At the same time.

In the ultimate trial space of the four mythical beasts.

Through the mirror radiation method of the Holy Palace Spirit, everyone in the three major realms and eight sacred places inside also saw and heard the words of the demon ancestor.

For a moment!

Everyone's heart screamed, and their complexion changed drastically!

This Demon Ancestor, what a vicious method!

Using the lives of countless people in the three realms as threats, forcing them to go out!

If the Demon Ancestor silently launched an offensive, killing wildly, then even if they didn't go out, they wouldn't actually attract too many people's attention.

But now!

This Demon Ancestor sent people to set up a simple projection and communication array above the sky in the three realms, six continents and nineteen places, and then started the live broadcast.

In an instant, they moved the eight holy places of the Three Realms to the table!

At this time, almost everyone in the three realms knew that the eight sacred places of Immortal Demon Ming had already been evacuated under the leadership of the five great sacreds, and they didn’t know where to avoid disasters, and left them out for their own survival. .


This is still in doubt.

It's just that if there is no holy land-level power to come forward after an hour, it is undoubtedly that the five supreme abandons everyone else, and this will be a real hammer!

It is conceivable that the faith in the hearts of countless people will collapse!

The reputation and popularity of the five supreme will cause great damage!


People outside will not know how great the Five Supremes are!

For the lives and future of countless people, they are willing to give their lives!

More than the five supreme ones!

There are other thirteen epic powerful saints!


No matter how!

The many high-level sages above the eight sacred places, absolutely do not allow the Heavenly Emperor and their reputation and popularity to be harmed at all!

"What should I do?! The Demon Ancestor has already spoken, and only gives us one hour to consider!"

A late saint-level expert in the demon world anxiously looked at the other high-level experts in the Three Realms Holy Land, "How long will it take for them to come out?"

"Yeah, if you don't come out again, in an hour, countless people will suffer!"

A powerful ghost king in the late sage stage of the underworld frowned, "Moreover, the demon ancestor is at the Da Leiyin Temple in Xi Niu Hezhou, the immortal world. I am afraid that the first one to suffer is Xi Niu Hezhou! It is the realm of Buddhism..."

An old Buddha from Buddhism stood up and said solemnly.

"If it doesn't work, let us Buddhism come forward. At least, the old monk must let the world know that the Buddha did not abandon the believers and warriors who believed in him and respected him..."


Some experts in the demon world stopped him, "The devil ancestor called for the high-level officials and children of the holy land to go out to greet them. This way, you will make Buddhism annihilate the inheritance!"

"What should I do?!"

Buddhism old Buddha closed his eyes in pain, "Don't go out! Xi Niu Hezhou may be afraid of bloodbath! Go out, Buddhism inheritance is not guaranteed..."

This time.

I'm afraid that only the Holy Land-level forces on their own side can protect their own realm, and the others are barely able to come.

The result of going out is indeed imaginable!


This insidious, treacherous and fierce generation is definitely not the so-called good-sounding chatter with the high level of the Holy Land.

Everyone fell silent!

Many strong men clenched their teeth and clenched their hands!

This demon ancestor came too soon!

Moreover, it is too vicious and sinister!

what to do? !

One hour, just one hour, where is there any reliable way.

To deal with the Demon Ancestor, all of their hopes lay in Shi Tian and Feng Xuejian!

But because the energy absorbed by Shi Tian and Feng Xuejian is too large, I don't know when it will be digested!


Who else can solve this desperate situation? !

Just when everyone was extremely anxious, urgent and helpless.



In the ultimate trial space of the four mythical beasts, a strange sound was produced between heaven and earth.

"what sound?"

"Huh?! Where did the voice come from?!"

"Look! Above!"

A late saint realm powerhouse near the sacred beast palace suddenly pointed at the void thousands of feet away and whispered.


Everyone looked in that direction.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, above the void, a white light door that was one foot high and three feet wide appeared.

There was a misty rainbow light around this white light gate, like chaos, a mysterious, primitive and vast aura passed from afar.

"this is…"

Countless people opened their eyes wide.

Because they had never seen this white light gate before, and they didn't know what it was.

I just feel that looking at this light door gives them a very heavy and awe in their hearts.

However, there are still people who know, such as the four great beast races, such as Tielong, Yi Kuang, and Yan Qingwu. They have seen this white light gate during the trial process.


Tie Long urn exclaimed in excitement.

"It's the gate of nothingness!"

What? !

The door of nothingness?

Many people froze for a moment, but did not react.

Void waved, and the spirit of the Holy Palace that had disappeared appeared again.

Its pair of green eyes like fireflies stared straight at the door of nothingness in the distance, and its hollow and old voice slowly said with a hint of surprise.

"The appearance of the gate of nothingness means only one thing, that is, someone has to pass through the passage of time and space, open the gate of nothingness, and come out.

Generally speaking, the one who knew the direction and path of the Void Gate here should only be known to Su Ba, who had once left the ultimate trial space of the Four God Beasts. "

Um? !

Everyone was shocked!

Then one by one opened his eyes wide!

According to the meaning of the Holy Palace Spirit, could it be said that Su Ba is coming back? !

"No, isn't Su Ba going to the Saint Ruins Realm for a hundred years? Why is he coming back so soon?!"

"It may be that the things in the holy ruin world are non-human, there is no value of experience, so Su Ba is back."

"Oh! What a pity! Su Ba came back too late. If he came back earlier, with Su Ba's talent and potential, I am afraid that he will get a greater improvement and a faster energy absorption rate than the two of Shi Tian and Feng Xuejian. It's not allowed to break through early!"

"Fortune is bad, good luck is tricking people!"

The strong man above the Holy Land Saint Realm sighed with emotion.

In their minds, Su Ba, whether it is luck, talent, potential, aptitude, etc., is naturally the well-deserved number one in the Three Realms!

But now, only a hundred years have passed. How much can Su Ba grow even if he is outstanding?

I'm afraid I won't be of much help to the immediate crisis of the Demon Ancestor.

"Su Ba..."

In the crowd, Wang Xiaoyi's pretty face showed deep surprise and expectation.

She doesn't care how much Su Ba has grown, or whether Su Ba can help. As long as Su Ba returns and sees him safe and sound, Wang Xiaoyi will be satisfied.

These centuries.

Her longing for Su Ba was so strong that she couldn't get rid of it.

In countless people's minds are different.

Void in the distance.

The white light door Kaka Kaka opened from the inside to the outside, revealing a deep black space vortex.

Are you coming!

Everyone was shocked!

Although the Holy Palace Spirit had speculated that Su Ba had returned, everyone was still a bit uncertain without seeing the real person.

Even some people are still worried about whether other evil people will come out through the door of nothingness, and this space will no longer be peaceful.

A few breathing times after opening the gate of nothingness to reveal the deep dark space vortex passage!

call out!

A dazzling golden light shot out from the inside, and then turned into a figure standing in the void.

The man wore a strong black suit, stood in the air with his hands in the air, and his black hair was like ink, fluttering arbitrarily!

His long heroism is extraordinary, and his face is as sharp as a knife, and under his sharp sword eyebrows are a pair of eyes that are as deep as the starry sky!

He just stepped on the void so casually, faintly, as if an unimaginable terrible aura seemed to be hidden in this man's body, like hiding an ancient beast, which made people feel like suffocating.

"It's Su Ba!"

"It is indeed Su Ba, he is back!"

Everyone took a closer look, and then yelled out one by one.


In all directions, many people immediately greeted the past.

Undoubtedly, most of these people are Buddhists, whether they are Buddhist seniors or Buddhist children, one after another.

"Why so many people..."

As soon as Su Ba stepped out of the gate of nothingness, he frowned when he saw the densely packed figures covering almost half of the ultimate trial space of the four mythical beasts.

Especially when I noticed that there seemed to be not only the warriors of the fairy world, but also the warriors of the underworld and the demon world in the crowd, a bad premonition rose from the bottom of my heart!

At this moment.

Many Buddhist children and senior officials also came to the front.

Just as Su Ba wanted to ask something, a beautiful shadow suddenly rushed over, like a swallow returning home.

Su Ba seemed to know who it was, his eyes softened, and his arms opened slightly.

The next moment.

The warm fragrant nephrite came into her arms, accompanied by the murmur of affectionate joy.

"Su Ba, you're back, you're back safely, so good..."

Su Ba felt Wang Xiaoyi's soft body, and gently touched Wang Xiaoyi's pretty face with his hands, his eyes were soft, and he smiled.

"Well, Xiaoyi, I'm back."

"Su Ba, I...I miss you so much~"

Wang Xiaoyi buried the head deeply in Su Ba's chest.

After a brief period of warmth.

Su Ba didn't forget the business, looked down at Wang Xiaoyi's beautiful eyes, and asked softly.

"Xiaoyi, tell me, did something happen? Why, why are the many princes of the three realms and the high-level officials of the Holy Land here? My master fights and defeats the Buddha?"

This word came out.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Even Wang Xiaoyi became silent without consciously, her pretty face inadvertently revealed a trace of sadness and sorrow.

"You guys...what's this look?!"

Su Ba swept across Wang Xiaoyi's pretty face, and his gaze slowly swept towards the Buddhist children and the warriors of the Quartet Holy Land in front of him.

Seeing the slightly silent and sorrowful expressions on everyone's faces, Su Ba's heart screamed!

The smile on his face gradually narrowed, and his eyes became deep.

at the same time!

A breath of horror that made everyone unbelievable began to awaken from Su Ba...

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