God Level Recovery System Instantly Upgrades to 999

Chapter 1350: Plans for the future!

"Say it."

"what idea?"

Shi Tian and Feng Xuejian listened attentively.

"Although the Han family is not a super family in the universe of light, it already exists as a giant to us.

We killed a great genius and demigod of the Han family, the ancient Daoliu in the early days, and also killed Han Duxiu, the three young masters of the Han family.

Therefore, regardless of whether the Han family knew the news that Han Duxiu had died, conflict was inevitable. "

Su Ba groaned, "Fortunately, there are still about twenty years left for us.

If we escape from the Xianwu Universe alone, with a small group of people, we can also survive in the starry sky of the universe for a long time. However, when the Han family arrives and finds that the culprit has run away from the capital, it is inevitable that we will not vent our anger and anger and other people in the Xianwu Universe.

Therefore, as far as possible, we must develop in these two decades and at least be able to deal with the first crisis!

As a last resort, this time-consuming and labor-intensive plan for the nationwide transfer is absolutely impossible.

If it doesn't work, you can only sacrifice most people's lives..."

Su Ba's voice was a little low.

He is not the savior, if he can do things desperately, he will do his best to accomplish things, but knowing that he cannot do things, Su Ba is not stunned and bumped up, it is really dead in vain.

"But I will swear..."

Su Ba's tone slowly condensed, "If the Han family dares to cruel innocents and violently kill others, in the future, Su Ba will come to the universe of light and destroy the Han family! No one will be left!"

Feng Xuejian nodded coldly, and then said, "So Junior Brother Su has any arrangements for the past 20 years?"

"Holy Ruins Realm!"

Su Ba faintly said a word.

Holy Ruins Realm?

Both Shi Tian and Feng Xuejian were taken aback.

"Well, although Xianwu Universe has many good training places, there are also places suitable for the cultivation of the Supreme Realm powerhouse, but the most suitable for me should be the Saint Ruins Realm."

Su Ba opened his mouth.

Because of the existence of the system, Su Ba increased his strength, always accumulating strengthening points and upgrading little by little.

Self-cultivation is also when it is necessary to comprehend some exercises or settle martial arts, and practice easily.

Originally, Xianwu Universe also had a place suitable for Su Ba, and that was the Demon Realm.

There are hundreds of millions of powerful demons over there, enough for Su Ba to gain massive strengthening points.

It just seemed that as soon as this idea came out, it was rejected by the system.

The reason was that when Su Ba was in deep sleep and activated his life energy, the system faintly sensed that the devil world seemed to be destroyed by humans.

The only people who can do this are Feng Xuejian and Shi Tian.

In this regard, Su Ba was both helpless and moved.

He knew that the destruction of the Demon Realm was also related to him, and it was probably Fengxuejian or Shitian that they avenged him.


If you want to quickly improve your strength, the Saint Ruins Realm is the first choice. The Tianshan forests over there are very high-level animals, and there are many heavenly materials and earth treasures. There are still many areas he has not explored.

Compared with the experience of Xianwu universe, it is very valuable.

Anyway, the gate of nothingness leading to the holy ruins world, as long as the warriors under three thousand years old can pass, Su Ba is less than five hundred years old, more than enough.

Moreover, after Shi Tian received the assistance of the seniors of the Holy Palace Spirit, the ultimate trial space of the four gods and beasts might be a forbidden place for others, and they could not be entered.

But for Su Ba, if he wanted to sell Shi Tian's face, he would be allowed to come to the Holy Palace Spirit.

Although there is still another way, that is to let the people of the Three Realms collect a large amount of immortal stones, magic stones, Yin stones, etc. for him, not to mention that Su Ba's realm needs massive resources to increase his strength.

This situation will waste countless manpower and material resources, and it will also have a relatively large blow to the resources and minerals of Xianwu Universe, after all, it will only take a short time.

Moreover, recycling so many resources would waste a long time for Su Ba.

It's better to let the Xianwu Universe develop normally, and go to the Saint Ruins Realm to improve the strength better, and the efficiency is not slow.

And when I was fighting the Black Dragon King in the Xuantian Continent, I was forced to do so, time was tight, and there was no such good function as strong recovery, so everyone was asked to help Su Ba to collect resources.

"Senior Brother Shitian, Senior Brother Feng, you two should still be in Xianwu Universe. The environment in the ultimate trial space of the four gods is very good, and the speed of improvement is very good. For the supreme realm, it can be called an exquisite cultivation. Holy land."

Su Ba thought of something and said.

"Well, my bald head and I were cultivating in it before, and the effect was very good."

Fengxuejian nodded, "In this case, we are limited to twenty years. During this time, we should be able to absorb all the essence of the Emperor and others."

"Hey, Junior Brother Su, you won't be guaranteed the title of the first arrogant of the Xianwu Universe at that time."

Shi Tian interrupted suddenly, and smiled and glanced at Su Ba.

"It's so good. Only when there is pressure can there be motivation."

Su Ba smiled.

It would be great if Shi Tian and Feng Xuejian could keep up with him.

Shi Tian wanted to say something more, suddenly his eyes moved.

Feng Xuejian also noticed something, and Shi Tian took a step towards the two sides one after another, giving up a few positions.

The three of them seemed to have a long time to communicate, but because it was an exchange of ideas, in reality, it only took more than a dozen breathing times.

And this will.

A few figures slowly came to the front with complex emotions such as tension, expectation, and joy under the gaze of the crowd.

Walking in the forefront is Wang Xiaoyi's three daughters.

The three stunning women who were charming and charming, at this time, the closer they were to Su Ba, the more they were a little nervous and cautious.

Not afraid of seeing Su Ba, but afraid of the scene in front of him, which is unreal and illusory.

From the despair of learning about Su Ba's fall, to the stubbornness of the three women, the misery in each heart is feared only by themselves.

I thought that there was no color in life, and only children were the driving force for them to persist, but now, Su Ba is back.

Their soul sustenance, their dependence, has returned.

The huge surprise after desperation will inevitably make their hearts feel a little troubled, for fear that everything is fake.

Even though many people have seen it and confirmed it, they are still a little nervous.

"Su...Su Ba, is that you..."

Wang Xiaoyi even said timidly.


With a lightly relieved sigh, Su Ba didn't say much, but took a step forward, took all the three women into his arms, smelled the faint fragrance on their bodies, and said softly and gently.

"It's me, I'm back, I'm sorry, I worried you..."

"Really, it's really you, woo...I, I'm so happy."

Wang Xiaoyi cried with joy, deeply wrapped around Su Ba's waist, and his head was buried in Su Ba's chest.

"Su Ba, I...I miss you..."

"Me too…"

Tang Ruoxi and Qin Jiuyue also unreservedly vented their longing emotions, with tears in their beautiful eyes, and then flowed down, soaking Su Ba's chest.

Su Ba's black eyes were more tender, and he held the three girls tighter.

In his life, he owed them too much, too much.

a long time.

Su Ba slowly let go of the three girls, gently wiped away the tears from the corners of their eyes, and then kissed each person's forehead lightly.

The three women suddenly lowered their heads a little shyly.

After all, there are still so many people watching.

At this time.

Tang Ruoxi thought of something, and quickly raised her head and took Su Ba's hand to it, "Su Ba, come and see your child."

Actually, Tang Ruoxi didn't need to say, after Su Ba released the three girls, he noticed the two figures behind.

Even if Tang Ruoxi didn't introduce it, Su Ba could recognize it at a glance.

Su Xi and Tang Ruoxi look too similar, and Su Qin is even more like a mold made by him.

Seeing Su Xi and Su Qin completely grown up, Su Ba felt a little emotional for a while.

It's been more than two hundred years since I left Xuantian Continent.

My own children are already over two hundred years old. Think about Su Qin, who was stubborn and cute, and Su Xi when they first met. Su Ba smiled and greeted them.

"Why, don't you know Daddy?"



Su Xi and Su Qin yelled, ran over immediately excitedly, and then pounced on Su Ba.

"Dad, great, I finally saw you! I knew you would be fine!"

Su Xi said softly with excitement.

"Hey, I said Su Xi, you are not ashamed, you are such an adult, and you are so close to your father, so shameless."

Seeing that Su Ba's excellent position was preempted by Su Xi, watching Su Xi put his pretty face on Su Ba's face with his arms around Su Ba's neck, Su Qin was a little unhappy.

"I want you to take care of it! I won't come down, what do you think I don't know? Also, call me sister!"

Su Xi turned her head and gave Su Qin a ‘stare’, and then deliberately squeezed Su Qin out of the side with force, making Su Qin out of anger.

Your sister!

It's really shameless to want to be alone in my father. I rely on.

"Will you let me go?"

"Called sister."

"Call your sister!"

"Hmph, go over there, Dad is mine."

"Your sister!"


"Ha ha ha ha…"

Around, there was a burst of friendly laughter.

It was Fengxuejian's cold face that showed a soft smile.

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