Time left quietly.

In the past two days, Su Ba did not go to the bedroom or classroom.

It is normal for a person like him to use the sky as the bed, the ground as the bed, the rolling curtains of the mountains and rivers, and the bed of the stars and the moon.

Su Ba was sitting cross-legged in the mountains and forests north of Mingyue University, next to the lake where the water monster was once settled.

The vitality here is a bit higher than other places, and the air is clear and no one disturbs.

During the enlightenment, his spiritual consciousness covered a ten-kilometer radius at the same time, and the situation of the school was clear at a glance.

It was early morning on this day.

There are no classes at the university, but there are a few students in the playground who get up early and do morning exercises.

By the mountain forest and lake.

A figure in black clothes sat quietly on the ground, his eyes closed slightly, and his breathing was inaudible.

A faint air of enthusiasm continuously emerged from his body, faintly there was thunder, electric snakes flowing, reflecting the increasing majesty of his original cold face, inviolable!


"Jingle Bell--"

A crisp ringtone broke the tranquility here.

Su Ba opened his eyes, the blazing electric light in his eyes quietly disappeared.

Taking out his mobile phone, Su Ba's plain eyes showed a hint of surprise.

Fei Ye called.

Longdong Building, the boss behind the largest gambling place in Tuzhou, Fei Ye.

"It's not that the people of the Meng family will arrive in seven days. Counting the time, it should be a few days later. This Fei Ye is calling now. Could it be that the people of the Meng family have come early?"

Su Ba's mind was bright, thinking that he had answered the phone.

"Mr. Su Ba, I have to trouble you to come over, those guys, have arrived early."

As soon as the call was connected, Feiye's voice came through the receiver, and Feiye's tone was faintly sulky and hateful when he mentioned those guys.

"I know."

Su Ba faintly responded and hung up the phone.

Slowly stood up, moved slightly, and disappeared silently.


Longdong Building.

Su Ba visited once a few days ago.

The waiters who were received at the beginning didn't care too much.

And this time just entered the first floor gate.

All the waiters present on the first floor were shocked!

"It's him!"

Everyone recognized it all at once!

Wasn't the black-clothed stern young man in front of him the one whom the boss and manager gave to him warmly last time.

It was the first time they met at that scene, which is still fresh in memory!

In addition, Su Ba himself has a special temperament and is full of masculine charm, and women will never forget it easily.


All the waiters were ready to come up to greet them, but was stopped by the look of the steward on the first floor, and then she greeted him with a smile on her face.

"Hello, gentleman, can I help you?"

The staff on the first floor are also more flexible, with fair skin and good figure.

While they were talking, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Su Ba with a smile, with a hint of fascination.

Su Ba's identity is not easy at first glance. It is not easy to make their Longdong Building bosses treat them so seriously and respectfully show good people, and I don't know how capable they are.

With a strong background, coupled with good looks and temperament, it is easier to make a woman's heart sprout.

If you can get Su Ba's love, it can be said that life will never pass one step.

But the female steward on the first floor was quickly disappointed.

In the face of the spring light she deliberately revealed, Su Ba didn't even look at it, his eyes were plain as if he was looking at a pink skull, indifferent.

It simply replied to her.

"Boss Fei is in the grand lobby on the 33rd floor. I can find him by myself."

After speaking, Su Ba put his hands in his pockets, passed the group of people, and walked into the elevator alone under the admiration and awe of everyone.

"So domineering..."

"So handsome!"

"I don't know which woman can be liked by this kind of man."

"At first glance, it's a gentleman..."


After Su Ba left, the many waitresses on the first floor were still whispering.


at this time.

On the top floor of Longdong Building, there is a luxurious hall on the 33rd floor.

Fei Ye sat on a gorgeous leather sofa, expressionless, and his confidant, Liu Yue, stood beside him.

And on the sofa opposite the two, a young man with green hair sat awkwardly and crookedly.

The green-haired young man looked arrogant, but his skin was sickly pale, his face was slightly swollen, and he looked over-indulgent.

Behind the green-haired young man stood a tower-like majestic man.

His muscles are knotted, the blue veins are slightly convex, his face is sturdy, and his body is faintly exuding terrifying power!

When Fei Ye swept over this person inadvertently, his eyelids would jump uncontrollably, and his body felt tremendous pressure.


When Faye remembered that he also had a backing, the fear in his heart quickly dissipated.

Mr. Su Ba's dealing with this person shouldn't be a problem.

Faye thought to himself.

At this moment.

"Fei Ye, how are things going on? Three days later, but it's the day of the ultimatum!"

The green-haired young man leaned back on the sofa lazily, with an arrogant expression, "This boy is here early today, so I will come over in advance to warn you, don't play any tricks!

If you give you one month to consider, it means one month!

One more minute will not work!

When the time comes, if you can't make any effective actions, don't blame Ben Shao for being polite! "

When the voice fell, he gestured.

The sturdy man behind the iron tower comprehended, snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and patted forward, the turbulent palm wind hit the coffee table in front of Fei Ye.


The coffee table burst directly!

Large swaths of sawdust flew around, many of them still fell on Fei Ye's body. If Liu Yue hadn't used her abilities to block her after seeing the situation, Fei Ye would be injured as a result!


Fei Ye frowned and his face was full of anger!

It's so arrogant!

"What do you look at! Ben Shao doesn't like making men stare like this!"

The green-haired young man glared, and after seeing Fei Ye's somewhat aggrieved gaze, the corner of his mouth smiled triumphantly, and then he glanced at Liu Yue on one side.

"But, this Jiao Didi girl wants to see Ben Shao, so she can just take it off, hehe."

The green-haired young man spoke softly, and squinted up and down Liuyue's body while speaking.

"Sao Meng, please respect yourself!"

Liu Yue's chest was ups and downs, and she wanted to slap the pervert to death.

But because of the existence of the tough man behind it, she had to endure her anger.

Mengquan's mouth hooked and said with a chuckle.

"Men are not bad, women don't love, let alone, when Ben Shao takes charge of Longdong Mansion for my father, Miss Liu, you are not Ben Shao's person, don't worry, Ben Shao will love you well."

"Second Young Master Meng, tell you the truth, even if I agree to transfer all the shares, it is not my decision!"

In front of her, Fei Ye couldn't help but let out a cold snort and asked the enemy to humiliate his subordinates.


Meng Huan frowned, and focused on Fei Ye again, "Fei Ye, what do you mean by this?"

"What else do you mean."

Fei Ye said lightly, "Longdong Building has already been taken by others. I transferred most of the shares to him. At present, Longdong Building is not the actual controlling shareholder!"

what? !


The ring slapped the table fiercely and shouted.

"Fei Ye, you are so bold! Who gave you the power to transfer shares to others without authorization?!"

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