
The audience is silent!

There was no other sound except for the slight pulsating sound of small electric lights faintly remaining on the ground.

Those viewers who supported Zuo Wu seemed to have been used to hold the body, their eyes widened, and their mouths opened exaggeratedly, as if they had seen something incredible.

Zuo Wu... just so defeated?

Since Zuo Wu debuted, he has been very high-profile, pushing all the way, defeating all the Tianjiao in the world, and rushing to the throne of the peerless Tianjiao, he is famous!

This time the King of Tianjiao Tournament, even if there are a few dark horses, many people feel confident that Zuo Wu has the strength to beat the championship!

But the reality is so **** cruel.

In the first round of the team's quarterfinals, Zuo Wu was defeated!

Lost to an alien youth who didn’t know which universe came from...

"God! It's amazing! Su Ba player's strength is really amazing! The game that I thought was going to die was so easily cracked!

I don't know how much strength Su Ba player used?

80%, 90% or all?

This sudden huge increase must be some kind of extremely powerful secret technique or magical power. It feels that the energy has increased by a large amount. It should be Su Ba player's trick to press the bottom of the box!

But in any case, Su Ba defeated Zuo Wu, which means that among all the arrogances of the Northern Skyland, he can be called the well-deserved king!

No wonder he would choose wheel warfare, because he was fearless at all! Full of confidence! "

The energetic voice of the organizer of the contest came out with impassioned light from the five phantom light curtains in Illusory Sea City.

Next second!

The scene is boiling!

"Wow! Young Master Su, you are so handsome!"

"That's amazing! Young Master Su, please ask for a sound transmission mark!"

"Young Master Su, can you go to my house after the game! There are so many good-looking clothes for you to see~"

Suddenly, a young man screamed excitedly with a thick neck.

"Su Ba, I want to give you a monkey!"


A group of people was killed on the spot.

Some fans are unhappy, disgusted.

"Who are you, a big man, why do you **** Su Ba with us?"

The young man was not convinced: "What's wrong with a man, can a man not be a mother?"

As he said, the young man began to scratch his head, and winked at the scene, "Ah~Ouba~ um~ Sarah~ oh~ yah~"


Another group of people was instantly'dead'.

Real Nima, spicy eyes.

When there was speechless at the scene, and many people wanted to kill this perverted youth, a surprised voice came from the phantom light curtain.

"Everyone! Announce one thing, in Division A, the wheel fight of the Su Ba players may come to an end."

what? !

There was a commotion in the audience.

"Why terminate?!"

"Under what circumstances, how could the game not be played? It's about to be exciting!"

"Stop Mao! Protest!"

"That's right, my old lady hasn't seen enough of my mate yet!"


The crowd was very excited, many people showed extreme dissatisfaction, and the scene was noisy!

"Oh, dear viewers, don't get excited, why the game is terminated, it's all because the Su Ba player has no opponents to play."

Ok? !

No opponents fought?

As everyone was stunned, a mid-air voice sounded again, shouting loudly with high emotions.

"That's right! I just got the news that the remaining six opponents of the Su Ba player unanimously chose to abandon the game and give up!

Therefore, now the prospective champion of Division A has come out, and it is Su Ba player!

Friends who support Su Ba, please cheer to your heart's content! "

Damn. Groove!

Everyone else abstained? !

Is it so shameless?

A soldier who succumbed to others without fighting? !

Many people froze for a moment, and then the scene burst into flames, and the voice of the whole city calling for Su Ba echoed in all directions for a long time...

Dongcheng Area.

A window on the second floor of the winery.

After sipping a large glass of wine, Xiang Shao shook his head when he saw a lively scene outside, listening to the loud cheers in his ears.

"Sure enough, it's Brother Su, he made it to the final so soon.

The guy Zuo Wu couldn't think of losing so quickly. This time, the crazy demon was killed. He was afraid that his strength would drop by a large amount, and he would never return to the past.

From this point of view, it is really wise for me not to participate in this competition. Cheers to my wit! "

Xiang Shao smiled complacently, raised his head and bored another glass of wine.

"Haha, refreshing!"

the other side.

In the crowd.

A tall, strong, and dark young man wore a hood. He looked at the back of Su Ba, who was slowly leaving the fighting arena on the phantom light curtain, with a deep resentment in his eyes!

"Dog. Day, you are dead. If you **** Lao Tzu's storage, don't tell me, you still treat Lao Tzu... oh oh~"

Han Tuxiu couldn't continue.

As soon as he said, he couldn't help but think of the dark experience in his life, and he started to faintly aches again in a certain position, and almost screamed.

Once this particular sound is made, and then recognized by others, the fame of Nimata I will directly become a chicken feather.

"However, this guy is a bit outrageous..."

Although Han Duxiu was very unwilling and wanted to kill Su Ba, through two contacts, and then observed Su Ba's battle today, he had to admit one thing, it seemed that he really couldn't beat Su Ba.

Even if I used the magical power of light from the very beginning, it was probably the end of a loss for the huge thunder beam that was sprayed from Su Ba's mouth just now.



Han Duxiu gritted his teeth!

But soon, he recovered his calm, with an inaudible grin at the corner of his mouth, muttering to himself insidiously.

"Fortunately, I was prepared, boy, wait, you will pay a painful price for your bad behavior..."


Han Duxiu turned around, twisted his hips in a weird posture, left the scene, and walked towards the exit of Illusory Sea City.

Zhu Xianjian, he can't get it, and there is no reason to stay here...

It's the original formula, or the original preparation hall.

"Suba contestant, congratulations on your winning the semi-championship of Division A. The final champion of the Tianjiao King Tournament will be held on time tomorrow morning. Please know."

The inside personnel of the fighting arena bowed slightly to Su Ba and said with a smile.

"Okay, I know."

Su Ba nodded.

"Um~ old rules, there are countless people watching outside. The popularity of Su Ba players is now overwhelming. If you go out directly from the gate, there will be a lot of commotion, so please allow us to use the teleportation array to send you out of the city. Please trouble Su Ba players to go by themselves. address."


Although Su Ba can use the seventy-two change to disguise easily, but since it is the organizer's request and suggestion, then it is their intention.

Just when Su Ba was teleported out by the organizer's staff using formations.

the other side.

From the five-party shadow light curtain, the host party’s energetic voice came again, and the voice was full of excitement!

"Oh, my goodness! Everyone has seen it!

After the Sai Lei contestant learned that the Su Ba contestant had won the semi-championship in Division A, he seemed to be a different person. His strength soared, one move, one opponent, less than ten breathing times, and six consecutive challengers. They were all **** up!

It seems that under the cynical attitude of Sai Lei players, terrible strength has always been hidden! Worthy of being the biggest dark horse ever known as this competition!

Now, there is only the last person left in the wheel war, but this person is another peerless arrogant in my North Tianyu, Yucaiyan!

Yujia, one of the three major families in the North Tianyu, is younger than Zuo Wu, but his strength is hidden above Zuo Wu!

The show is here!

If Sai Lei cannot solve the Yucai Yan simply and neatly, then this time the Tianjiao Kings Tournament, the championship battle, the final winner will probably be known in advance! "

"Sai Lei! Come on!"

"I'm optimistic about you! Defeat Yu Caiyan and defeat Su Ba!"

"Come on! Sai Lei! Na Su Ba looks a bit difficult to approach, people still like you, a more irritating man!"


Outside, the audience who supported Sai Lei shouted one after another, and many bold girls even took out their bellybands and waved to cheer Sai Lei.

at this time.

In the three-story large fighting arena.

Sai Lei, a tall monkey with blond hair and blue eyes, stood on the ground casually. In the passage in front of him, there appeared a thin, blue-haired young man with sharp eyes.

"Da da."

Yu Caiyan stood still a hundred meters away in front of Hou Sai Lei, glanced at Hou Sai Lei with a slightly dignified look, then clasped his fists and said simply.

"Yucaiyan, please advise!"

"The last one, I finally feel a little bit."

Monkey Sai Leixie smiled and looked at Yu Caiyan, and then sighed, "It's a headache. If I saw you before, I would also like to kiss you, but since meeting Su Ba brother, I feel that the threshold is suddenly too high. Raised a lot, ah, what a pity, what a pity."

Yu Caiyan has a black line!

Your sister, who is going to kiss you, **** gay!

"Stop talking nonsense, come on! Let me see how powerful the so-called strongest dark horse is!"

While Yu Caiyan was talking, a diamond-shaped golden flag one foot in size appeared on both hands, looking at Monkey Sai Lei coldly.

"Well, since Brother Su Ba has gone back to rest, I will finish the game soon and go back and rest."

Monkey Sai Lei shrugged his shoulders casually and looked at Yu Caiyan's position, "Oh, I should be about 300 meters away from you."


Yu Caiyan frowned, what is this guy doing, forget it, then take the initiative to attack!

Just when Yu Caiyan was ready to attack.

"Oh, that's just right."

The faint voice of Monkey Sai Lei sounded in his ears.

But the next moment!

But seeing Monkey Sai Lei's lazy blue eyes burst into **** in vain!


A big flaming sword suddenly appeared in his hand. Monkey Sai Lei held the handle of the knife like lightning, and the long knife came out of its sheath, and it quickly slashed out in the air in the direction of Yu Caiyan!


An indescribable force of flame burst out, and the long sword turned into a 300-meter huge flame blade and fell from the sky, instantly crossing the distance from Yucaiyan, and fell fiercely!

what? !

This knife... why is it so long? !

Yu Caiyan was taken aback!

At this moment, he only felt a terrifying chill in his heart!

It's just a matter of time!


He burst into a shout, and the two diamond-shaped golden array flags in his hand shook frantically, and the golden array talisman quickly floated out of the array flag, forming a golden array talisman shield in front of Yu Caiyan.

Gilt shield!

Super defensive formation!

Enough to match the peak powerhouse of the Saint Realm...Boom!

"Crack, click, click...boom!"

The gilt shield directly exploded when it came into contact with the terrifying flame blade, and the strong shock wave instantly lifted Yucaiyan away, vomiting blood in the air, and then fell to the ground without knowing the life or death!


The terrifying aftermath of the horrible 300-meter flame knife gang continued to sweep, and the ground blessed by the entire battlefield formation was directly torn into a horrible knife gas trench that was hundreds of meters long!

Almost a knife cut the entire large fighting arena!

Damn. Groove!

The eyeballs of the person in charge of the magic sea city fighting field are almost shocked!

This Nima was made of special metal and blessed by the formation, and the fighting field created by it has suffered such terrible damage!


This Sai Lei's strength is probably in the forefront position among the peak powerhouses of the Saint Realm!

Just now, Su Ba took a breath of dragon and almost penetrated the fighting arena, but now this Sai Lei almost split the fighting arena of the same specification!

These two people are simply monsters!

In particular, more than 90% are peerless geniuses from the top universe!

Still a top peerless genius!

As the peerless genius in the top universe, compared with the peerless genius of the Holy Ruins Realm, the latter is simply incomparable.

In fact, it is!

All were killed by a single move!

"Oh, sorry."

At this moment, looking at Yu Caiyan who was lying on his back in the distance in the distance, and Yu Caiyan who was still breathing, Monkey Sai Lei stroked his chin and smiled awkwardly.

"My big sword has long been hungry. I'm too thirsty. I didn't control it when I hacked it out, hehehe."

"Host, kill him! I sucked him! This kid is pretty good! Hurry up! Kill!"

A cold voice suddenly rang in Hou Sai Lei's mind!

"Kill your sister, in the game, how many times have I told you, you are not afraid of exposure, I am afraid of exposure!"

Monkey Sai Lei curled his mouth.

"Huh! Your kid is not aggressive enough! I don't know how to match this system. If you change to another person, the potential and strength of the same level will definitely exceed the current you. It's a waste of the system's ability!"

The cold voice yelled dissatisfiedly.

"Oh, angry?"

Sai Lei the monkey seemed to be used to this situation and smiled, "Then let's kiss, you shouldn't be angry."


The system was really going to explode, so I stopped talking.

The communication between the two was completed in an instant.

Monkey Sai Lei didn't care about the system, and said to the sky above the fighting arena.

"Okay, the result should be out."


The organizer seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and then the full of breath and impassioned voice echoed through the five-party phantom light curtain throughout Illusory Sea City.

"Everyone! The prospective champion of Division B is also born at this moment, and that is Sai Lei, the initiator of the wheel war!

Sai Lei is truly an unfathomable young man, and he is shocked by a single shot!

In the same level, no one can stop it!

Oh no!

Almost forgot, another player, Su Ba!

So far, Su Ba players have been able to solve the powers simply and swiftly, even more so without a fight!

Two top-notch peerless geniuses will collide on time tomorrow morning!

Whether the Suba player is the best player, or the Sai Lei player is better, let us all wait and see!

I believe that tomorrow will definitely be an amazing visual battle feast!

finals! The battle of champions! Grand opening tomorrow! "


The voice fell, the whole city was boiling!

"Su Ba! Must win!"

"Sai Lei! King of Tianjiao!"

"Su Ba! Champion!"

"Sai Lei! First!"


The whole city is cheering the names of two people!

The sound is mighty, resounding everywhere!

Although Su Ba and Hou Sai Lei are aliens, they have won the respect and awe of everyone with their performance!

Millions of people in the city are already looking forward to tomorrow's finals.

In the north of Huanhai City, there is a magnificent giant peak above Qingruan Peak!


On the top of Qingruan Peak, in the sea of ​​clouds platform.

An old man in a white shirt with the bones of a fairy-wind road closed his eyes and crossed his knees on a gossip lotus platform, with a trace of the power of heaven flowing faintly throughout his body.

Some time.

The white-shirted old man opened his eyes slightly, his old eyes seemed to be able to see through the void, and a faint voice sounded at the same time.

"Charlie, are you here?"

"Sect Master, tomorrow is the finals of the Tianjiao King Competition."

An old man in coarse cloth slowly walked closer and saluted the old man in white shirt.

"Oh? So soon, the prospective champions of the AB two divisions will come out?"

The old man in white shirt was a little surprised.

"Yes it is."

The old man of coarse cloth said respectfully, "Before the Sect Master, you just entered the cultivation state, and the old did not bother you.

The reason why the quasi-champions of the two major divisions appeared so quickly was entirely because the players of the two sides had adopted the method of wheel warfare, so the competition process has been accelerated a lot. "

Wheel battle? !

The old eyes of the white-shirted old man flashed a light!

"It seems that the wheel battles should have been successful, so who are the prospective champions of the AB two major divisions?"

"It's Su Ba and Sai Lei."

The old man said, "Sect Master, one of these two is definitely the son of Zhu Xianjian's destiny!

According to the report from the person in charge of the Fantasy Sea Fighting Arena, these two people were all the peerless arrogant talents in the North Sky Territory on our side with a single move, and they almost broke the three-tier large fighting arena!

To know.

The three-story large-scale fighting arena itself is in accordance with the specifications, and is a venue for fierce battles against the top martial artists of the saint realm!

It can be seen that the strength of the two is probably both strong in the peak of the Saint Realm! "

"Two of them, one is in the early stage of the saint state, and the other has just broken through the middle stage of the saint state, right..."

The white-shirted old man squinted his eyes and nodded, "Such a talent, I really dominate the Saint Ruins Realm for a long time! But there are two at the same time, the probability is really low and terrible!

I originally thought that Sai Lei was the man of Zhu Xianjian's destiny, but now it seems that Su Ba is also possible.

It depends on who will win the finals tomorrow. "


The old man in white shirt suddenly looked at the old man in coarse cloth and said in a deep voice, "Are you sure, the champion must be the man of the Heavenly Jade Sword?"

"Back to Sect Master, eight or nine will never leave ten."

The dark cloth old man looked at the sky with extremely dark eyes, and there seemed to be swirls in his eyes, "The sky tells the old man, in this holy market world, there is no Tianjiao stronger than the man of Zhu Xianjian destiny, but..."

"But what?"

The old man in white shirt raised his eyelids.

The old man in coarse cloth frowned slightly, his dark eyes looking towards the sky, and the whirlpool inside it began to spin faster and faster, "I don't know if it is an illusion of old age, the edge of that nameless star shows signs of convergence."

"What do you mean?"

"It's weird, maybe it's accumulating strength..."

The old man coarse cloth came to a conclusion unsurely.

"Well, this thing is your strong point. Since you said before that the people of Zhu Xianjian's destiny will win, then wait until tomorrow, you can bring the champion over to see me."

After speaking, the white shirt old man re-entered the cultivation state.

"Old...I got it."

The old man of coarse cloth hesitated for a moment, and finally bowed and quit.

Under the expectation of countless people.

The next day is coming as scheduled, and the finals of the Tianjiao Kings Tournament will also begin at this moment!

this moment.

The streets and alleys of Huanhai City are crowded with people, and it is not an exaggeration to describe them as crowds of people.

Countless people, regardless of the heat wave caused by the crowds around them, raised their heads one after another, looking at the huge phantom light screen that was broadcast in real time above their heads.

Because of the opening of the finals.

The phantom light curtain that was originally divided into two was reunited.

In the phantom light curtain, there is an extremely grand and huge fighting arena!

Yes it is!

This is the best fighting arena in Huanhai Fighting Arena, located on the fourth floor!

There is only this giant fighting arena on the entire fourth floor.

This giant fighting arena is an enhanced version of each of the three large fighting arenas. Regardless of the size, the protection ability is greatly improved. Even the supreme realm will take a lot of time to destroy!

Enough for Su Ba and Sai Lei to fight fiercely!

It can be said that for the stunning visual feast of battle in the finals, the organizer has made enough preparations!

This time, it's time!

The host's energetic voice sounded with high interest.

"Everyone, the first thing I will introduce is the prospective champion of Division B coming out of the left channel, and there will be Sai Lei players on the stage!"

The tall and handsome guy with blond hair and blue eyes, Monkey Sai Lei raised his right hand from the left passage to the giant fighting arena, which immediately caused a lot of cheers in Huanhai City!

"Sai Lei!" "Sai Lei!" "Sai Lei!" "Sai Lei!" "..."

"Haha, everyone is very enthusiastic!"

The energetic voice laughed and continued to speak loudly, "Then below, please come out from the right channel, the prospective champion of Division A from the right channel, and the Su Ba player will appear on the stage!"


It's boiling outside!

Before Su Ba came out, countless people began to cheer, mixed with the screams of a lot of girls!

"Su Ba!" "Su Ba!" "Su Ba!" "Su Ba!" "..."

"Oh, it seems that the popularity of the Su Ba players is even more popular than the Thunder players, and the proportion of girls is very high."

The host's full-blown voice stimulated the activity of the outfield.

One breath... Two breaths... Three breaths...


What makes everyone strange is.

After a few breaths, there was still no movement in the right passage of the giant fighting arena, and Su Ba could not be seen.

what happened? !

The person in charge of the organizer immediately went to the A area to find out the situation, and then announced through the five-party phantom light curtain in shock.

"Uh~ something seems to have happened! Player Su Ba, he didn't come to the fighting arena today!"

what? !


There was an uproar at the scene!

Didn't come to the fighting arena? !

The game is about to start!

not coming? !

Could it be that Su Ba... escaped right away? !

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