"Ah! How could this happen, I'm so scared!"

"Run! I don't want to die, ah ah ah ah!"

"How to run?! The entire fairy world is about to collapse and burst into pieces, no matter where you go, you are dead! Unless you can run out of the fairy world and into the starry sky of the universe! Didn't you hear that? There is no chance to run away, who else has this ability among us?!"

"No! Don't!"

After countless people in the immortal world were frightened, every place panicked instantly!

Fear! fear! Horrified!

In the beginning, the demon ancestor was incomparable, but then Su Ba appeared and defeated the demon ancestor. Now the demon ancestor is hysterical and blew himself up!

Panic, overjoyed, and compassionate!

All kinds of emotions change quickly within a day, and many people can't help but cover their chests, a little can't bear such big ups and downs!

"What to do? I didn't expect that the Demon Ancestor would have this terrible means equivalent to extinction! The entire fairy world collapsed, and we definitely can't save it here!"

In the ultimate trial space of the Four Divine Beasts, many high-level officials from the three holy grounds said with sweat on their foreheads.

The millions of holy land disciples around had already turned pale, and their bodies with some weaknesses couldn't help trembling slightly.

That's it!

It's all over!

The Demon Ancestor will never give anyone a chance to escape!

Perhaps in the next moment, with a bang, the entire fairy world will burst like fireworks and fall apart!

Under the terrifying force of the plane explosion, no matter who it is, they will be treated equally, and their body will be torn apart by the terrible energy shock wave, and the ashes will be wiped out!

How many people are really not afraid of death? !

Even people who really regard death as home will inevitably have strange fluctuations in their hearts at the moment of death.

panic! fear!

An unspeakable breath of despair quickly swept the entire fairy world.

this moment!

The sky in the entire fairy world was darkened, and a bleak red color appeared faintly, which seemed to indicate something.

"Hahahahahaha! Are you scared?! Know how terrifying this demon's ultimate means is! This demon can exchange the lives of tens of billions of creatures in the immortal world. This is really worth it!

Moreover, this demon can feel that the old things, the Emperor of Heaven and the Buddha, must be hiding somewhere in the fairy world!

I'm sorry, you don't have any chance to stay and breathe, you will all be buried with this demon, Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

Not far from the Great Leiyin Temple, the blood of the demon ancestor danced wildly, and his body was full of demonic energy. After feeling the desperate aura of the people in the world, it was even more frantic and madly laughing!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The aura on the Demon Ancestor's body became more and more terrifying, and the whole person gradually began to swell, and an unimaginable terrible power appeared in his body.

"Ho **** ho, immortal world, goodbye!"

In the second before the final explosion, a weird smile appeared on the distorted and hideous face of the Demon Ancestor!

He lowered his head, looked at Su Ba who was standing in the distance, and slowly mocked.

"Su Ba, young gangster, see it! You brought all this, this demon wants you to fall with countless people's heinous sense of guilt because of your death! Jie Jie Jie! The first arrogant of the ten thousand worlds? Will no longer exist!"

Seeing Su Ba hanging his eyelids slightly and slowly clenching his fists, the demon ancestor was mad.

"Are you unwilling? Unyielding? Aren't you convinced?! Hoho, it's useless! The demon admits that you can kill the demon, so what?!

Nowadays, even if the king of heaven comes, I can't change the tragic ending of the explosion in the fairy world and the charcoal of life!

This is the end of rebelling against the demon and doing the right thing with the demon, hahaha! Die! All to the devil! ! "

"If you die, it's not you who have the final say!"

At the moment when the Demon Ancestor was about to explode, Su Ba suddenly raised his head, his deep eyes shot a terrifying golden light!




"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Su Ba snarled up to the sky, and endless golden light of thunder burst out from his body!

The origin, all burned!

Essence and blood, all burned!

Soul, all burn!


Su Ba's entire body was completely annihilated!

With Su Ba so amazing, and the potential of Xianwu First Tianjiao is all burned, how much power will it produce? !


A terrifying momentum soaring into the sky rushed straight into the sky, and the haze between the sky and the earth was dissipated in the blink of an eye!

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"

The endless golden lightning pierced the void, gathered back from all directions and rushed into Su Ba's body.

this moment!

Su Ba seems to have become the lord of the thunder, surrounded by the golden thunder ocean, vast and mighty, and the horrible aura seems to be able to break through the eternity!

Um! ?

It seemed that he did not expect that Su Ba would burn all the origin, soul, and blood, and produce a terrifying huge power. The Demon Ancestor was shocked, his face looked ugly, but he sneered in an instant.

"Ho ho, Su Ba young gangster, I didn't expect you to have this kind of courage, and the burning potential is so great that you can produce such majestic strength!

Now you can indeed penetrate the immortal realm in an instant, reach the starry sky of the universe and escape the catastrophe.

But you who survived will be a useless person from now on, and you are the only one left in the fairy world, live alone and endure the endless torture of guilt! Hahahahaha! "

Su Ba was surrounded by gold and electricity. He ignored the words of the Demon Ancestor. Instead, he slowly turned around, and his deep gaze swept across the fairy world, his gaze was like a torch, as if he could see everyone in the fairy world.

at this time.

Everyone passed through the simple virtual shadow formations in the sky everywhere, and they saw Su Ba's eyes looking at them with a trace of determination and determination.

It seemed that he had a premonition of what Su Ba wanted to do.

Countless people trembled, and they couldn't help crying out in mourning.

"Master Crazy Emperor..."

"no, do not want…"


"Master Crazy Emperor, hurry up..."


However, Su Ba couldn't hear the sorrows of the crowd, and even if he heard him, he would not change his mind!


At this time, a terrifying black light suddenly appeared on the Demon Ancestor's body, and his whole person was completely inflated, turning into a black balloon about to burst!

"Jie Jie Jie... die... die..."

The vaguely vented cold voice of resentment and hatred came out intermittently.

Next moment!

The moment the terrifying black energy burst out!

An indescribable flash of lightning pierced the void, Su Ba instantly came to the black ball of light that the Demon Ancestor had turned into, grabbed the black ball of light fiercely with both hands, and then disappeared in the same place in an instant!


The earth-shattering big bang suddenly erupted in the distant starry sky outside the fairy world!

I don't know how many tens of thousands of miles in the universe starry sky has been exploded out of terrifying vortex pits!

Infinite waves of light spread across the sky, sweeping the starry sky!

The tiny meteorite celestial bodies floating endlessly in the starry sky are all in ashes!

this moment!

The entire fairy world is in violent shaking, bright as day!

Between the sky and the earth, it is completely shrouded by a blazing white light, the dazzling white light makes people blind!

One breath...two breaths...three breaths...four breaths...

Ten interest time passed.

The world slowly returned to calm, the immortal realm no longer oscillated, and the white light between the heavens and the earth gradually dissipated, and the beautiful scene of the mountains, rivers and the earth reappearing in front of everyone in the fairy realm.


At this time, everyone's body seemed to have been exercised with the fixation method. They raised their heads, their eyes were dull, and their expressions were dull.


All parts of the Three Realms are deadly quiet!

The terrifying demon ancestor who can destroy the fairy world blew himself up, exploding in the starry sky far away.

The immortal world is safe and sound, but Su Ba burned the soul and essence and blood, and exchanged it with his body...

Just now such a terrifying explosion scene, you can imagine its power, Su Ba's close contact, even if he is already the first person in the Xianwu universe, I am afraid that it will not be able to withstand the engulfing of this world-destroying energy.


Between heaven and earth, a bleak wind gradually blew.

"Master Mad Emperor, is he... dead?"

People's body and mind trembled slightly.

"Do not!"

"Master Crazy Emperor will be back!" Someone cried hoarsely.

Countless people were silent in sorrow.

"Boom~" "Boom~" "Boom~" "..."

One after another.

Many people even began to kneel and pray.

They waited, waited...

However, what was waiting was a black shirt with blood stained, slowly drifting down from the sky...

Everyone cried.

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