The first thousand two hundred and seventy-three chapters are so arrogant!

Ye Wenyun!

This guy actually killed Ye Wenyun? !

And it was killed in the middle stage of the quasi-sage, and was unharmed? !

Yang Fan was shocked and suspicious!

For Ye Wenyun, he naturally knew this person.

Many people don’t even know that he once played against Ye Wenyun.

At that time, Ye Wenyun had just entered the Cultivation Base at the peak of his Sage realm early stage, but in a secret realm expedition, in order to compete for a certain treasure, the two fought.

In the end, he was defeated and fled!

As for Ye Wenyun’s strength, Yang Fan couldn’t be more clear in his heart.

Although I had a great opportunity later, Cultivation Base skyrocketed. Now that Cultivation Base is at the top of the middle stage of Sage, I am confident that I can beat Ye Wenyun all over the floor, but I want to kill Ye Wenyun.


This guy Su Ba was able to kill Ye Wenyun unharmed when he was in the middle stage Cultivation Base of the quasi-sage!

How can this not shock Yang Fan!

Not to mention, at this moment, Su Ba is already the Realm of the quasi-sage late stage!

Suddenly remembered that Su Ba’s Ascension Cultivation Base had a terrifying aura like a volcanic eruption. Even if he was really caught off guard, he was forced to retreat, but under normal circumstances, he seems to have no advantage…

There is also a series of battles just now.

No matter what moves he used, he seemed to be under Su Ba’s control, and he even chatted with him indifferently.

This is…what a confidence!

He just broke through the middle stage of the Sage realm, and he even has a little hope of breaking through the late stage of the Sage realm, his life level will jump again, and he will enjoy a lot of life.

He didn’t want any accidents.


He Yang Fan is a conservative person.

The older you are, the more conservative you are.

If he could crush Su Ba simply and neatly, he would naturally not have so many psychological thoughts, and he would be done.

But the situation is different now.

After knowing Su Ba’s amazing record, and after several more fights, Yang Fan felt that he was at risk.

Moreover, this risk is still great!

Su Ba unceremoniously scolded them in public, then snorted coldly, and said in a sonorous tone, “I Su Ba needs your Giving face?! If you want a face, I Su Ba will earn it myself!


Just relying on a weak chicken of your level, want to give me a face, I am afraid that I will not be qualified! ”


Yang Fan stared, his whole body suddenly flashed with a powerful aura!

“So, are you going to fight the old man to the end?!”

Yang Fan slowly turned around, his face turned cold!

He wasn’t sure to defeat Su Ba 100%, but the words were all to that point. Su Ba didn’t know how to promote him. He really thought Yang Fan was a soft-lung man, so he kneaded at will? !

If in this case, Yang Fan still pretends to be indifferent and ridicule Su Ba at will, then he doesn’t need to be in the Martial Dao world!

The Sect Leader of Ling Bingzong might be furious, and remove his old bones!

“Death? Just you?”

Su Ba looked contemptuously.


It is tolerable, which is unbearable!

This kid is so arrogant!

“Don’t wanting face, then go to death!”

Yang Fan’s eyes burst sharply, and the terrifying aura burst out all over his body!


The ice silkworm sword in his hand began to tremble violently, and an unimaginable icy air escaped from the ice silkworm sword, and a large swath of hoarfrost instantly formed in the surrounding void.

“Dragon Claw Qing Ming Sword!”

Yang Fan shouted, holding the ice silkworm sword forward, and stab Su Ba from a distance!


With one sword, the world is shocked!

This move directly consumed more than 50% of Yang Fan’s vitality, and combined with the power bonus of the top fairy ice silkworm sword itself, the power is unimaginable!

“Crack, click, click…”

The terrible ice blue Sword Qi contains a hint of green color, breaking through the sky, causing the void of the Quartet to tremble violently, making an overwhelming piercing sound!


At the same time, there seemed to be a faint dragon roar between heaven and earth. Then, under the shocking eyes of everyone, a huge black dragon claw tore through the void, carrying a power that seemed to destroy the world and merged into the ice. Blue Sword Qi!


The ice blue Sword Qi shines, and the power soars directly!

Even the many Practitioners who had been in the appearance battle for a few miles felt a bit of chill at this moment, as if they were about to pierce their skin!

Yang Fan’s move can be said to be a very powerful level of the peak power of the middle stage of the Sage realm, and it may even be super-level. Even the peak power of the middle stage of the Sage realm of the same level will produce a huge amount in front of this trick. Heart tremor!

“Strong! So strong! Yang Fan is going crazy!”

“See it! This is the power of the top powerhouse in the middle stage of the Sage realm! With this sword, my body feels disobedient, it’s terrible!”

“This should be the top-level single attack that Yang Fan said, awesome! He didn’t exaggerate it!”

“Under Sage, no one can stop! Even if that Su Ba is a strong body refiner, he can’t stop it!”

“Su Ba wants nothing!”

In the closed box of the Colosseum.

The young master of the Thousand New School laughed loudly!

“That’s it! What are you running! This trick is enough to kill that Su Ba!”

The people all around expressed their opinions and talked a lot.

And above the sky at this moment.

Hundreds of miles in the void were affected by the terrifying ice-blue Sword Qi, and he uttered a shuddering groan. Before the long-distance ice-blue Sword Qi approached, it set off a biting whirlwind and tore Su Ba’s hair wantonly. Clothes, making a hunting sound!

In the whirlwind tore, Su Ba narrowed his eyes, and then slowly closed his eyes.

“Su Ba! Are you closing your eyes and preparing to die? See it! How about my top-level single attack?! I knew this before, why bother!”

In the rear, Yang Fan’s old face showed a frantic color. Seeing Su Ba seemed to give up resistance, it made him very happy. Mom, it turned out that this kid was nothing more than that. He had known that he would not talk nonsense and show weakness before, and just did it!

“This Su Ba is over.”

In the distance, countless Practitioners shook their heads secretly.

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