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Chapter 882: How many people came out to die!

That night.

The moonlight was pale.

An abandoned factory in the south of the Eastern District.

Overgrown with weeds, mottled buildings, muddy ground, and air-conditioned.

Do not know why.

The wind tonight is extremely cold, as if it had come to nine cold winter days, with a sense of murderous air.

Inside a big dilapidated factory.

Wang Xiaoyi was imprisoned in a chair, and there was no one around.

No, there is another man in a dark black robe standing beside Wang Xiaoyi, fiddled with his scarlet nails.

"Hoho, more than an hour has passed, and Su Ba hasn't come over yet, it seems...Little Wang Xiaoyi, is he not very concerned about you."

The secluded atmosphere was silent for a long time, and the gloomy black robe man put down his fingers and said gloomily.

"It's because you think too much. My relationship with him is an ordinary friend. How could he have come to die if he knew he would fall into a dead end."

Wang Xiaoyi looked at the gloomy man in the black robe with a sneer.

"Suspected A-level inferior superpower, it doesn't look good."

The gloomy black-robed man shook his head suddenly, "Ho ho, on the phone just now, the tone is so sharp and loud, it's nothing but you."

"If it were you, would you dare to come and die? Standing and talking will not hurt back!"

Wang Xiaoyi snorted disdainfully.


She only felt tight!

The gloomy black robe man's gloomy eyes stared at her like a poisonous snake!

"Little girl, she's beautiful, her mouth is quite poisonous, but if it makes me unhappy and tears your mouth apart, don't blame me for not reminding you!"


Wang Xiaoyi's chest was ups and downs, gritted his teeth bitterly.

She is indeed the fish on other people's cutting board now, and she can be killed.

The dark-robed man smiled evilly and wanted to say something more.

"Report, head, the target seems to have appeared, already at the gate outside the construction site."

A deep voice rang in the tiny earphone of the man in the gloomy black robe.

Oh? coming?

"Whoever of you wants to make a move, go to the bottom, if you don't want to make a move, just let him come over."

The dark-robed man said with a smile.

"I see, head! I really don't believe it, a kid in his twenties will be an A-level powerhouse!"

"Little girl Wang Xiaoyi, take a look, and you said that the relationship is normal, isn't he here?"

After hanging up the communication, the dark-robed man looked at Wang Xiaoyi playfully and spoke.

"How... how could..."

Wang Xiaoyi was stunned.

She didn't expect that Su Ba would actually come over.

These people will kill him, isn't he afraid? !

"Jie Jie Jie, the hero saves the United States, see if he will be saved, but it may be a pity. If he is a man of fame, I am afraid that even my first round will be..."


The man in the dark black robe hadn't finished speaking yet, in the silent night, there was a screaming scream from Reran!

The screams were very short, sounded and extinguished instantly!

But judging from the decibel of the cry, it is enough to see how severe the blow has been!

Ok? !

The dark-robed man's complexion changed slightly!

Next second!


The iron door of this dilapidated factory building was blown apart by a violent kick!

A large number of fragments of the iron gate splashed around, and fell to the ground bang bang bang, causing a lot of smoke.

main entrance.

A slender figure walked in slowly.

An eight-foot-tall tall and straight body, a cold face, and a sharp face, as he entered, the air in this factory building suddenly dropped several degrees!

In the hands of this person, there was also a black robe man's neck.

It's just that the black-robed man shrugged his head, his eyeballs bulged, bloodshot, his complexion distorted, and his death was miserable. He was actually squeezed his neck!

Ok? !

The headed man in black robe was slightly surprised!

This subordinate is a B-level mid-level agility superpower. His speed is as fast as lightning. He was caught and squeezed his neck in such a short period of time? !

"Are you Su Ba?"

The gloomy black robe man looked at Su Ba from a distance, narrowed his eyes like a snake, and spoke coldly.

Su Ba's face was cold, he casually threw the corpse in his hands, and said coldly with his hands on his back.

"How many people will come out to die!"


The gloomy black robe man is not light, is this horse riding Chi Guoguo's contempt? !



In the shadowy area around the factory building, eight figures suddenly appeared, encircling Su Ba Tuantuan in an instant.

Each of these eight people exudes a strong aura, either cold, hot, or heavy, and then according to the specific mysterious station method, the combination of all kinds of auras forms an unimaginable huge pressure!

This kind of pressure is present, even if it is a B-level powerhouse, it will suddenly kneel on the ground!

However, Su Ba's figure is like a vigorous green pine, straight and upright, his complexion unchanged!

"Sure enough, you are an A-level inferior powerhouse..."

The headed ghastly man in black squinted his eyes and sneered.

"But even if it is the A-level low-level powerhouse, the eight forces of my killing team gathers the power of eight B-moderate and above powerhouses to increase the power, and the power generated is extremely powerful!

Su Ba, you should be fortunate that you are the first A-level powerhouse to be killed after I kill the eighth army, Jie Jie Jie. "

Su Ba's face was expressionless, his icy eyes cast a deep look at the gloomy black robe man.

"You are the mastermind, don't you worry, I won't let you die easily."

He dare to be so arrogant under the eight troops of his killing men? !

The man in the dark black robe was furious and said coldly.

"Too lazy to talk nonsense with you, kill him for me!"


Following the command of the ghastly black robe man!

The eight men in black robes of Grade B and above that surrounded Su Ba burst out of their bodies!

The occult aura is integrated and increased under the action of the formation, and the terrifying aura of fusion is like a volcanic eruption, soaring into the sky!

Even the power of the A-level inferior powerhouse is nothing more than that!


The eight black-robed men shouted together, and they all used their strongest skills to rush towards Su Ba!

"be careful!"

Wang Xiaoyi couldn't move, he could only watch Su Ba being hit by such a terrifying siege, and let out a loud cry.

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