God Level Recovery System Instantly Upgrades to 999

Chapter 1144: At the end of the trial, be yourself!

Seven years passed quietly.

The ultimate trial of the four mythical beasts is also coming to an end.

In the last seven years, the outstanding talents of all races have made progress to a certain extent!

The ones who have made the most progress are naturally the arrogant talents of all races.

Meng Bang, the top master of the Xuanwu tribe, had a final score of 150800 White Jade Ladder!

Bai Xiao, the top master of the White Tiger clan, had a final score of 149,600, which was only 400 steps away to break through the 150,000 white jade ladder.

Yan Xun of the Suzaku clan and Huo Yan of the dragon clan also broke through the 145,000-level white jade stairs.

And the first geniuses of all races, Yi Kuang, Yan Qingwu, and Lei He all broke through the 85,000-level white jade ladder, and created good results in the history of the ultimate trial rookie!

As for Tielong, he even broke through the one hundred thousand white jade ladder, reaching one hundred and three hundred!

Of course, if this kind of achievement is placed in the past, it will definitely shock the audience and attract the excitement of all sides!

But it is a pity.

This time the ultimate trial of the Four Mythical Beasts, a legendary figure appeared, Su Ba!

Three hundred thousand white jade stairs!

Break the record of the 188,000-level white jade staircase, the highest in the ultimate trial in millions of years!

Create a fabulous new record!

Let the elderly handsome look up! Let the rookie Junjie despair!

It is foreseeable that the glorious deeds of Su Ba will be passed on forever among the four gods and beasts, and with the passing of history, they will be admired and admired by generations of people.

this day.

It is the deadline for the last day of the ultimate trial of the four mythical beasts.

Almost all the elites of all races came out of the climbing ladder or the sacred palace of the beasts and came to the gathering place.

And at a certain moment.

Su Ba, who was cultivating cross-legged on the 300,000-level white jade ladder, suddenly opened his eyes!


Next second!

Su Ba suddenly got up, an invisible magnetic field opened its hideous mouth like a terrifying evil beast that had awakened from an ancient time, and terrifying power swept all over the place!

Many powerhouses who originally put their perception on Su Ba suddenly changed their expressions!

They only felt an unimaginable huge pressure, rushing into their bodies violently from the inside out, and their muscles, skin, internal organs, meridians, and even their souls were subjected to a powerful impact!

"Puff puff…"

Countless talents of various races with relatively weak strength directly sprayed out a few mouthfuls of blood, their faces turned pale!

Those strong men of various races are also full of energy and blood rushing back more than a dozen steps, and their expressions are extremely shocked!

As for the several great abilities of the Saint Realm, even though they were innocent, everyone's expression also showed a hint of incredible color!

"All-round oppression, deep into the martial artist's essence, qi, and god! This is... the gravitational magnetic field?!


Could this Su Ba actually comprehend the gravitational magnetic field! ? "


It was like a huge bomb falling on the surface of the lake, and the lake surface immediately set off a huge wave!

Everyone present, one of them was one, and it was totally shocked!

Everyone had incredible expressions on their faces, and they couldn't believe what they had encountered!

When Su Ba was on the 60,000-level white jade staircase, he suddenly sat down cross-legged, and Baihu was able to guess that Su Ba might be comprehending the gravitational magnetic field!

I know that Su Ba has ambitions to use the gravitational magnetic field of the ladder for his own use!

But at that time, everyone felt that this was a fantasy, and the peak powers of the Saint Realm did not perceive the traces of successful enlightenment from Su Ba.

Therefore, they didn't take it to heart, just as Su Ba didn't understand and gave up.

But now, at the moment when the final trial of the four mythical beasts is about to end, Su Ba suddenly released an invisible magnetic field, which feels exactly the same as the gravitational magnetic field of the ladder!

And so powerful!

My mother, this is too abnormal.

This kind of high-level, high-grade gravitational magnetic field is said to have been enlightened by Su Ba's enlightenment, and it will only take a few years before and after.

Brother, can you be a good individual? Just shock us once or twice. It's not good to be a serial shock.

As everyone continued to be shocked, the invisible magnetic field on Su Ba's body disappeared in a flash, and all of it was collected in his body.

of course.

This is not the gravitational magnetic field that everyone has guessed, but the ultimate Shura realm of Su Pa!

After a series of stimuli from the gravitational magnetic field of Climbing Ladder, coupled with so many years of cultivation on 300,000 ladders, Su Ba succeeded in raising the power of the ultimate Asura domain to a new height!

Su Ba saw the performance of the outstanding people of the various races below, and the corners of his mouth showed an inaudible arc.

Su Ba was also quite satisfied with the power of the ultimate Shura domain.

If the estimate is not bad, even for the strong in the first half of the holy realm, it will have a miraculous effect!

It can be said that on the basis of Su Ba's original strength, Su Ba's combat effectiveness has been greatly enhanced again!


Leaping down from the climbing ladder, Su Ba's figure turned into a brilliant rainbow light that pierced the sky, and the distance of ten miles approached in an instant.


Su Ba slowly landed from the sky and arrived at the meeting point of the dragon clan.


As Su Ba fell, the four great dragons retreated one after another, leaving Su Ba an empty drop point.

"Big Brother Su Ba!"


"Brother Tyrant!"

Many people have already started screaming in advance, and everyone has a look of excitement and admiration on their faces!

Originally, the dragons worshiped the strong, although the truth is now clear, Su Ba is not their young lord Dragon Ba, but Su Ba can still completely conquer them with the strength of Su Ba!

More than dragons!

The Baihu tribe, the Xuanwu tribe, and the Suzaku tribe, all the sights of fanaticism, excitement, and admiration all shot on Su Ba's body, the inner stirring emotion is self-evident!

In response, Su Ba also nodded and greeted everyone one by one.

"Haha, Su Ba, good job!"

The dragon lord came over and patted Su Ba's shoulder with a hearty face, "Thanks to you, if it weren't for you, I guess my dragon will be the bottom this time!"

Although the final test results have not yet come out, with Su Ba's 300,000-level ladder's defying results, there is no doubt that one person is enough to lead the dragon to the top!

Don't mention how happy the dragon master is.

"Yes, do you respect each other?"

Su Ba smiled faintly.

Without being invited by the Dragon Lord, Su Ba would not soar the power of the Ultimate Asura Domain, nor would he be able to pick up 900 of the best immortal stones for nothing. More importantly, he would pass by the "Zhu Xian Sword"!

Forget the others, if you miss the Heaven-Through-Sky artifact of the Zhuxianjian level, it would be really a pity that you missed it!

The dragon gave the big gift, and Su Ba naturally returned a big gift. This big gift is to help the dragon improve his trial results!

"I'll stop, little friend Su Ba, you are not authentic, and you don't say your true identity, so the old man has been kept in the dark!"

Lei Lie also came over, rolled his eyes at Su Ba, and then laughed loudly, "But let's not say that you are really pretending to be like this, the old man believes it, you are the Young Master of the Dragon Race!"

"Lao Lei has praised him, and it is also a good way for the Dragon Lord to cover up."

Su Ba bowed his fist to Lei Lie and said with a smile, "Previously, I pretended to be just in case, but it seems that I was worried."

"Su Ba, this king Baihu, you are very good, keep working hard."

Bai Hu also came.

Next, there is Xuanwu.

"Su Ba, I am Xuanwu, you shocked the old guys today, amazing."

"Hey, it turned out to be Su Ba, the number one arrogant in the Immortal Realm. No wonder my vision is so high that I look down on the girl from the Suzaku clan."

Suzaku smiled softly at Su Ba's charming mouth, "But although you look down on Su Ba, you have the opportunity to come to the Suzaku clan as a guest. This palace welcomes you warmly at any time."

After the deity beast-level powers, the other saint-level powers of various races who originally led the team also came up to say hello to Su Ba.

The reason these saint realm great abilities put down their identities and took the initiative to say hello was nothing more than because they valued Su Ba's talent and potential!

Even the current Su Ba is still like a little ant on the ground to them, and can be pinched to death at will.

But with Su Ba's amazing growth rate and unimaginable terrifying talent, breaking through the semi-sacred realm and saint realm was only a short-term problem.

Needless to say, Su Ba breaks through the Supreme Realm, as long as Su Ba reaches the Saint Realm, he will be a super power in the Saint Realm!

Reaching the middle stage of the saint stage, I am afraid that the old saint stage powers such as Lei Lie are no opponents! They may even match their sage realm peak power!

After reaching the late stage of the Saint Realm, it is estimated that only the king-like peak powers of the Saint Realm, such as Fighting and defeating the Buddha and the Erlang Shen Yang Jian, can contend.

As for Su Ba breaking through to the peak of the Saint Realm, that is the first person under the real supreme!

Fighting against Buddha and Yang Jian must stand aside!

At this point, the great powers of the great beasts had no doubt in their hearts.

After all, this kid's series of deeds can't be described as unprecedented!

So make a good relationship in advance, even if you can't be friends, at least you can't be enemies, right.

Especially Lei Li, although he had never had a rift with Su Ba before, but in the process of clamoring with Lei Lie, he had taunted Su Ba in a vague way.

I knew this a long time ago, let alone veiled sarcasm, even betting would not be so complacent.

Isn't this what it means to give money to a fool? !

Ah, I am really miserable!

Su Ba didn't refuse any act of sage state's powerful gesture of goodwill, and he was very polite.

His talents are good, but Su Ba will not be arrogant and arrogant because of this.

He knew that these were brought about by his unlimited potential.

It's just that before the potential is transformed into strength, the respect that should be had is necessary.

Since history, there have been many amazing talents, but many people have not grown up. Why?

In addition to the exhaustion of potential, the most likely thing is to be arrogant, run wild and suffer misfortunes, and be slaughtered in secret.

No one is to blame for the destruction caused by arrogance.

At this time, the final trial was also nearing its end.

The holy palace spirit, who was covered in black like a ghost, quietly appeared in the void, and his green eyes looked down on everyone. The god-level recycling system instantly upgrades the latest chapter address of 999: https://www.ltnovel.com/book/116013.htmlGod-level recycling system instantly upgrades to 999 full text reading address: https://www.ltnovel.com/read/116013/God-level recycling system is instantly upgraded to 999txt download address: https://www.ltnovel.com/down/116013.htmlThe god-level recycling system instantly upgrades to 999 mobile phones. Read: https://m.ltnovel.com/read/116013/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (the end of the first thousand and 144th trials, be yourself! ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God Recycling System Upgrade 999 Instantly", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! (www.ltnovel.com)

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