God Level Recovery System Instantly Upgrades to 999

Chapter 1130: The door of nothingness!

Once he entered the high-level ascension celestial pond, Su Ba had cultivated for 40 years.

Although there was no help from the Enlightenment Monument, but only with the innumerable pure and rich fairy spirits of the top-class Ascending Immortal Pond, Su Ba's cultivation base had faintly touched the threshold of the early stage of the Breaching Heaven Realm.

Obviously, forty years of madness absorbing the rich fairy spirit in the superior ascending celestial pond has brought a lot of benefits!

Now use the strengthening points to advance to the early stage of Breaching Heaven Realm, and I am afraid that it will be greatly reduced by a lot.

Su Ba stepped out and reached the ground from the Shengxianchi. As soon as his spiritual power turned slightly, all the water on his body had evaporated, and he changed into a clean black suit.

"System, what happened?"

After changing his clothes, Su Ba asked about the system in his mind.

Let the system take forty years to absorb the cosmic air in the chaotic stone wall, and the effect should be good.

Su Ba didn't have much expectations, as long as he could get the relationship between the "Zhu Xian" small wooden sword and the real Zhu Xian sword.

This wish is not too much.


The system screamed in Su Ba's mind first, and then spoke a little reluctantly.

"It's so cool for his grandmother, this great atmosphere is too strong, and it makes this system feel like a fairy, and it's impossible to extricate itself from it."

Su Ba has a black line.

"Don't exaggerate, answer my question quickly."

If the answer from the system is still unknown, Su Ba estimates that there is a possibility of falling the system. Of course, he needs to know how to fall.

"It's all right."

The system smashed his mouth and said lightly.

"Although the time absorbed is not satisfactory, I feel that the information side of this system is still activated a lot, and it can be considered to be able to answer your questions from the host."


When Su Ba heard it, his expression was a joy.

Only heard the system continue.

"The host's brain is good. This'Zhu Xian' small wooden sword is indeed the key to obtaining the Zhu Xian sword. It is a key to open the door of nothingness."

"The gate of nothingness? What do you mean?"

Su Ba frowned slightly.

"how to say."

The system groaned for a moment, and said, "Open the door of nothingness, and you will go to a mysterious place, that place is called the Holy Ruins Realm.

It is rumored that it was built by a great man of great power in the ancient times! A wonderful world independent of each universe!

This system explains this, do you understand? "


Su Ba touched his chin, and said curiously, "Kidney Deficiency Realm? Why is it called this name? He is the mighty man who created this world... Is he kidney deficiency?"


The system's face was black at that time.

"It's the'Holy' of the saint, not the'Kidney' of the human body! You figure it out!"

"Cut, you can't distinguish between front and back nasal sounds, so blame me?"

Su Ba looked contemptuously.

"Do you still know the whereabouts of Zhu Xianjian?"

The system triumphantly threatened, "If you don't want to know, the system will go to sleep, don't ask me in the future!"


you are vicious!

Su Ba's eyelids twitched, and he couldn't use the system.

"Okay, don't despise you, just say it. Before, I sensed the small wooden sword of'Zhuxian' flickering on the 10,000-level white jade ladder. Does it mean that the gate of nothingness is nearby?"

"Not necessarily."

The system shook his head and said, "The gate of nothingness can move, but it usually doesn't jump out of a space.

That is, it is still in the space of this ultimate trial.

You are not strong enough, so naturally you can't actively sense it. You can only remind you by the flashing of the small wooden sword of "Zhu Xian" when the gate of nothingness is close to you. "

"But the host, I advise you not to think about going to the Saint Ruins Realm first, the situation there is not clear to this system.

Zhu Xianjian is there even though it is not far from ten.

But after all, the Saint Ruins Realm is a mysterious world that has existed since the Desolate Ancient Period. Even if the earth-shattering events occurred in the Desolate Ancient Period, this Saint Ruins Realm would be lonely, but it would be very dangerous if you want to!

With the host's current strength, it is estimated that it will be a delivery of food, and I don't know if he was killed in the middle. "

Su Ba smirked.

Even if he wanted to go, he couldn't touch the door of nothingness.

The system thought for a while, then suddenly said again.

"Although the space for the ultimate trial of these four mythical beasts is not large, it can be as small as half of Xi Niu Hezhou. Now the host can't sense the gate of nothingness. It's not realistic to try luck, and it's not a good time right now.

It seems that after hundreds of years, the ultimate trial of these four sacred beasts will start again. At that time, the host will come in again, and he should be able to barely sense the door of nothingness.

Why is this gate of nothingness in the ultimate trial space of the four mythical beasts.

It is estimated that it was also in the Desolate Ancient Period. The relationship between the great power who created the Holy Ruins Realm and the boss of the four gods was good, so a door was opened.

Perhaps it is to reward the children who have performed outstandingly in the ultimate trial, and get the opportunity to go to the Holy Ruins Realm to experience.

Naturally, this Zhu Xianjian host must grasp it!

Because this system's estimate is not bad, this "Zhu Xian" small wooden sword is probably not only a key to open the door of nothingness, but it is also a token of Zhu Xian's approval!

Without a token, I'm afraid that the Immortal Jade Sword will be taken, and it's not so easy to listen to people's orders.

So it seems.

The host is lucky for a million years of shit!

As for why the ‘Zhuxian’ small wooden sword appeared in the Heavenly Ruins Soldier Realm, this system is not quite clear.

And it will choose you, this system is also very puzzled, is it because the host is the king of the cheap? Abbreviated as "Cheap King"?

Zhu Xianjian is also the King of Swords, as the so-called Sword King is worthy of the King, his grandmother's perfect match! "


Su Ba has a black thread, and the dog can't spit out ivory.

This **** thing, Su Ba wondered if the dog system was fooled by Chaos Cliff, he was so cheap, and he said he was cheap, what about his face?

But finally got the news he wanted, and Su Ba didn't plan to bother about this system.

Taking a deep breath, Su Ba's eyes flickered.

So next, collect the 900 top-grade immortal stones that Lei Lie gave, and then go out.


Outside the holy palace of beasts.


Because the patriarchs of the four great beasts came, the atmosphere on the scene was different.

All the children of all races, including the four saints in the late stage, stood in place respectfully.

However, Lei Li was the easiest among the great saints.

There is no other reason. Their Xuanwu clan has risen, and they are awesome, and the ultimate trial finally ranked first. There is basically no suspense!

Patriarch Xuanwu praised them too late, it is impossible to show them.

By comparison.

Lei Lie is one head and two big ones.

The big brothers of the other three races came, but he was expecting it.

After all, Lei Li and Yan Fei Shuang have been reporting on the situation, and they have attracted the attention of the three clans, so they came here.

But, why are their dragon masters here? !

This is something Lei Lie never expected.

He was nervous now, for fear that the Dragon Lord would ask him casually about the performance of Dragon Ba in the ultimate trial.

How can he answer this Nima?

That kid has been in Chaos Cliff for forty years, and he hasn't come out to practice climbing the ladder once in forty years!

Damn. Groove!

As soon as this kind of thing was said, Lei Lie would beat a drum in his heart, and it would be light to be beaten.

It's over!

Why is Lao Tzu suddenly so unlucky.

If you lose the gambling contract, you may be beaten in public by the dragon master.

Lei Lie was speechless.

"Old Lei, why do you look a little ugly? What's wrong?"

As soon as the dragon master arrived at his dragon clan assembly point, he saw Lei Lie's expression abnormal, and asked indifferently at that time.

"Cough...cough cough, nothing, hehe, why are you here, Dragon Lord?"

Lei Lie coughed a few times, trying to divert the conversation.

"I didn't plan to come. I was not gathering with these old friends to discuss matters such as cultivation experience. I suddenly discovered that they would receive the sound transmission talisman every ten years, and the sound transmission talisman every ten years passed.

When I asked, I realized that the little Tielong from the Xuanwu tribe was so fierce..."

As the dragon master said, he glanced at Lei Lie, and said with a feigning anger, "Other people report so diligent, why don't you even have a sound transmission note?

If it weren't for a party with Xuanwu and the others, I wouldn't know about it! "


A drop of cold sweat broke out on the back of Lei Lie's neck, and he chuckled, "Lord Dragon, isn't this aspiring to others and destroying one's own power?"

Others are stronger, no matter how much they are, don't you think, ha ha ha. "

"What you said makes sense. It's been forty years. How have my dragons behaved? And Dragon Ba, shouldn't be bad, right? How far have you climbed the ladder?"

The Dragon Lord looked at Lei Lie and said with a faint smile, "In other words, even if Tie Long is reborn, Dragon Ba will not fall behind. Why is there no news from him?"

I go!

Dragon Lord, this is too confident about Dragon Ba.

The arrogant arrogant man who is less than a hundred years old with a physical body is indeed awesome, but compared with the current Tielong, the gap is still not small, and it may not be possible to lag behind.

Lei Lie's heart changed sharply!

This **** thing really can't escape!

How can I avoid the risk of being beaten by the Dragon Lord for not controlling the Dragon Lord to the greatest extent? !

"I said Mr. Lei, I think something is wrong with you!"

The Dragon Lord, who lived longer than Lei Lie, and was the power of the peak of the Saint Realm, how could he not notice Lei Lie's abnormality.


The dragon lord's indigo-colored eyes narrowed, and strange light began to flicker inside.


It's over!

Even if Lei Lie was the second-in-command of the Dragon Clan, with overwhelming power, he did not dare to be presumptuous in front of the Dragon Lord. His back was instantly wet with cold sweat.

Just when Lei Lie was about to tell the truth...

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