fierceness does not mean that battle strength is strong.

The people of Glorious Star Empire can fight for their faith.

But that's all.

The Eagle does not need to be captured.

It should be said that for the people in the Shadow Palace, prisoners are dispensable.

Because after the blood sacrifice array is opened, all captives can become battle strength.

"Soldiers, have you ever thought about what you are training so hard for?"

Eagle's gaze, after scanning the school field.

Speaking slowly.

.. You can click on the "favorites" below to record this time (Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen: The Transformation of the Deserted City)...

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