Chapter 122 Believe

“Uncle En, our guard, how many more can you believe?”

Ye En shook his head: “Hey…! Since the master is in charge of the overall situation, the guards in our house have been suppressed and scattered. The guards outside are all from the master. I listen to Young Master. I ordered them to be cleaned up last night. This morning, we are a guard, there are no more!”

“Don’t worry, I will think of a way, you will wait at home first, remember, don’t tell my mother!”

Ye Chen went back to the room, found a new set of clothes and put on it, and followed Ye En to the outside of the house.

“Young Master, don’t be impulsive!”

“These bandits just want money. The life of the Fourth Master is still in their hands. Don’t be impulsive. If the bandits tear up the ticket, we can’t explain to the people in the Fourth Master’s Mansion!”

Ye En followed step by step, confessing, for fear that Ye Chen was born as a calf, and regardless of the overall situation, he would cause trouble!

Ye Chen walked in strides, and said as he walked: “I know, you go back!”

Ye Chen didn’t look up, but strode out of the house and walked all the way into the city.



On the way to the city gate, a group of people rushed out, led by a brave little girl.

“Stop!” Ye Chen suddenly rushed out and directly stopped the girl riding a horse.

“Ye Chen? Get out! I have something important!”

The girl on the horse is Ye Qingyuan, the daughter of the Fourth Master’s Mansion.

Ye Qingyuan is half a year younger than Ye Chen, so she is also seventeen. She is as long as a flower and is easy to commit crimes when she looks at her face. Her soaring ponytail is full of girlish breath, and she is wearing a suit. The leather jacket is just a little wild cat.

“Qingyuan, what are you doing?” Ye Chen asked knowingly.

“It’s useless to tell you, get out of the way!” Ye Qingyuan glared at Ye Chen, but she was anxious to save her father, can you?

“I will save my fourth uncle with you, but you promise me one thing first!”

Ye Chen hasn’t said anything yet! Ye Qingyuan pointed at Ye Chen directly with the whip: “Are you going to get away? Go to your woman, grandma doesn’t have time to care for you!”

“Bha…!” With a wave of the whip, it was pulled on the horse’s ass, and the BMW under him uttered a long cry, and rushed towards Ye Chen directly.

Ye Qingyuan wasn’t so cruel, she guessed Ye Chen wouldn’t be able to avoid it, right?

However, Ye Chen did not hide, which made Ye Qingyuan also startled: “You are crazy, get out of here!”

As soon as he finished speaking, it was too late, and Ma had rushed to Ye Chen’s front.

“Give me a stop!” Ye Chen slammed his right hand directly on the horse’s head. The tall horse, and the BMW horse, was pressed on the spot by Ye Chen’s hand.

This time, Ye Qingyuan was taken aback. How terrifying is that? he? How can it be?

“You…?” Ye Qingyuan was a little surprised and didn’t know what to say.

Ye Chen said: “I know you are going to save your fourth uncle. I really will go with you, but you will first lend me ten people to guard my house. I will replace the ten guards, how about?”

Ye Qingyuan was anxious: “Ten guards? You are crazy, I am going to save people now, I still think there are few guards!”

“Besides, what do you want to do? I need someone to protect you!”

Ye Chen looked at Ye Qingyuan: “Do you think I use you to protect it? Can your ten guards hold this horse?”

“Qingyuan, you believe me, I can help you!”

“In short, if you don’t give me ten guards, you won’t be able to leave today!”

Ye Chen really can’t help it, he can’t say that if he doesn’t, explain? Is it clear now?

“Ye Chen, you bastard!” Ye Qingyuan was furious, but she hurried away and gritted her teeth: “I won’t go to ten people! I tell you Ye Chen, you are the one who wanted to die! Don’t be killed by the time. Scared, scared…!”

“In short, if you delay my saving, I will definitely break your body into pieces and throw it into the mountains to feed the wolves!”

“Isn’t it over if I didn’t say that earlier?” Ye Chen heaved a sigh of relief and waved to the guard: “Hurry up!”

“Uh…! Yes!” The head guard of the fourth home waved his hand, walked ten guards, and ran in the direction of Ye Chen’s house.

Ye Chen stretched out his hand.

“What?” Ye Qingyuan looked at Ye Chen strangely.

“Go up! Are you planning to let your brother and me run after you?”

“You…? Don’t you know how to ride by yourself?” Ye Qingyuan was mad at the Big Brother.

Ye Chen said silently: “If I can ride a horse, would I run to stop you! Don’t talk nonsense, I am your brother, what’s wrong with riding a horse together?”

“I am!” Ye Qingyuan was angry that there was no other way, and in desperation, she could only stretch out her hand and let her predecessor position.

Ye Chen pointed to the back: “I’ll just sit back, such a big man, held by you, in the future in Frost Rain City, I still can’t get mixed up?”

“Do you still know that you want a face? But, you said it yourself! Come up!” Ye Qingyuan pulled Ye Chen.

With Ye Qingyuan’s power, Ye Chen flew on the horse.

“Ding…! Congratulations to the host, the sign-in is successful, the sign-in point has increased by 1 point, and the current sign-in point is 2 points.”

Ye Qingyuan.

Strength: Samurai fifth-level.

Cultivation Technique: Ye Family Boxing, skill rating (G)

Wuwei Jianjue (incomplete), skill rating (F)

“Remind the host that the host’s sign-in ability and the host’s personal strength are mirroring Ascension. Once the host chooses to learn skills with a skill rating of E, the host will not be able to steal any skills from an F-level enemy again, except for special skills.”

“Secondary reminder, first-level Cultivation Technique with high skill rating, once incomplete, will be processed in the way of downgrade evaluation. Once you learn, you can upgrade the level by supplementing and completing the incomplete skills. Unable to upgrade.”

Ye Chen immediately chose to learn. Wuwei Sword Art is the Ye family’s family sword art. Ye Chen must learn it. It doesn’t matter if it is incomplete. Just find an Elder and you can complete it!

“Ding…! Congratulations to the host for successfully learning, the sign-in point is reduced by 1 point! Currently 1 point.”

Ye Qingyuan didn’t want to talk nonsense, she swung a whip.

BMW rushed instantly.

Ye Chen sat on the horse’s ass and was directly provoked by this, and almost didn’t fall directly.

He hurriedly clamped his legs, but this time, something went wrong.

His strength is six hundred, which is equivalent to the sixth-level strength of an ordinary warrior.

Because of the tension, Ye Chen was afraid of falling. His legs were tightly clamped. With a force of six hundred jin, he couldn’t hold the power as long as he wasn’t an iron horse!

The horse’s butt hurts, and he rushes forward, with a bit of intention to throw Ye Chen off.

But the more the horse wanted to throw it, the tighter Ye Chen clamped it, and the painful horse called out.

Ye Qingyuan looked back and saw that Ma Cha’s stomach was pinched off by Ye Chen: “Hey…! Hey…! Ye Chen, what are you doing? Are you crazy? It’s a horse, not a car! Like you Did you clip it?”

“Am I afraid of falling?” Ye Chen explained.

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