God Level Recovery System Instantly Upgrades to 999

Chapter 898: What to do if you starve to death!

The land area of ​​Muzhou is much larger than that of Tuzhou.

Until night falls.

Su Ba only found the destination of his trip-the headquarters of the Muzhou Superseder Organization.

at this time.

In an elegant room.

There are two people sitting face to face.

One of them had a grim complexion, a sharp face, and an extraordinary temperament. It was Su Ba.

On the other hand, Su Ba received him, a middle-aged man, handsome in appearance, elegant temperament, and strong aura of A-level inferior abilities faintly exuding around his body.

"Is Su Ba? A-level inferior power type supernatural ability person, who just came from Tuzhou, now wants to cross the state here to Shuizhou..."

The elegant middle-aged man opened his mouth with a smile, while scanning lightly on a document on the table.

This document is the filing data of Su Ba by the Tuzhou Supernaturalist Organization.

"Yes, I want to go to Shuizhou across the state."

Su Ba spoke straightforwardly.

As for the miscalculation of his strength in the information, Su Ba didn't care.

A bunch of numbers, no big deal.


After hearing Su Ba's confirmation, the elegant middle-aged man nodded slightly, his eyes still scanning the information.

"Your mission in Tuzhou is to eliminate the top level 5 monster water monster..."

After thinking for a while, the elegant middle-aged man raised his head to look at Su Ba and smiled lightly.

"Mr. Su, since you want to cross the state, there is no problem. Our Muzhou has always respected a strong like you.

However, the necessary procedures must be followed, otherwise it is difficult to explain. "

"I understand, what task, let's talk about it."

Su Ba spoke lightly.

The elegant middle-aged man smiled slightly, "It's also a coincidence that in the suburbs of Huayang City, Muzhou, some people from our agency discovered the underground monster cave that was about to be formed.

According to the detection of the demon qi spilled from the entrance of the underground demon cave, the level of the monster inside is around the fifth level, but the energy intensity is relatively high, and a group of fifth-level monsters are likely to appear.

It was originally intended to be solved by the B-level strong team of our superpower agency.

But now that Mr. Su is here, the removal of this underground monster cave is up to you! "

"of course!"

The elegant middle-aged man smiled again and added.

"Because this underground demon cave is provided by our superpower organization, if it is Mr. Su, after you complete the task, you hope to turn in half of the spoils."

This trophy naturally refers to the monster energy stone.

"Well, I understand this."

Su Ba nodded, noncommittal.

The elegant middle-aged people are also right, and Su Ba is not unreasonable.

"Oh, there is another situation."

"what's the situation?"

Su Ba looked at the refined middle-aged man.

"This situation is that during the spawning period of the underground demon cave, it may also be discovered by other superpower teams.

If it was the monster they solved, then Mr. Su's mission would have failed, and he had to change to another mission to complete. "

The refined middle-aged man smiled.

"I know, then I'll go there first."

After Su Ba spoke lightly, he stood up.

"Well, I wish Mr. Su every success."


Huayang City, the western suburbs.

Outside a quiet and peaceful village, this day ushered in an unexpected guest.

The man here is a young man in his twenties.

After arriving, he did not enter the village, but directly meditated under a big tree not far from the village.

The young man's face was stern, with sharp edges and corners, and under the two sword eyebrows were a pair of eyes that were as deep as a starry sky!

Between the eyebrows, there is a very obvious lightning mark, the mark is restrained, but it contains a faintly palpitating breath.

Sitting in the same place casually, the whole person seems to exude a domineering domineering, full of man's rigid beauty!

A person appeared suddenly, and he was such a man of heroic spirit and extraordinary temperament!

The girls in the suburban villages, who have ever seen such a handsome guy with style and temperament, so often when they are free, they will come out to watch secretly.

One day passed quickly.

In the early morning of the next day, the sun had just risen from the east, bringing a soft light to the earth.

The village not far away is already a bit lively.


Five or six girls with red lips and white teeth can be seen walking together, and they crept to a place not far from a big tree here, secretly peering.

"Hey, look, he is still sitting there."

One of the petite girls pointed in a direction and whispered to her companion.

"Yeah, he won't just sit there all the time, he seems to have not eaten for a day."

"Is it a wooden person? Still motionless..."

"I don't know, do you want to go and take a look?"

A girl with a ponytail suggested in a low voice.

"Farewell, what if it's a bad guy?"

"No, do bad guys look so heroic and masculine?"


At this time.

"Let me ask."

In the crowd, the most beautiful and beautiful girl bit her lip and walked up slowly.

"That one……"

The girl came to Su Ba about three feet away and said cautiously.

"Mr., you seem to have been sitting outside for a day and you haven't eaten anything. Are you hungry, do you want me to bring you something to eat? And... have you encountered any difficulties?"

In the girl's concept, there is no place to live, no food to eat, that would be too pitiful.

"No, thank you."

Hearing the sound, Su Ba slowly opened his eyes and smiled lightly at the girl.

The deep eyes are like the sea of ​​stars, and one glance seems to make people sink in.

As Su Ba's eyes opened, the whole person's temperament was once again elevated, and it seemed even more heroic!

"Wow, so handsome!"

From the crowd behind, there was a low exclamation.

Sina could not help but blush when she saw it.

Growing up, it was the first time she saw such a handsome young man up close.

This is much better than those stars on TV.

"Is it really unnecessary? No money."

Sina whispered.

She thought that Su Ba was eating and sleeping, and she probably had no money, so she added.

"No, I'm not hungry."

Su Ba shook his head and said with a smile.

"OK then."

Sina secretly glanced at Su Ba again, then turned around, and quickly came to the crowd behind with small steps.

"He said he is not hungry."

Sina looked at her sister and said.

"No way, how can you not be hungry if you don't eat for a day? I guess he is a man with strong self-esteem..."

The ponytail girl touched her sharp chin, and said self-analysis.


Another petite girl said, "Why don't we bring something over and give it to him directly, this little brother has nothing to eat, what if he starves to death in a few days."

"It makes sense."

Others echoed.

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