When I woke up, I habitually checked Qi Le on the Guild forum, and I was immediately happy.

"It seems that the publicity this time is still in place."

"Then Guild Forum must also cooperate with the publicity."

Qi Le thought and thought Look at how to proceed with the next step of publicity.

This is the benefit of the three heaven knows holiday news in advance.

You can calm and orderly publicize.

Rather than just casually put up a stand and go out, then the story of the magic revision has to be passed on by word of mouth.

"Little Xue, are you there?"

Qi Le contacted Yue Shuangxue with a Membership Card.

"Just woke up, what's the matter?"

After waiting for a while, Yue Shuangxue's reply arrived slowly.

"Help me break the news on the Guild forum, I will give you some news."

"What news? How to do it?"

Yue Shuangxue can With such a reputation in The New World Mode, you will naturally not miss the Guild forum.

After all, many quoted posts are in the Guild forum.

"The news about the Qixi Festival, help me promote the Qixi Chocolates."

Qi Le thought for a while and posted the news.

About Tanabata chocolate, the main thing is to highlight its meaning as a symbol of love.

The boys and girls in the Academy are all looking forward to love.

Puppy love is not good, but loyalty is absolutely right.

even more how their age is not considered a puppy love anymore.

It's right to have a piece of Tanabata Chocolate.

"Oh? Strengthen spirit strength, express love, OK, I know what to do."

Yue Shuangxue is just a little kitty.

But the brain is still very useful.

Tanabata Chocolate, a good thing that has practical effects and special meaning, is not a loss.

So soon, a series of posts appeared on the Guild forum.

"To bless sweet and bitter love, present Tanabata Chocolates."

" Tanabata Chocolates, please give them to the person in your heart on this special festival of Tanabata. " " faithful love for that offer gifts, with a love of sweet and slightly bitter chocolate Tanabata, you deserve to have. " highlighted Tanabata The special meaning of chocolate.

The cocoa bean is a plant, but this World does not have it.

So as soon as the post about Tanabata Chocolate came out, it quickly attracted a large number of youngsters who had nowhere to vent their emotions after watching the Qixi Festival promotional video.

Feelings need items to entrust.

Even if it is a confession, you have to hold something in your hand.

Otherwise, where is the token of love?

So under these posts, all the posts are asking where the Tanabata Chocolate can be found.

"Love really makes blind ah."

"Tanabata Festival is passed from Qi Le out of here, of course, in this Tanabata chocolate shop ah."

Yue Shuangxue looked at the thread below the post, wanted to roll his eyes but couldn't make this expression.

Yue Shuangxue can't understand this thing about love.

This species of Devouring Civet, there will only be one in the world.

Yue Shuangxue has no one to fall in love with.

But this enthusiasm is exactly what Yue Shuangxue wants to see.

After whipping everyone's appetites.

A post about the origin of Tanabata Chocolates instantly became popular.

"The New World Mode Qixi Festival event, for every lover, send Qixi Festival chocolate."

"The Qixi Festival event players will be rewarded with great benefits. During the event, there will be more Mysterious item can be obtained. For the one you love, go and work hard."

.. You can click on "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 101: Forum Propaganda)...

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