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Chapter 1334: Who can be the enemy!

Da Leiyin Temple, Buddhism.

The main hall of the main square.

At the moment, order is in order.

A large number of foreign warriors who came to worship Su Ba and other powerful men were separated around the square, unable to approach the central statue area.

But everyone did not complain at all.

Everyone has sincere piety on their faces, as well as deep awe and respect as they can see.

This time.

In the middle of the main square, two figures stood.

One person dressed in a blood shirt, holding a blood sword, his face was cold, his momentum was sharp and he couldn't be seen!

The other is gentle, full of Buddha spirit, handsome and full of affinity.

It was Feng Xuejian and Shi Tian.

Fengxuejian overturned and destroyed the devil world. After inheriting the Taoism of Tiangong, he went straight to Buddhism without stopping. As the new Lord Buddha, he naturally wanted to do his best to be a landlord.

Furthermore, after dealing with the various affairs of Buddhism, Shi Tian did not properly worship those heroes who passed away. The arrival of Fengxuejian was just in time.

The two looked solemn, holding three long incense sticks, one statue at a step, and bowing deeply and respectfully.

After a lap, I returned to the original point.

The eyes of the two finally focused on the middle of the statue, the electric light shining, holding a thick lightning long stick, like a domineering statue of a real person alive.

"Junior Brother Su..."

Feng Xuejian and Shi Tian murmured slightly with their eyes hesitating.

An unspeakable feeling spread in the bottom of my heart, bitterness, heartache, regret,...extreme reluctance!

The two stood still, and time seemed to have stagnated at this moment.

In my mind, the scenes of getting along with Su Ba flashed through like a movie.

The feelings of sourness and unwillingness in my heart are getting stronger.

They can't believe it.

A world-shattering arrogant like Su Ba will fall, which can be said to be good luck!

At the same time, I also hate myself for not being able to live up to it. If we can come out a few years earlier, under the three people's joint efforts, maybe the ending will not be like this.

However, time cannot go by.

Those who have passed away can't be returned after all...

One breath... Two breaths... Three breaths...

During the period when Fengxuejian and Shitian worshiped Su Ba, Tiandi and other powerful men, there was silence all around.

Many strong men stood around the square, bowing their heads in silence.

Even after so many years have passed, everyone still maintains the most sincere respect and admiration in their hearts.

Heroes should be so, never forget!

After a stick of incense time.

Feng Xuejian and Shi Tian slowly returned to their senses, their expressions returning to their previous expressions.

They took a deep look at Su Ba's statue and wanted to leave.

At this time!

A dazzling flame exploded in front of Shi Tian's eyes, and it could be seen that after Shi Tian heard the message in the sound transmission note, his whole body was slightly shaken!

The originally kind face seemed a little shocked and excited.

"Monk, what's the matter?"

Feng Xuejian asked coldly.

He didn't want to bother at first, but Feng Xuejian still hadn't seen Shi Tian show such an expression before, so he couldn't help asking.

Shi Tian took a deep breath, seeming to be digesting something, and then slowly said the words of Fengxuejian.

"Brother Feng, Junior Brother Su's wife and children are already on the way to Buddhism."

What? !

Fengxuejian was taken aback, then the whole person instantly turned into a **** light and disappeared in place.

For Tang Ruoxi and Qin Jiuyue, Fengxuejian is naturally known.

Su Ba’s children, Su Qin and Su Xi, are also very familiar with Fengxuejian. When he was still in the Xuantian Continent, he almost watched the two little babies grow up day by day!

Fengxuejian didn't have a few relatives or friends. For Su Ba's children, he almost treated him as his own child.

Now that Su Ba has passed away, the flesh and blood he left behind can be said to be the person that Fengxuejian cares most about.

So, how can Fengxuejian not be excited when he hears that Su Qin and the others are coming to Buddhism? !

"Uh, brother Feng is also true, scorching in a hurry..."

Shi Tian slapped his tongue, but in the next second he also turned into a golden light and disappeared in place, not much slower than Fengxue Sword.

As for the descendants of Su Ba, he hasn't seen him yet.

A quarter of an hour later.

The arrival of Tang Ruoxi and others caused a huge sensation.

All four of them enjoyed the highest welcome treatment.

After several people paid homage to Su Ba, Fengxuejian announced in public that it would accept Su Qin and Su Xi as righteous sons and daughters. He wanted to take Su Qin and the others to the heavenly palace, but was stopped by Shi Tian.

Shi Tian also wanted to accept Su Qin and Su Xi as his righteous sons and daughters, and asked them to stay in Buddhism. At that time, Fengxuejian was strongly dissatisfied, and the two almost fought for this.

In the end, they followed the advice of Tang Ruoxi and Qin Jiuyue's two mothers. They wanted to live in the Buddhist school where Su Ba lived, so Su Qin and Su Xi stayed in the Buddhist school.

On that day, they made an exception and became the tenth son and eleventh saint of Buddhism!

It broke the pattern of the nine saints in the Holy Land.

In this regard, the other senior officials in Buddhism did not have the slightest opinion.

The heirs of the mad emperor, even if they receive the best treatment, they are well deserved!

Seeing the proud arc at the corner of Shi Tianyin's mouth, Fengxuejian couldn't wait to hit Shi Tianguang's slippery forehead with a sword.

Later, Wang Xiao followed Taoism and came to Buddhism.

The three women finally met.


At the same time.

Far away from the Xianwu Universe, I don’t know how many light-years of the deep cosmic starry sky.

There is a light spot moving forward at an incredible speed!

Look carefully, this is like an extremely exquisite and gorgeous flying boat, and its speed through the universe has exceeded the speed of light!

Within the flying boat.

In the spacious control room.

A blue-haired coquettish young man was lying halfway on the sofa in the back in a very comfortable posture, squinting.

In front of him, a tall, strong, dark young man was looking around the window of the control room to observe the position of the flying boat in the starry sky. After confirming that he was correct, his dark face finally showed a grinning smile.

"Hey, the positioning point can't be wrong. In one or two months, you will be able to reach the universe where that damned guy is."

"Made! Bastard! Lao Tzu spent several years specially for you, and it should be an honor to be half-dead by Lao Tzu by then."

If Su Ba still has an impression of this tall, black young man, it is definitely Han Duxiu!

The guy from the top universe-the universe of light.

Once in the competition in the Northern Heavens Fantasy Sea City of the Saint Ruins Realm, Su Ba fisted for three hundred years and fought for three hundred years.

After returning from the Northern Territory, Han Duxiu felt pain for several months before he came back.

Hearing Han Duxiu's self-talk, the blue-haired coquettish young man who was half-lying on the sofa at the back still had his eyes closed, but his mouth moved slightly.

"Finally, it's coming. Ask me to come out with you this time. It wastes me so long, Master Han, remember what you promised me."

"Don't worry, Brother Gu, as long as I break through the Supreme Realm, my father will give me greater authority. I can also mobilize a lot of family resources at that time. Brother Gu, the promotion resources you need will be guaranteed. Bring it out for you."

Han Duxiu turned around and quickly said with a smile.

This blue-haired coquettish young man, named Gu Daoliu, was a super genius-like figure in Han Duxiu's family. Although his aptitude was not as good as Han Duxiu, it was not much worse.

Because the age is much older than Han Duxiu, so the strength is naturally far from what Han Duxiu can compare!

If you faintly observe it carefully, you can find that the aura on this Gu Daoliu's body, as if it is above the Supreme Realm, has reached the realm of a demigod unexpectedly!

That's right!

It's a demigod!

Although it is only in the early stage of the Demi-God Realm, the strength is very different from that of the Supreme Realm!

This is the realm that can really come into contact with divine power!

And at this level, if you want to improve, you need a lot of resources. However, Gu Daoliu's identity is too marginal, and it is a sideline of the family line. Therefore, even if he is talented, he cannot enjoy the family to the full. H.

So when Han Duxiu came to the door, hoping that he could help teach someone a lesson, he proposed the exchange of resources.

Otherwise, he would not waste such a long time if the starry sky crossed for several years.

After all, cultivating on a flying boat is far less effective than cultivating in the holy land of family cultivation.

"Well, just remember, the direction is confirmed, it's resolved sooner, go back early, the journey across the starry sky is boring."


Han Duxiu smiled, "Brother Gu, please close your eyes and practice first. The position is naturally not wrong. With the unique light mark of my family, you can get a rough position even if it is hundreds of light years away. .

Not to mention, the universe where the **** is located is less than tens of light-years away from our universe of light, which is a pleasant surprise. Otherwise, it will take more than ten years to kill him, which is really troublesome. . "

Gu Daoliu smiled faintly, and was about to close his eyes to meditate, suddenly thinking of something, and muttering.

"By the way, I almost forgot one thing, Master Han, you are also sure, that Xianwu Universe is only a medium-sized universe, right?"


Han Duxiu nodded and said, "I checked the family classical books. Although this Xianwu Universe was once a top-level universe with one of the overlord universe-level existences, it was not called Xianwu Universe before, but Hundred Universe.

However, as early as tens of millions of years ago, this primordial universe had undergone drastic changes, the world collapsed, the universe collapsed, and the volume of the entire universe continued to decrease.

The great powers of the primordial universe once did not know where they had gone, so far they seemed to have disappeared in the torrent of history.

Not to mention our family, the top powers who existed like a real royal family in the universe of light, and they have never seen those great cosmic powers.

Tens of millions of years have passed, and the current Xianwu Universe, which is the level of the Intermediate Universe, is nothing to worry about. "

Han Duxiu was full of self-confidence in his words.

"That's good."

Gu Daoliu smiled evilly and said nothing more.

It's nothing more than a medium-sized universe, a universe of this level will never give birth to a strong god, and reaching the peak level of the supreme realm is already the peak.

And the probability is still very low, most of the medium universes will not have the Supreme Realm peak powerhouse.

With his demigod realm, one could crush everyone in the Xianwu universe!

After all, he is a man who masters the profound meaning, coupled with the suppression of cultivation base, who can be the enemy? !

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