The first thousand one hundred and ninety-two chapters, come and call 666!

Could it be that Su Ba killed a demon powerhouse at Cultivation Base, the summit of the semi-holy realm? !

This Demon Realm powerhouse must also be an extremely powerful existence at the peak of the Semi-Holy Realm!

Otherwise, it is impossible to reach more than two million points!

As for the quasi-sage level, not to mention that there is no Demon Realm Proving Ground, even if there is, Su Ba will definitely not be able to do it!

After all, don’t even think about how old that kid is!

However, even the supreme powerhouse of the Demon Realm at the peak of the semi-sacred realm, it is impossible for the juniors at this stage to be able to kill!

It’s a kill! Not defeated!

A difficult batch!

When Su Ba participated in the competition, Cultivation Base seemed to have only the early stage.

Fight against the semi-holy realm’s peak and extreme Demon Realm powerhouse at the early stage of Breaking the Heavens Realm, and kill them? What kind of Universe joke is this f*ck? !

Yin Cheng, Mansi and other Sage realm pinnacle powers are full of expressions of unbelief.

Yang Jian couldn’t believe it even after fighting against the Buddha.

And during this period!

Su Ba’s points broke through the 30 million points mark like a rising tide!

Three million! Three thousand two million! 30.3 million…

It wasn’t until 30.5 million that the increase started to slow down.

Three thousand five hundred and ten thousand!

Three thousand five hundred and thirty thousand!

Three thousand five hundred and fifty thousand!

In the end, the points kept increasing to 30.58 million, and Su Ba’s name began to dim.

Then the next moment!

Su Ba’s name flickered a few times, and the ranking position was refreshed!

But it is not necessary.

First, still first!

Su Ba, the Buddha of the Immortal Realm, points: 30.58 million, teacher: Fighting and defeating Buddha, ranking: No. 1.

The points went from 26.32 million at the beginning to 30.58 million. After a while, the points have risen by nearly 4 million!

The scene was silent!

Especially the high-levels of the big forces, with shock on their faces!

Because, they all know, Su Ba is not robbing the top dozens of contestants for points. The increase in points depends on killing the Devil Practitioner!

And the one who can increase four million points at a time can only be achieved by the supreme powerhouse of the demon world at the peak of the semi-sacred realm!

Fuck… Fuck. Groove!

In other words, did Su Ba really kill a semi-sacred top Demon Realm powerhouse? !

“Just kidding, the old man remembers that when Su Ba participated in the competition, Cultivation Base was only in the early stage. No matter how awesome he is, it is impossible to leapfrog to this stage!”

“That is to say, once the semi-sage is advanced and the word’sage’ is stained, the strength will change upside down again. Although the benefits are not as good as the baptism of the vitality vortex of the day when the breakthrough broke through, it should not be underestimated. !”

“Breaking the sky early stage leapfrogged and killed the semi-sacred peak, straddling seven Realms, which also contained a big Realm. This is absolutely impossible!”

“How did Su Ba do it?!”

Countless powers looked at each other, feeling that things were a bit ridiculous.

This situation completely surpassed their cognition.

“Hey, you are shocked? Too bad! It may not be possible if it happened to others, but if it happened to Su Ba, the proud disciple of my grandson, it would be nothing.”

Fighting victory over the Buddha quickly returned to his senses, patted his chest grinningly.

“I don’t even look at how my old grandson came on the road to grow up. That’s a powerful existence that picks up the Heavenly Emperor and beats down the Buddha.

As the saying goes, the back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave, and the blue is better than the blue. Su Ba has done such a thing, and he definitely got k, hahahaha! ”

Fighting against the Buddha became more and more vigorous, shaking his head and shaking his head.

“My old grandson is very relieved to Su Ba, knowing that his points will not rise, he will definitely make a big move.

Looking at it now, as expected, as expected, he killed the absolute powerhouse of the Demon Realm at the peak of the Semi-Holy Realm, 666! ”

“Come on, everyone shouts 666!”

I go!

Many powers have a black line, and the peak powers of Sage, such as Yincheng and Mansi, are even more twitching!

“This dead monkey must drink too much.”

“If you add a few peanuts, you won’t get drunk like this.”

“I don’t worry about Su Ba’s abundance. Whose face is dying before is the same as who owes him 8 million finest immortal stones.”

“It’s still red-eyed and frying. Now that Su Ba’s points are moving, his face is changing too fast!”

“Bang Se, bang hard!”

“By the way, I really want to wake it up with a pee…”


Yang Jian on the side laughed.

This monkey has a thick skin and is comparable to a city wall. As long as the mood is good, a little sunlight can illuminate the entire universe.

“Hey, everyone, when it comes to Su Ba’s awesomeness, my grandson has to talk about him from the beginning…”

Fighting victory over the Buddha is still talking crookedly on the spot.

Those caught by it dare not talk back, they can only stand silently on the spot, listening to the fight and defeating the Buddha’s chatter.

But they still didn’t believe it in their hearts.

Su Ba is very powerful, but it is impossible to kill the demon world’s top powerhouse at the peak of the semi-holy realm at the early stage level. After all, this kind of powerhouse is almost the first person below the quasi-sage!

Doesn’t it mean that Su Ba can kill this kind of person? Su Ba can become the first person below the quasi-sage in the early stage of Breaching Heaven Realm? !

This kind of thing is simply even more incredible than when Su Ba broke through the heavens, the vortex of vitality that caused a radius of three thousand miles around the world was even more unthinkable!

It is estimated that Su Ba used any conspiracy, or combined with other Supreme Heavenly Pride to kill the semi-sacred peak demon world powerhouse?

Either this semi-sacred realm peak powerhouse is absolutely diarrhea, or he has too much errands and his legs are soft, so Su Ba took advantage of the vacancy.

Well, think about it it should be possible.

Many great abilities are secretly analyzing in my heart.

However, they would never think of it!

Su Ba Cultivation Base is no longer the early stage of breaking the sky, but the early stage of semi-holy!

In less than half a month, from the early stage of the broken sky to the early stage of the semi-sage, speaking out, it is estimated that this group of powerful three views will completely collapse!

at this time.

Demon Realm Proving Ground, a canyon in the 20th area.

The jade talisman absorbed Blood Essence of the pale youth’s heart, the points stopped beating, and Su Ba collected the jade talisman again.

Looking at the points on the jade symbol, Su Ba nodded slightly, fairly satisfied.

It’s not in vain that he spent a lot of time shopping with this guy, with a lot of points, four million, and he deserves to be the supreme demon powerhouse at the peak of the semi-sacred realm.

If you usually kill ordinary semi-sacred realm powerhouses, it is estimated that you will kill more than a dozen, and it will take several days.

not far away.

Jin Quan, who was hiding in the crowd, saw the expression on Su Ba’s face, his heart stunned.


What a special outfit!

Hey, but it’s pretty decent.

People who don’t know will think that Su Ba has gained a lot of points.

Jinquan laughed to death in his heart.

He was convinced that Su Ba was the type who would die and suffer.

He saw it through, but he didn’t say it, and he was secretly refreshed!

In other words, Jinquan didn’t think about it. After moving his hands and feet to Su Ba’s jade talismans, he wanted to use other people’s jade talismans, especially those powerful Tianjiao jade talismans.

As a result, this group of powerful Tianjiao couldn’t earn points, and for Jin Quan, it greatly reduced their competitiveness.

But a Su Ba can be regarded as an accident or coincidence. If there are problems with many participating Tianjiao jade charms, it will definitely attract the attention of those powerful ones!

Jinquan’s heart is narrow and narrow, but he still has an IQ.

Therefore, he did tricks on Su Ba’s jade talisman in the competition alone, and asked himself to be a perfect match!

Just when Jinquan’s heart was dark and refreshing.


Not far away, Su Ba turned his head, his deep black eyes faintly glanced at Jin Quan’s side.

Um? !

Jin Quan was startled, he still pretended to be steady like an old dog, and diverted his gaze calmly.

What did this kid find?


Daddy’s tricks are ingenious, concealed, and it’s tight-lipped. Except for his most beloved little lover, he has never said that it is absolutely impossible for Su Ba to know that I did it!

Jin Quan thought about it, but still did not dare to meet Su Ba’s gaze.

“This guy……”

Su Ba raised his brows slightly.

He faintly noticed the gloating look that was hidden deep in his gaze when this guy’s gaze swept over him.

More than once.

Is it an illusion?

Not too possible.

Su Ba is confident about own perception.

So…what is this guy gloating for himself?

Could it be that……

Su Ba thought of something, and his black eyes narrowed inadvertently!

He was trying to compose the words of Jinquan.

At this time.

Su Ba moved his ears and looked far away.

Immediately, Mingzi, Fengxuejian and other strong men seemed to have discovered something, one by one raised their heads and looked in the distance.

I saw the distant sky where everyone could see.

There have been countless shining shining lights, and these shining lights are obviously the light produced when the contestants are fast-tracking.

Look at it at a glance.

It is estimated that no fewer than tens of thousands of people.

Especially the two rays of pink and gold at the front are particularly dazzling, and the speed is also fast!

In almost a few blinks of an eye, the pink escape light and the golden escape light came to the front of everyone, and then fell down.

This is two figures of a man and a woman.

The female is wearing a pink palace dress, her hair is beautiful and black, and her hair is like a cloud bun, her phoenix eyebrows are slender, her beautiful eyes are like autumn water, and her snowy skin is as soft as honey. The shape is attractive, noble and elegant.

The man has a bald head.

He has sword eyebrows and starry eyes, thin nose and lips, and a pair of eyes as bright as Star. His eyes are clear without a hint of tackiness, and gentle as if to contain everything.

He walks steadily, with graceful demeanor, and there is a hint of lightness in his body.

He is a very friendly bald young man who makes people feel very comfortable.

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