Three years passed quickly.

The sentient beings of the Three Realms are gradually on the right track, but there are still some powerful people going to Da Leiyin Temple in Hezhou, Xiniu every day, to worship Su Ba and other 19 powerful people who sacrificed for the sentient beings of the Three Realms.

This time.

In Dongsheng Shenzhou, Yunyang Town.

There are four figures walking in from the entrance of Yunyang Town.

One man and three women.

One of the women wore a beautiful golden floating fairy dress. She was graceful and luxurious. Her black and supple hair was curled into a bun, and her beautiful face had a hint of coldness.

The woman next to her has long black hair like a waterfall. The melon seeds have a beautiful face and blush patches, her skin can be broken by blows, her figure is generous and beautiful.

It is Tang Ruoxi and Qin Jiuyue two women.

As for the two young men, one man and one woman, who followed them, the answer was self-evident.

Daughter Su Xi has grown up now, and with her outstanding genes and unremitting efforts, her cultivation base has now successfully reached the peak of the emperor's realm!

Although the peak of the 200-something emperor realm in the immortal world is not outstanding enough, after all, the foundation potential lies there, and with more resources in the immortal world, it will be sooner or later that the cultivation base will advance by leaps and bounds.

Su Xi has a good figure and a beautiful face. She inherited the advantages of her mother Tang Ruoxi, like a peony in full bloom, exuding a different kind of charm.

As for the young Su Qin beside Qin Jiuyue, he perfectly inherited the advantages of his father Su Ba.

He is eight feet tall, slender, with a cold and straight face, and his complexion is leaning towards bronze. With a strong black outfit, he looks like Su Ba when he was young, just like a mold carved out!

But if you look closely, Su Qin still lacks a trace of domineering and gaze at the world than Su Ba, slightly affected by Qin Jiuyue's soft and quiet aura, but overall, it is as if Su Ba is alive.

Su Qin's cultivation has also reached the peak of the emperor's realm.

With this, Tang Ruoxi and Qin Jiuyue led their children to successfully break through the barriers of the Great Realm of the Profound Sky Continent and soar into the fairy realm.

"Mother, is this the immortal world? What a rich aura, more than ten times richer than our best practice chambers in the Xuantian Continent! If this were the top secret chambers in the immortal world, how majestic and rich aura would be!"

Su Qin took a deep breath as he walked, feeling the spirit of the fairy world, and said in amazement.

"Yeah, my brother is right. If this is the disciples of those big sects, the place where they practice is definitely stronger than the aura of the outside world several times stronger."

Su Xi nodded, her mouth slightly opened with weirdness.

She also understood this.

What's the matter with people walking to high places, in an environment like the fairy world, even if the martial artist is much worse than them, I am afraid that under the same age, the cultivation base may not be much worse.

"I heard that Uncle Fuhu Luohan said before that the immortal world is full of arrogance, and the strong are like clouds. I don't know how my father is now."

Su Qin's eyes shined, "Before, my father became the number one arrogant of the immortal world, and he is also a Buddhist saint-class figure. Now that more than two hundred years have passed, he must be stronger!"

"That's sure, Dad is the best."

When Su Xi heard that Su Ba's name was also beautiful, she still regarded it as the most powerful idol in her mind even if she hadn't seen it for many years.

"By the way, mom, the immortal world is so big, how can we find dad?"

"That's right, people can't wait."

Su Qin and Su Xi are talking about each other.

Tang Ruoxi and Qin Jiuyue looked at each other, and the two women were rather helpless.

Only when Su Ba was mentioned, the two children became much talkative.

"Your father, as the number one arrogant of the immortal world, must be very famous. When we enter the town and ask the villagers, we may know something. This place seems to be too far away from the Buddhism where Su Ba is located. If you don't go out, it will be easier to handle."

Tang Ruoxi smiled and said.

"Then let's go to the villagers quickly."

Su Xi took the lead and ran into the small town.

"Hey, wait for me."

Su Qin hurriedly followed.

"These two children, be too anxious."

Qin Jiuyue laughed.

"Hehe, doesn't Sister Jiuyue don't want to see Su Ba soon?"

Tang Ruoxi glanced at Qin Jiuyue, Qin Jiuyue immediately blushed, "Sister Ruoxi, you still tease me."

"Okay, let's go."


Soon, Tang Ruoxi and the four walked into Yunyang Town.

Su Qin took the lead to find a villager and asked politely.

"Hello, excuse me, where is this place? How do I go to Buddhism?"

"Buddha? It's in Xiniu Hezhou. We are Dongsheng Shenzhou. It's more than tens of thousands of miles away. If you want to go, you have to go to the teleportation station of the big country..."

The villager was an honest middle-aged man, turned around and smiled and looked at the inquirer while answering.

However, the moment he turned to see Su Qin, his eyes went wide, his mouth closed up and down, and he couldn't close together, and the words stopped abruptly.

"Uncle? What's wrong?"

Su Qin asked strangely.


The middle-aged villager opened his mouth and his tongue was knotted, and his whole person trembled slightly when he saw something unbelievable.

"Uncle, what's the matter? What madness?"

Su Qin was dumbfounded.

Not only Su Qin, but Su Xi, Tang Ruoxi and Qin Jiuyue who came here all looked confused.

"Ah! Lord Mad Emperor! Lord Mad Emperor is alive! God! Lord Mad Emperor is alive!"

After just a few breaths, the middle-aged villager finally recovered, screaming heartbreakingly, and the loud voice quickly spread from the place!

"What?! Lord Mad Emperor is alive?!"

"Where is Lord Mad Emperor?!"

For a moment!

The entire Yunyang Town was boiling.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang..."

There were sounds of opening and closing doors everywhere, and then a series of dense footsteps came from all directions, coming straight toward the middle-aged villager.

The moment I saw Su Qin!

Almost at the same time!

There was a sound of kneeling one after another, and at the same time it was an excited voice of admiration.

"Oh my God! It's really Lord Mad Emperor!"

"Hahaha, Lord Mad Emperor is alive again!"

"It's great!"

"See Lord Mad Emperor, Lord Mad Emperor has no boundaries!"


Tang Ruoxi was surrounded by four people, three circles inside and three circles outside, completely surrounded by a group of fanatical villagers. The momentum was beyond words.


Seeing countless fanatical and excited villagers surrounding them, Tang Ruoxi was a little stupid.

But soon, Tang Ruoxi's pretty face changed, and she keenly caught the information points in the mouth of the villagers before.

"Don't worry, everyone, you just said that the mad emperor is alive again, what do you mean?"

For some reason, Tang Ruoxi's heart shook her heart, and she had a faint premonition!

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