God Level Recovery System Instantly Upgrades to 999

Chapter 1315: Supreme realm, attribute limit!

"Thank you for being willing to make such a sacrifice in such an emergency..."

The Emperor of Heaven took a deep breath, forced himself to soothe the trembling emotions in his heart, and looked at the strong ones one by one, as if to remember everyone, and then warmly said.

"At this moment, I firmly believe that as long as the hearts of all the three realms are connected together and the same hatred, then we will definitely not lose!

Everyone’s kindness is appreciated, because my abilities here are limited, so I can only connect 18 people with the faerie art. In order to ensure the best effect, so here, I will choose the strongest among you. Thirteen people remain.


If you hear the name, please step forward..."

The Emperor of Heaven was silent for a moment, and his low voice began to reverberate between the world.

"Yang Jian, fighting against the Buddha, Guanyin... Yin Cheng, Li Jing, Qinglong... Mansi, Nezha... Baihu, Xuanwu... Pig Bajie..."

The emperor's voice was low and slow.

Every time a name is reported, a corresponding strong person will come out.

Not long.

The quota of the thirteen powerhouses is over, all of them are the peak powerhouses of the Saint Realm!

"Well, before I officially start to cast the spell, I will give each of you a time to stick incense, and tell your friends and family individually."

The Emperor of Heaven looked at the thirteen selected powerhouses and said softly.

The strong nodded.


"Son, you can see it. Although your father is usually lazy and almost female, but at the critical moment, even if he was born into a pig by mistake, he is still a real man upright!"

Zhu Bajie watched his son Zhu win, patted him on the shoulder, and smiled, "Remember, no matter what you do, you can keep a low profile, but you can never be a boob!"

Zhu Bajie's big fangs were exposed, and his smile was ugly, but in front of Zhu Ying at this moment, it seemed to be the most beautiful smile in the world.

"Father, I know! I will definitely practice hard in the future! I! Pig wins! I will definitely be your pride!"

Zhu Ying resisted the tears, and said with a choked voice, "Don't worry, I won't make you worry... I won't make you... worry... Dad... I..."

In the end, the pig did not hold back the tears, and the two lines dazzled with tears.

the other side.

"Master, Qingyi, no...don't you go...don't...oooooo..."

Fan Qingyi fluttered on Douzhe Buddha, her jade hand was holding Douzhe Buddha's sleeves, her pretty face was pear blossomed with rain, her beautiful eyes were red and swollen from crying, and she couldn't cry!

"I won't leave as a teacher, because I believe that the spirit of being a teacher will always be by your side..."

Dou Zhan Sheng Buddha calmed Fan Qingyi while looking at his other disciples, and said gently.

"You, Que Yi, are the first disciple my grandson received 170,000 years ago. You have a very active personality and love to get into trouble. It is very similar to me before. Now I have changed it. It's a pity that my talent is not top-notch. It’s only in the late stage of the Holy Realm...

You, Sun Yu, is the second disciple of my grandson 130,000 years ago. You have a domineering way of doing things, but you have a sense of justice and justice. You are gifted and appreciated by my grandson. You are currently at the pinnacle of the quasi-sacred realm. Pretty good...

You, Mi Leiren, is the third disciple that my grandson received 80,000 years ago. You are the most docile of all the disciples, and you are personable. There are also many buddhist brothers and sisters, and I don’t need my grandson to practice. worry…

And you..."

Dou Zhan Sheng Buddha one by one disciple clicked over. Each disciple watched Dou Zhan Sheng Buddha with tears in his eyes, tightly pressing his teeth.

this moment.

Yang Jian, Qinglong, Baihu, Yincheng, Mansi...

Each sage realm peak powerhouse took advantage of the last time to say goodbye to their clansmen, disciples, and family members.

The time for a stick of incense is very short.

"Well, you thirteen, all come with us, the time is up."

The Emperor of Heaven said in a low voice.


He turned and walked towards the gate of the Holy Beast Palace.

"Shi Tian, ​​Fengxuejian, you two will come here too..."


Under the gaze of countless people, the Emperor Tian and other 18 people, the 18 strongest people in the three realms of Xianwu Universe, left everyone a tragic and solemn back, and entered the gate of the Holy Beast Palace.

Holy Palace of Mythical Beasts.

The largest colored light gate, where the Supreme Shengxianchi and the Supreme Enlightenment Monument are located.

Shi Tian and Feng Xuejian were all immersed in the Supreme Ascension Pond, and eighteen people including the Emperor Tian were sitting around them.

"It shouldn't be too late, then let's start, let our minds be empty, and be prepared to guard Xuangu, and when I'm ready, I will start to cast the spell." The Emperor looked at the crowd and said in a low voice.


Emperor Fengdu condensed.

"The old man is ready." Dao Zu smiled lightly.

"My palace is fine too." Nuwa smiled.

"I'm fine too." Buddha said.

"My grandson is fine."

"And this king..."


A dozen other strong men above the peak of the Saint Stage spoke one after another.

After speaking, everyone slowly closed their eyes.

"it is good."

The Emperor of Heaven nodded, and finally he looked at Shi Tian and Feng Xue Jian, and said in a deep voice.

"You two, you must hold on to it. The process may be very painful. After all, it is a fairly thorough baptism and body transformation, and a substantial increase in cultivation level! And the time may be a bit long, it depends on you!

Digesting the remaining energy afterwards also requires your efforts. "

"The little monk and the wind brother will hold it on."

Shi Tian's gaze flickered brightly as formed, and his tone was firm.

Feng Xuejian frowned slightly and glanced at Shi Tian, ​​as if he was unhappy that Shi Tian was making a decision for him, but he still didn't say anything, and nodded to the Emperor of Heaven.


The Emperor didn't say anything any more, and slowly closed his eyes.

After a few breaths of time.


In this space, there was a strange buzzing sound inexplicably.

Under the gaze of Shi Tian and Feng Xuejian, the Emperor of Heaven was suddenly enveloped by a dreamlike white light.


The emperor's breath became flaming and violent in vain!


A sky-like white energy came out from the top of the heavenly emperor's head!


In the square space, the strange buzzing sound became clearer and clearer.


After reaching the highest point of the space, the white energy that rushed straight out from the top of the heavenly emperor’s head burst out like fireworks in full bloom, turning into seventeen radiant brilliance falling from the sky, one after another sinking into the other ten. The bodies of seven strong men!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

this moment!

The body of the seventeen powerhouses suddenly shook, and a thunderous sound erupted in everyone's body!

Space is shaking endlessly!

at the same time!

Everyone's body was suddenly enveloped in a circle of dreamlike light.

These rays of light are of different colors and colorful.

Available in red, gold, white, black, purple...

The light of various colors seems to represent the energy attributes of the strong counterparts, either bursting, or cold, peaceful, or sharp...

Just as Shi Tian followed Feng Xuejian's attention to this change.


Next moment!

Those lights all turned into flames!

The bodies of the eighteen powerhouses above the peak of the Saint Realm were surrounded by flames of various colors in an instant!

But the strange thing is that those flames of various colors have no heat, and some are just an indescribable sense of vagueness.

With these misty flames of various colors appeared.

All the auras of the eighteen saints above the peak seemed to be stagnant, and their vitality began to decline rapidly.

And in this process.

An unimaginable turbulent force was stripped from their bodies, forming chaotic spheres in mid-air, which are terrifying energy spheres containing all the origins and blood of many powerful men!

The energy of the eighteen chaotic spheres grew more and more, while the vitality of the emperor and the others became more and more sluggish!

Shi Tian and Feng Xuejian couldn't help but clenched their fists, their eyes were full of sadness and sorrow.

at the same time!

Their hearts became extremely firm.

Be sure to hold on later!


Otherwise, the eighteen strong men would have died in vain.

Not only that, they must also defeat the Demon Ancestor and restore peace to the Three Realms!

Time passed, and several breaths passed.

The terrifying energy contained in the eighteen chaotic spheres in mid-air seemed to have accumulated to the extreme. At this moment, the eighteen powerhouses such as the Emperor of Heaven completely disappeared, and everyone lowered their heads weakly.



"There are other seniors..."

Shi Tianhe Feng Xuejian's heart trembled, and the grief in his eyes was beyond words.

However, in the next moment, their expressions stagnated, and both of them opened their eyes wide, as if they had seen something incredible!

In front of them.

The eighteen top powerhouses who had no vitality around them, who should have turned into cold bodies, turned into eighteen drops of bleak blood under the open gaze of Shi Tian and Feng Xuejian.

Immediately, the blood slowly dissipated and melted into the air.


Shi Tian shook with Fengxuejian's expression, and his face was shocked!

Why, why do all the bodies of all people turn into a drop of blood?

Could it be...

An incredibly shocking thought suddenly popped up in the two of them.


Shi Tian and Feng Xuejian didn’t have time to think about it. The eighteen chaotic orbs in mid-air that contained endless energy were combined and turned into two blazing energy beams, falling from the sky, and rushing into Shi Tian and Feng Xuejian like lightning. The bodies of the two!

"Ah! Ah!"

Two loud screams of pain came in an instant...

at the same time!

Holy market, Tianshan forest.

A superior room in an inn in the gathering place of Longdong.


Su Ba suddenly got up, his black eyes opened, and a fine cold sweat appeared abnormally on his forehead!

"Host, what's the matter with you?"

The system was taken aback by Su Ba's behavior, and asked suspiciously.

"I have no idea…"

Su Ba shook his head, stretched out his hand to touch his heart, and muttered, "It's just that suddenly it feels...a bit painful..."

"No, you are young and good in all aspects. How could it be heartache."

The system looked suspicious.

"It's true, it feels like something important has passed away."

Su Ba whispered to himself, Su Ran's figure was shocked!

Su Ba's entire back was suddenly wet with cold sweat, and he widened his eyes and said uneasy.

"Could it be that what happened to the master of Douzhansheng Buddha?! He came out of the devil ancestor?!"

"Impossible. You have only been in the Saint Ruins Realm for more than ten years. How could that old fellow of the Demon Ancestor come out? Isn't it the defense of the three big realms and five supreme lords."

The system curled his lips and said, "You must have made a mistake. Have you been cultivating too often and tired recently?"

"Are you kidding me, a warrior of my level won't get tired if I don't eat, drink or sleep for ten years, let alone I have food that replenishes vitality to speed up my practice!"

Su Ba rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction, and then frowned.


That feeling of restlessness can never be wrong!

Something must have happened in Xianwu Universe!

But think about it, even if the Demon Ancestor was born early, with the three realms and the five supreme beings as the head, and the many saint realm powerhouses as the supplements, even if it is lost, there should be no problem with self-protection.

Su Ba's expression is condensed!

In any case, he wants to raise his cultivation to the supreme state as soon as possible, get the Zhuxian Sword, and then go back!

"System. How long will it take to upgrade the upper limit of accumulated attributes for the enhancement point for the seventh time?"

Since the sixth time the cumulative attribute upper limit of the strengthening points was upgraded, the time required to upgrade again has also been greatly increased.

Ten years have passed since the sixth upgrade!

"Come on, it's just two days, but it's estimated that the host will have to wait 20 or 30 years for the eighth upgrade."

The system estimates, "Anyway, if the fastest is anyway, you should be able to achieve your goal, be promoted to the highest level, and reach the limit of attributes within a hundred years!"

"I see!"

A gleam of light flashed through Su Ba's eyes!

Within a hundred years, I will definitely return to Xianwu Universe!

Time flies, and the eighty-eight years is gone in a blink of an eye.

Tianshan Forest, a dark canyon deep in the north.

"Moo moo moo..."

Amidst a miserable cry, a bull and evil beast with a Saint Realm peak cultivation base fell and lost its life in the powerful recovery of Su Ba.

"Finally... almost..."

In the decades since the eighth upgrade of the cumulative limit of strengthening points, Su Ba has been hunting in the wild in the natural forest.

Su Ba, who rarely takes care of his clothes, looks shabby. There are many dark mud stains on his body, especially his black hair, which has grown beyond the waist. The front bangs completely cover his eyes, and he looks It's like a savage deep in the mountains.

But this savage in the deep mountains, occasionally raised his head, and when the wind blew, he would reveal a pair of extremely sharp eyes!

The terror and indifference in those eyes make people shudder when they see it!

Wave it!


There was an explosion from the canyon rock wall in front, and a huge pothole appeared in front of him.

Su Ba's expression was indifferent and he walked at will, then came into the pothole and sat down cross-legged.

He doesn't care if the loud noise just now attracts prying or attack, as long as they don't want to die, just come.

Look at it.

At this moment, Su Ba's cultivation base has reached the peak of the Saint Realm!

Sitting cross-legged on the messy pothole ground, Su Ba closed his eyes slightly, keeping his mind in an ethereal state.

I don't know how long it took.

Su Ba's horror and evil spirit that was permeated by decades of killing was quickly purified. When he opened his eyes again, Su Ba's black eyes were already as calm as a starry sky.


With a sigh of foul breath, Su Ba's body and mind had been restored to its best state.

The cumulative upper limit of strengthening points for the eighth upgrade reached its limit again, and Su Ba glanced at his strengthening points.

[Strengthening point]: 32768 trillion.

32768 trillion, which is equivalent to 3276800 trillion point enhancement points!

It's not in vain that I have been doing ordinary recycling and powerful recycling for decades, and this is almost numb.

Open the second page properties panel at hand.

[Strength]: 2700 (the peak limit of the Saint Realm)

[Physique]: 2700 (the peak limit of the Saint Realm)

[Defense]: 2700 (the peak limit of the Saint Realm)

[Speed]: 2700 (Sage Realm peak limit)

[Roots and Bones]: 2700 (the peak limit of the Saint Realm)

[Comprehensibility]: 2700 (the peak limit of the Saint Realm)

[Soul]: 2700 (the peak limit of the Saint Realm)

[Energy]: 2700 (the peak limit of the Saint Realm)

The eight attributes have all reached the level of the peak limit of the Saint Realm!

Although the Supreme Realm is an insurmountable battle power gap!


Su Ba slowly clenched his fist, feeling the terrifying power surging in his body like a volcano. Asking himself, the average late supreme realm powerhouse shouldn't be his opponent!

However, in the face of those powerful mid-term supreme realm powers, Su Ba was not sure.

The specific details will not be known until after the actual fight.

At this moment, the most important goal is to break through the Supreme, and then advance to the limit of attributes!

"Didi! In the early stage of promotion to the Supreme Realm, it needs to consume 10,000 trillion enhancement points. Do you continue?"

After Su Ba clicked on the Xiu base (+), this prompt popped out of his mind.

10,000 trillion!

Previously, the promotion of the Saint Realm peak was only 2200 trillion, and this time it directly jumped nearly five times the strengthening point!

It's really scary!

It is no wonder that the strength of the Supreme Realm powerhouse will crush the Saint Realm peak powerhouse, this gap is really huge, and the probability of wanting to be promoted to the Supreme Realm is also very low.

So... it's great to have a system!

Su Ba said quietly, then, without hesitation, he chose to continue directly!


"Congratulations to the host, it consumes 10,000 megabytes of strengthening points, and the cultivation base becomes the initial stage of promotion to the perfect supreme realm!"


The blood is boiling! Energy roar!

A wave of unmatched power was born in the body, quickly flowing through the limbs and hundreds of skeletons. Su Ba firmly suppressed the raging and terrifying power in the body, but a trace of energy leaked inadvertently, which made the place where Su Ba lived The huge high rock wall collapsed!


Countless rubble was lifted off, and a slender body came out from it.

Shaking his body randomly, shaking off all the gravel on his body, Su Ba raised his head slightly, through the dense bangs, you can see that Su Ba's eyes are very bright!

"Is this the power of the Supreme Realm..."

Su Ba muttered to himself, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter!

Just as soon as he broke through, he felt that his strength might have been directly increased by more than ten times!

The world became clearer and clearer, and even Su Ba could feel the power of the mysterious and mysterious Dao appearing in the void.

There was a sudden movement in my heart.

Su Ba raised his hand and slowly slapped his palm towards the sky.


The infinite power of thunder was formed in Su Ba's palm, and the bright electric light burst out with a strange rhyme, and it quickly formed a mysterious pattern.

In the pattern is the endless blazing thunder flashing, the power of heaven sweeps through, and the terrifying thunder breath can suppress everything!

"This is the road map of thunder!"

The system was satisfied and said, "That's right! A good foundation is good. Just breaking through the supreme realm, you can evolve a ruled road map."

With a smile at the corner of Su Ba's mouth, he slowly patted his palm again.


Endless murderous intent is condensed in the palm of the palm, and a deep and dark pattern appears, like a golden iron horse, and the terrifying killing intent seems to penetrate the sky!

Killing road map!


The infinite blood evil spirit shook the world, a crimson pattern appeared in the palm of the palm, red dripping blood, red infiltrating people, the evil spirit permeated, like the vast sea overthrowing! Swamp! Destroy the Quartet!

Shura Road Map!

The power of the three Consummation Level laws that Su Ba controlled was finally reborn at the moment Su Ba was promoted to the Supreme Realm!

From now on, Su Ba once again had a few more methods to kill terror!

"Okay, although you have just formed the Law Dao Map, the host yourself is the perfect foundation and promotion to supreme. All of a sudden, the power of the Law Dao Map has reached the mid-stage! It saves countless efforts!"

The system smiled and nodded, "With this step alone, you are ahead of the vast majority of supreme realm powerhouses, and even many supremes are still the rudiments of the law, some of which may not be understood."

Su Ba smiled and nodded.

He is very satisfied with the improvement of his strength.

After a sigh of relief, Su Ba's face returned to calm again, and said lightly.

"Then next, the attributes are strengthened. This time the cumulative upper limit of strengthening points is upgraded. The amount is good, and it should be able to reach the limit!"

Next moment!

Su Ba's eyes flashed sharply, and the enhanced mode was turned on!

"Ding! Strengthening points start to consume..."

"Physical +1, strengthening points-620 billion... Strength +1, strengthening points-650 billion... Defense +1, strengthening points-700 billion..."

"Energy +1, strengthening point 660 billion...speed +1, strengthening point 680 billion...soul +1, strengthening point 720 billion..."


"Defense +1... Soul +1... Roots +1... Comprehension +1..."


"Reinforcement point-700 billion... Reinforcement point-730 billion... Reinforcement point-750 billion..."


"Friendly reminder, the physique attribute has reached the current maximum value, it cannot be strengthened, and it cannot be strengthened!"

"Friendly reminder that the defense attribute has reached the current maximum value, and it cannot be strengthened, and it cannot be strengthened!"

"Friendly reminder that the root bone attribute has reached the current maximum value, and cannot be strengthened, and cannot be strengthened!"

"Friendly reminder, savvy attribute..."



Several distinctive notification sounds jumped up in Su Ba's mind!

Su Ba's eyes burst with brilliant light!

Reach out and flip.

The properties panel on the second page appears!

[Strength]: 2800 (initial limit of the supreme realm)

[Physique]: 2800 (initial limit of the supreme realm)

[Defense]: 2800 (initial limit of the supreme realm)

[Speed]: 2800 (initial limit of the supreme realm)

[Gen Bone]: 2800 (initial limit of the supreme realm)

[Comprehensibility]: 2800 (initial limit of the supreme realm)

[Soul]: 2800 (initial limit of the supreme realm)

[Energy]: 2800 (initial limit of the supreme realm)


All attributes have reached the limit of the initial stage of the Supreme Realm!


The horrific state of his body soared, so Su Ba couldn't help but roar to the sky!

The incomparable sound waves rushed into the sky, surging endlessly!

this moment!

A hundred thousand li!

Wan Lai is dead!

Countless evil beasts bow their heads and crawl, shivering!

"Go take care of your body and take a bath, and then go get the Zhuxian Sword..."

Su Ba restrained all his breath and spoke calmly.


Turned around and fell into the forest.

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