God Level Recovery System Instantly Upgrades to 999

Chapter 861: Are you teaching me to do things!

The sudden arc of Su Ba's mouth is evil and unruly!

Everyone who saw it trembled!

Before they could react, Su Ba slowly took off the hood of his sweater and revealed his face.

The face was stern, with sharp edges and corners, and under the two sword eyebrows were a pair of eyes as deep as a starry sky!

Between the eyebrows, there is a very obvious lightning mark, the mark is restrained, but it contains a faintly palpitating breath.

Su Ba stood on the spot at random, but his whole person seemed to exude a domineering domineering style, and his whole body was full of the rigid beauty of a man!

This look!

Everyone can't help but breathe stagnant!

Everyone secretly guessed that Su Ba should not look ugly.

But as soon as the appearance appeared, this kind of heroic and handsome man who greatly exceeded their expectations suddenly turned into a strong impact!

For a while, everyone stayed!

Su Ba ignored them either, and after taking off his hood, he calmly introduced himself.

"I Su Ba, thank you!"

A simple introduction, not at all cumbersome!


Su Ba calmly returned to his seat.

After a while, everyone reacted.

The classroom suddenly exploded!

"Damn! Domineering!"

"Long domineering, even speaking so domineering!"

"So cool!"

"It feels more stylish and temperament than those movie stars!"



During the heated discussion, the eyes of Su Ba in the corner of the back row against the wall from time to time, a large number of girls showed eagerness.

They are also the first time they have seen such a charming man.

Su Ba is not handsome, but his facial features are firm, strong and stylish, and heroic, and his cold appearance adds a lot of masculinity, and he has a different impact than the butter niche!

Seeing the attention of the big scene, Su Ba remained calm and indifferent in the face of a large number of fiery eyes.

"Su Ba? You look pretty good, cool guy type, rare."

As soon as Su Ba sat down, Wang Xiaoyi in front turned around and smiled at Su Ba.

Su Ba nodded his head in an awkward manner.

"That's right, people who are cooler than me are really hard to find."

Wang Xiaoyi opened her beautiful eyes. She didn't seem to expect Su Ba to have such a thick face, and then smiled playfully, "You are interesting and direct enough!"

"Of course, tell the truth."

Su Ba smiled lightly.

not far away.

Feeling that Su Ba's popularity is far more enthusiastic than herself, Zhen Qing's face is as black as an iron pot, and her fists are clenched bitterly!

‘Boy, just continue to sneer, despise Lao Tzu and steal Lao Tzu's limelight. You are good-looking! ’

Zhen Qing has decided to find an opportunity to educate Su Ba, who has no sense of heights.

Although Su Ba has that Wang Xiaoyi draped over, Zhen Qing is not afraid, annoys him, he really does not believe that he will not be able to beat a little woman!

Soon the 40 freshmen in the class were over.

Wang Tao stood on the podium to make a summary, and then began to let the freshmen receive the books, and after everything was in order, he finally ordered.

"Well, everyone can go to get familiar with the dormitory you assigned. Those who want to take a nap can take a rest. The military training will officially start at 2 o'clock this afternoon. It will last for seven days.

The last sentence of the class teacher Wang Tao disbanded, and many freshmen in the classroom disappeared.

Su Ba and Wang Xiaoyi bid farewell. After stuffing the books into the desk, they left the classroom and walked towards the dormitory building of Building A.

Room 301 in Building A.

The dormitory is for four people, mixed with other freshman classes.

When Su Ba arrived slowly, there were already two people in the bedroom.

A short stature, with thick glasses, looks very sincere facing.

The other has yellow hair, is of medium build, is slightly fat, and has a cigarette in his mouth, leaning against the wall and sucking.

The smell of smoke that Su Ba smelled when he entered the bedroom door was'produced' by this person.

"Hello there."

The short man with glasses was cleaning up not far from the door, and when he saw Su Ba coming in, he greeted him politely.

"Hello there."

Su Ba smiled and nodded.

As if hearing the sound, the yellow-haired young man curled his head and then walked over quite familiarly.

His right hand grabbed Su Ba's shoulder, his left hand juggled out a piece of China, handed it to Su Ba, and said with a smile.

"Brother, come to root Huazi?"

"no thank you."

Su Ba faintly rejected the kindness of the yellow-haired youth.

There was some surprise in my heart.

Could it be that I'm "good luck" recently?

Even those with such a low chance of awakening can be encountered by him one after another.

This yellow-haired young man who seemed to be arrogant, turned out to be a capable C-rank superior.

"Hi, it's a pity that Huazi's enthusiasm is ignored by others, but its mood is quite low..."

Hearing Su Ba's refusal, the yellow-haired man said something inexplicable, then let go of the hand that was holding Su Ba's shoulder, and slowly returned to the wall to ‘slap on the wall’.

"He is a weirdo."

The man with glasses cautiously whispered in Su Ba's ear.

Su Ba smiled and did not reply.

"You have all chosen the beds, the remaining two beds, I will choose one at random..."

Su Ba looked at the innermost bed near the balcony, and was about to pass. Another person came in at the door of bedroom 301.

Strong and tall, standing at the door like a door god, even the sunlight projected into the bedroom is blocked.

The man with glasses was about to go out to take out the trash, and almost bumped into the visitor.

"Little dwarf, what are you doing?! Don't you have eyes?"

Zhen Qing's eyes widened, and the tiger's eyes showed fierce light!

"Ah, yes... I'm sorry!"

The man with glasses almost sat on the ground with fright and bowed quickly to apologize.

"Go away!"

Zhen Qing disdainfully pushed the man with glasses aside and strode in.

"Everyone is here? Very good, let me talk about it. From now on, I am the boss of Room 301, not convinced..."

Zhen Qing randomly scanned the remaining two people in the bedroom, and suddenly the words stopped abruptly!

Huh? !

Zhen Qing looked at him again, when he found that Su Ba was also looking at him lightly.

Zhen Qing smiled, grinningly!

"Su Ba, you also belong to Room 301?"

Zhen Qing looked at Su Ba, grinning grinningly.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

Su Ba spoke calmly.

"Of course there is no problem!"

As Zhen Qing said, she turned her eyes to see the man with short glasses who was about to take out the trash, and immediately stopped.

"Little dwarf, stop!"

"Wh... what's wrong?"

The spectacle man turned around looking at Zhen Qing with some fear.

Zhen Qing ignored him, but turned his gaze on Su Ba again, and commanded condescendingly, "Su Ba, there is a big trash can outside, go and dump the trash!"

The voice fell.

The atmosphere in the 301 bedroom was quieter inexplicably.

Everyone can now see that the last tall and strong young man has a conflict with this young man named Su Ba, and it seems that it is not small.

The yellow-haired youth who was smoking Huazi no longer slapped his mouth, but turned around and held Huazi in his mouth, looking at Su Ba, the grim youth with interest.

In the face of opponents with very different sizes, I don't know how this Su Ba will respond.

"Are you teaching me to do things?"

Su Ba's expression remained unchanged, with his hands in his pockets, looking at Zhen Qingdao faintly.

"I'm just teaching you how to do things, what's the matter?! If you have the ability to go to Wang Xiaoyi, hey, you can only rely on women's weak chickens!"

Zhen Qing smiled grimly and threatened, "Hurry up! Go and take out the garbage, otherwise..."

"Okay, it's time to take out the garbage."

Su Ba interrupted Zhen Qing's words faintly.

It's just these words that surprised everyone, and then Zhen Qing's mouth showed a proud arc.

"This is good, be obedient, so you can suffer less from flesh and blood!"

While Zhen Qing spoke, Su Ba had already walked towards the door.

"Give...Give you..."

The man with glasses cowered and handed the dustpan to Su Ba, but Su Ba waved his hand and refused.

"Su Ba, what are you doing?"

Zhen Qing's face sank and shouted.

this will.

Su Ba just stood beside Zhen Qing.

Hearing Zhen Qing's question, Su Ba's eyelids drooped and said slowly.

"I said I used to take out the garbage, but it's not household garbage, but..."

The indifferent voice entered Zhen Qing's ear word by word, and somehow, he suddenly felt a kind of creepy feeling.

Before he could react!

"Go and pour the scum!"

Su Ba yelled, suddenly stretched out his hand and strangled Zhen Qing's neck, and then directly lifted Zhen Qing up!

Su Ba recruits the wild behavior that broke out!

The man with glasses was so scared that he sat on the ground, looking at Su Ba's eyes full of shock!

The yellow-haired young man behind was taken aback, and then he took a sip of Huazi and looked at Su Ba with surprise and interest.

The tall Zhen Qing weighed at least 200 kilograms, and Su Ba could lift it with one hand so easily, and the strength of one arm was no less than 500 kilograms.

This kind of power cannot be achieved by ordinary people.

Was it an extraordinary talent, or was Su Ba...

"Su...Su Ba...you...uh...huh..."

At this time, Zhen Qing, who was caught in the air by Su Ba's neck, her complexion rose purple from suffocation.

He stretched out his hand hard to break Su Ba's hand, but found that Su Ba's hand was like iron tongs, no matter how hard he used it, he couldn't break it.

fear! Scared!

Zhen Qing keeps struggling!

"Da da da……"

Su Ba's expression was indifferent, so he carried Zhen Qing and walked out of bedroom 301.

Then, under the shocked and blind gaze of some students outside, they threw Zhen Qing into the big green trash can!

Because Zhen Qing's physique was too strong, the big green trash can couldn't fit him, so he forced it into it and burst the big green trash can suddenly.


The sound of heavy objects falling.

Zhen Qing just sat on the garbage dump, covered with waste soup, noodles, paper towels and other filth, and an inexplicable sour smell spread all over her body.

He didn't realize it, but looked at Su Ba in horror, his face full of shock!

This... how could Su Ba...

Zhen Qing couldn't believe that she didn't have the power to fight back like a little chicken in his hands? !

"Remember, don't mess with me, or the people will be gone, don't blame me."

Su Ba's faint voice rang in Zhen Qing's ears, and then looking at Su Ba's cold eyes, Zhen Qing's moment was like falling into an ice cellar!

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