Just like I said before.

If you can't die, who wants to die?

Especially the strong like Wang Jingfeng.

Every strong man has more than ten thousand years to live and enjoy supreme power, status, and wealth.

The longer the person lives, the less he wants to die.

Because the mainland was in desperate situation before, the top kings of the king realm knew that they would work together and fight to the death. There might be a glimmer of life and a glimmer of hope for their families and compatriots, so they were not afraid of death!

But now, Su Ba has broken through the emperor's realm and has a certain possibility to defeat the Black Dragon King!

If Su Ba wins, they will all survive.

At this time, no matter who it is, there will be a hint of hesitation.

Su Ba is right. Whether Su Ba wins or loses, without knowing the exact hole cards of the Black Dragon King at this stage, the powers of the king realm in the past may die!

If Su Ba was defeated, even if they died in the battle, they would die well.

However, if Su Ba defeated the Black Dragon King, and they unfortunately lost their lives, they would be wronged.

After all, if they didn't follow along, they wouldn't die!

‘Heaven is too crowded, who of you wants to accompany me to hell? "

As Su Ba's words fell, the scene, including the Lianxun light curtain, fell into silence for a while.

Su Ba was not in a hurry and waited quietly.

"Boy Su Ba, how many people would you like to come with you?"

The lazy voice of the snarling sky dog ​​sounded in Su Ba's head, "In fact, if this group of people are selfish, they shrink up. Under the disaster of the Black Dragon King, their probability of survival is much higher than that of others."

"Is such that."

Su Ba's expression was indifferent, "I only give them ten breaths of time to consider. After that, no matter if anyone comes with me, I will set off directly."

It's not time to breathe.

"Hehe, the old man is willing to go over. This is the first time this opportunity to fight alongside a disciple."

A quiet and gentle voice sounded first, Ji Ce put his hands on his back, and said faintly.


Su Ba nodded to Ji Ce.

Ji Ce would make this choice, Su Ba expected, after all, they are similar people.


In the next instant, a cold voice sounded, with only a short word, but it contained sharp determination!

The Fengxue Sword wore a red suit to hunt and hunt, and when he lightly held the Blood Sword, an extreme sharp aura flashed away!


Su Ba glanced at Fengxuejian.

Next, I didn't wait for Su Ba to think more.

"Haha! Eight-finger evil emperor, Fengxuejian, you two are so fast! How can this level of battle be lost without my Yan Wang Kewei!"

"That means! Luo Cheng, I haven't seen the Black Dragon King up close, so I'm going to see it!"

"Hey! Everyone is so emotional, they can't leave the evil monarch, Jie Jie Jie..."

"I'll go too! Maybe the mad emperor just put the Black Dragon King down, we just went sightseeing!"

"And me! Haha, how can the sightseeing tour group lose this seat!"

"Add me!"



For a time, the voices of the holy masters of various top holy sites continued to be heard from the Lianxun light curtain.

Snow King Luo Cheng, Yan King Kewei, Yin Ghost Sect Lord, Taixu Sect Lord...

Everyone had a relaxed and joking tone, as if they were going sightseeing, without a sense of death.

However, everyone knows that these holy masters have already set aside life and death.

An inexplicable emotion lingers in everyone's heart, making their hearts surging, and their blood is boiling!

How happy is life, and how afraid is death!

If it weren't for the mad emperor's naming, only the peak power of the king realm would be needed, and it can be foreseen that countless people would respond to Su Ba's call.

Su Ba's eyelids were drooping, listening to the bold and relaxed tone of voice in his ear, the corners of his indifferent mouth showed an inaudible arc.

The snarling dog secretly smacked his tongue.

"It's a dog trough, Su Ba kid, I didn't see it. At this time, the various races in your lower realm can be so united. It's rare."

Su Ba didn't reply to the sky dog's words, but raised his head and said lightly.

"Well, that's the case, then we set out here, goal! Blood Fiend Valley-Black Dragon King! Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death! Let's go!"

Many top kings of the king realm responded loudly!


at this time.

Blood Demon Valley.

On the ground of tens of thousands of kilometers, it has become a ruin!

There are ruined walls everywhere, collapsed and cracked buildings, forests turned into ashes, collapsed earth, and large areas of dark blood that have dried up!

And in the center of the Blood Fiend Valley, there was a giant, pitch-black monster creeping!

The huge body of more than three hundred feet is like sharp black scales the size of a house!

Sharp claws, and blood-red eyes that are bigger than a bucket that make people most fearful!

Fierce eyes! maltreat! Violent! Cold!

Just looking at it will make people scared!

This is it!

Ancient alien beast, the black dragon king!

The existence of horror that made countless people in the Xuantian Continent panic!

Three days have passed since the last ten days and ten nights of madness.

The Black Dragon King just clung to the ground casually, but his whole body exuded an unimaginable terrible aura.

And this breath is still growing over time!

As the top sacred beast of the ancient times, in its heyday, it has a strength far surpassing the top combat power of the continent at this stage.


With countless flesh and blood essences throughout the continent as nourishment, the Black Dragon King's recovery speed is not unpleasant!


Feeling that he was almost resting, the Black Dragon King gave a symbolic roar, declaring his invincible posture, and then his huge body, hundreds of feet long, began to move.

It's time to go hunting again!

Since using his own flesh and blood, most of the black dragon minions derived from it have been killed for it to notice!

The Black Dragon King is completely furious!

That group of stupid and ignorant people, who are not obediently reduced to its food, dare to resist? !

A character like an ant is simply provoking it!

Destined to endure its invincible anger!

It has decided that it will be dispatched in person next, making everyone tremble under its anger!

Just as the Black Dragon King was about to dispatch again.


As soon as its ears moved, it turned the huge and ferocious dragon head and looked forward.

I saw a lot of shadows gradually appeared in the sight of its blood-red eyes with the big bucket.

One, two, three...five...eight...

Close to twenty figures!

These figures are exactly what the Black Dragon King regards as a group of ants!

Looking at the direction this group of ants are heading, they are flying quickly toward it.

The black dragon king's bloodthirsty and fierce blood-red eyes were stunned, and some couldn't believe it, lowered his head and scratched his eyes with his paws, and then looked up again.

That's right!

Indeed, nearly twenty ants flew towards it!

Did this group of ants come from killing?

The Black Dragon King returned to his senses, his blood-red eyes squinted slightly, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help showing a bloodthirsty arc.

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