God Level Recovery System Instantly Upgrades to 999

Chapter 1250: Not only distinguished, but also determined to live and die!

Seeing a touch of shock on Ye Wenyun's face, Su Ba put his hands on his back and reached out a finger, as if he was announcing something, he said lightly!

"Is this surprised?! Oh, when I solve you within three strokes, you should be shocked to death!"

As soon as this is said!

The audience was silent!

Within three strokes, solve Ye Wenyun!

This kind of words like a fairy tale came out of a junior who was less than three hundred years old, under the eyes of everyone today!

The scene, fell into deathly silence!

If it is said that Su Ba will challenge Ye Wen's majesty as the first person in the Yunnan domain with the quasi-sage mid-term cultivation base, it makes countless people feel incredible, then at this moment, undoubtedly all the faces on their faces are very exciting!

Shocked, blinded, shocked...

Of course it is more ridicule and disdain.

Within three strokes, solve Ye Wenyun? Oh, this kid really brags not to draft.

Ye Wenyun's 100,000-year-old Saint Realm mighty power in the Southern Territory, together with the patriarchs of the water and sea superpowers that were the peak of the early Saint Realm, dare not be so disrespectful.

Juniors like Su Ba who didn't know where to come out would dare to speak up!

Young and vigorous, nothing more than that!

In the crowd.

He Yun, who had finally caught up all the way, covered her forehead speechlessly, and was completely defeated by Su Ba.

But think about it.

Well, this is Su Ba's routine operation.

I've seen Su Ba's He Yun, anyway, after today, Su Ba will not be surprised to say anything in the future.

of course.

Su Ba needs to survive today!

Under the constant expressions of all people are different.

Above the sky.

After Ye Wenyun returned to his senses, the expression on his face suddenly became calm.

However, people who are familiar with Ye Wenyun immediately started to jump with horror!

Because they knew that the more calm Ye Wenyun was under his face, the more terrifying anger like thunder lay in his heart!

at this time!


Behind Ye Wenyun, there appeared a dozen men and women wearing Ye's old robes.

Each of these people is very powerful, and they are indeed members of the Ye Family Leaders Group and Ye Wenyun's lackeys!

"You guys, what are you doing here."

Ye Wenyun looked indifferent, glanced at the running dogs behind him, and said.

"Elder, you are the number one person in the Southern Territory and the pillar of the Ye Family. If this kid says provoking. If you provoke you, then provoking you. Provoking you, he simply doesn't put our Ye family in his eyes!

If you have to destroy this kind of stuff and you have to do it yourself by the elder, wouldn't it make people look down upon my Ye family? ! "

Among the top ten lackeys, one of the elders Ye said.

Ok? !

Ye Wenyun raised his brows and didn't speak yet.

Su Ba held his hands on his back and looked at the people faintly.

"Excuse me, if you guys want to go together, I don't mind.

But let me make a statement.

In this battle, it is not only a matter of superiority, but also life and death!

If you are not strong enough, don't come out to be embarrassed! It doesn't mean to abuse you! "

Me. Grass!

So arrogant when death is imminent? !

The elders of a dry leaf are instantly angry!

"Excellent! Old man Ye Yu, come to learn, do you have the same strength as your tone!"

Among the ten running dogs, a six-foot old man came out.

It looks ugly, but the body is strong, terrifying, and daunting!

"It's Ye Yu! Ye family veteran-level elder, quasi-sage peak cultivation base!"

"Although it is the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, Ye Yu has been cultivating at this level for 100,000 years. Even if there is no opportunity to break through the sage level, his strength is far beyond Tongji!"

"Not to mention the first person under the Saint Realm, but also the top three!"

"It's more than enough to deal with the kid who doesn't know the height of the sky!"

"It's hard to say, after all, that young man is so talented that he hasn't seen the Southern Territory for a million years. Even if he only has the mid-term cultivation base of the quasi-sage, he may not be easily defeated!"

"It makes sense! That kid's strength also looks terrifying. Before so many strong men beat melons and vegetables with one punch, it feels like being invincible at the same level!"

"Oh, wait and see!"

"This kid can't do it!"

People all around saw this scene, there was a lot of discussion, and the surroundings suddenly became lively.

at this time.

Seeing Ye Yu come out and prepare to single out himself, Su Ba shook his head unconsciously.

"What do you mean?!"

Ye Yu's face sank.

"What's the point?"

Su Ba shrugged and said lightly, "It's just that you can't do it."


"Boy, arrogant!"

Ye Yu rushed to the crown in anger, the next moment!


The long sword is out of its sheath!

At the same time, Ye Yu burst out with a sword aura that soared into the sky, holding the snow-white sharp sword in his hand, the astonishing sword intent rushed towards Xiao Han, the void was pulled up by a deep black mark, the sword aura rushed to the sky, and then moved thousands of miles away. The high-altitude clouds instantly rushed into nothingness!

"His-terrible sword spirit!"

"Ye Yu is afraid that he is only one step away from the Saint Realm, but at his current age, I am afraid that there is no great opportunity to break through the Saint Realm."

"But even so, he should have the strength to attack the first person under the Saint Realm. Su Ba, that kid is facing up here, it's tricky!"

"Haha, if Ye Yu can't pass this level, he still wants to challenge Ye Wenyun?! Let's eat shit!"

"Let's see how Su Ba responds!"

Under the discussion of everyone, he saw Su Ba standing in the void, and he seemed to ignore Ye Yu's hurricane momentum at the moment. The next second, he slowly raised his right hand and pointed at Ye Yu with a finger.

Countless people suddenly widened their eyes and said in shock: "What is Su Ba planning to do? Hold out a finger?!"

"Does he mean that you can defeat Ye Yu with one finger?! Fuck! It's too arrogant!"

Ye Yu's forehead bounced with blue veins, his complexion suddenly turned pale, he felt offended.


Ye Yu screamed in vain, and the snow-white sword in his hand drew a sharp arc in the air and pierced towards Su Ba!

"The Ye Family Secret Code-Lone Star Swift Snake Sword!"


The unparalleled sword aura surged, and the vitality of the heaven and the earth surging from all around merged with the sword aura, forming a terrifying white snake with teeth and claws, rushing towards Su Ba with full violence!

With the vigorous vitality of the quasi-sage pinnacle, coupled with the powerful sword moves of the Ye Family's Secret Book, once this sword is released, all the powerful onlookers will be discolored, and they will all submit!

How would Su Ba stop such a powerful sword? !

Everyone was thinking, but saw Su Ba smile indifferently, still the finger, but at this moment, the finger moved slightly and pointed forward.

In an instant!

A touch of indescribable golden light bloomed from the fingertips, accompanied by an unimaginable terrifying murderous intent that flooded between heaven and earth!

this moment!

Wan Lai is dead! The world is depressed! The air seems to have stagnated at this time!


I saw a bright golden light dazzling, flashed in front of everyone's eyes, the sword qi in front of the white snake touched and collapsed, and it turned into countless vitality and disappeared into the void.

At the same time, Ye Yu, who was behind the sword-qi white snake, became stiff, his eyes lit up with an unbelievable color, and his body was like a wooden sculpture!

When everyone came back to their senses, they were shocked to see that a fist-sized blood hole appeared on Ye Yu's left chest. The heart inside was gone, and it seemed to be instantly burned into darkness by some hot air current.



Ye Yu fell from a high altitude and crashed to the ground, with no life left!


There was an uproar at the scene, and everyone's eyes were filled with shock and horror!

This Su Ba really killed Ye Yu with a single finger!

Oh my god!

The quasi-sage kills the quasi-sage's peak power in the middle !

This alien junior, who doesn't know which universe came from, is a bit terrifying!

That golden light just now!

Not only Chimu! And fast!

To the extreme!

Like a thunderstorm!

It was Ye Wenyun, the first person in the Southern Territory, and the peak power in the early stage of the Saint Realm, because of temporary contempt, it was too late to rescue!


Ye Wenyun's face became gloomy!


In full view, in front of his own face, Su Ba killed his elder Ye Clan!

The key is that Ye Yu is still one of the best among his lackeys. This is equivalent to being cut off by Su Ba directly. How can he not let him not be angry!

But at the same time!

Ye Wenyun was also unbelievable in his anger!

How could this kid be so strong? !

The powerhouse of the quasi-sage pinnacle, in front of him, is like a child playing in the mud, he is not afraid of any threats at all!

There is also a guy who was only the pinnacle of the semi-sacred realm three months ago, why did he reborn after three months, and his cultivation soared to the mid-sage stage? ! What happened to Su Ba? !

The existence of this kid seems a bit contrary to the principles of heaven!

Ye Wenyun was thinking.

But I heard a faint voice with a little contempt ringing around.

"The elders of the Ye family are so capable? It's extremely boring. You'd better go together. If you can die together, you should be grateful to me, too."

Looked up.

Ye Wenyun saw that Su Ba stretched out his finger and hooked in their direction, showing disdain between his expressions and words.

The group of elders exploded instantly!

It was the countless Ye Family children who were surrounded by the Ye Family Mansion below, and the sentiments were agitated!

"Slot! Too crazy!"

"Mom! It's so arrogant!"

"Who is coming to our Ye family to yell!"

"Shut up!"

Su Ran screamed loudly, shaking the world!

The Ye family's expression stagnated, and the curse came to an abrupt end!

I saw high above the sky, among the elders behind, a middle-aged man who was strong and majestic as a bear came out!

The middle-aged man just stood in the void at will, but his body seemed to contain the terrifying power of breaking the sky and the earth, spreading unconsciously!

"It's the Fourth Elder! Master Ye Quan!"

Seeing Ye Quan's coming out, all the Ye Family's children were shocked. Everyone bowed and saluted Ye Quan, their faces in awe!

There is no other reason!

Ye Quan is not only an elder, but also an elder in the early stages of the Saint Realm! The Yejia's power is extraordinary!

Ye Quan ignored the others and turned to Ye Wenyun's urn.

"Big brother, this kid is lawless! I will tear his mouth, grab it again, and let Big Brother dispose of it!"

Ye Wenyun looked gloomy and wanted to do it himself, but since Ye Quan said that, he thought about it and nodded.

"Okay! Fourth brother, this kid is not easy, you can't underestimate the enemy, you know!"

Although Su Ba is strong, Ye Wenyun can't believe that Su Ba can still jump in the face of a serious early power in the Saint Realm!

Furthermore, Ye Wenyun was also very confident about Ye Quan's strength.

"Don't worry, brother!"

Ye Quan grinned, and then looked at Su domineering viciously, "With just one move, I will tear his mouth!" The god-level recycling system instantly upgrades the latest chapter address of 999: https://www.readwn.com/book/116013.htmlThe god-level recycling system instantly upgraded to 999 full text reading address: https://www.readwn.com/read/116013/God-level recovery system instantly upgraded 999txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/116013.htmlThe god-level recycling system instantly upgrades to 999 mobile phones. Read: https://m.readwn.com/read/116013/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Favorite\" below to record this time (chapter 1,250 is both superior and decisive!) to read the record and open the bookshelf next time see! If you like "God Recycling System Upgrade 999 Instantly", please recommend to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) This book, thank you for your support! ! (www.readwn.com)

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