
The main peak rises several thousand feet, the sacred treasure of the town, the Leiyang Xuan bell ringing endlessly, and the vitality of the sect is soaring!

If these astonishing phenomena made many disciples of Longyang Sect have a foreboding that something good was about to happen, what happened next actually fulfilled their conjecture and surprised everyone.

"Damn! If I didn't pay attention I actually broke through the Pill Pill Realm, I thought it would be at least half a month away!"

"Hahaha, I am in the late stage of Xuandan, this disciple selection contest, I have the confidence to attack the core disciples!"

"My mother! Inspiration broke out, and once I realized it, my Qingyun sword intent has soared from childhood to perfection?! Unbelievable, am I going to become the protagonist?!"


On the way Xiao Tian came back and passed through the void, various inspiring words from all over the sect came to his ears frequently.

And more incredible things are constantly changing in a short period of time.

Almost every disciple of the Dragon Sun Sect has more or less improved martial arts talents, the fifth-rank aptitude has changed to the sixth-rank, and the sixth-rank aptitude has been upgraded to the seventh-rank.

Even the epiphany is something that is impossible for most Tianjiao to see. At the same time, in the sect, dozens of Tianjiao who are enlightened!

Xiao Tian also discovered that Thunder Tiger, the sacred beast of the original sect, had just broken through the middle stage of the king realm a few days ago, and in a blink of an eye, it actually possessed the strength of the later stage of the king realm!


Xiao Tian's heart was ups and downs, and he had an amazing conjecture in his mind.

Isn't Su Ba participating in the peak battle of the young generation in the fairy world?

Such a prosperous age of Fuze Quanzong, can it be said...

Xiao Tian only felt dry and dry, and he was eager to go to the back mountain of the sect to verify it.

Just flew into the void above the main hall, dozens of bright streamers shot out from the building below, and came to Xiao Tian.

It was the elder and deputy sect of Longyang Sect, Tang Ruoxi and Qin Jiuyue were also there.

Xiao Tian noticed Tang Ruoxi and Qin Jiuyue's cultivation for the first time, and said in surprise.

"Miss Ruoxi, Miss September, have you broken through to the peak of the King Realm?!"

"Yeah, yes, I don't know why, before an inexplicable influx of power, the bottleneck at the peak of the king's realm was broken."

Tang Ruoxi nodded happily.

Qin Jiuyue also said happily: "We thought it would take at least a few months to do it. We didn't expect it to be so fast, huh?! Sect Master Xiao Tian, ​​you also broke the peak of the king realm?!"

Tang Ruoxi and Qin Jiuyue have undergone the transformation of the flesh and blood essence of Su Ba avatar and the assistance of the Tiger Arhat for several years, their qualifications have been reborn, and they are not inferior to some geniuses in the fairy world.

They easily break through the peak of the king realm, everyone can understand.

But Xiao Tian's aptitude was not top-notch in the Xuantian Continent, and it was so elusive that he wanted to break through the peak of the King Realm. This breakthrough was enough to surprise everyone.

Sect master broke the peak of the king realm, and Tang Ruoxi and Qin Jiuyue also broke the peak of the king realm. Now their Longyang Sect has directly added three top powerhouses in the current continent!

Finally, the status of the top holy land is worthy of the name!

But suddenly, they thought of the miraculous things that had happened to them and the sect suddenly, and then thought of Xiao Tian's original course of action...


"Yes, you should all be aware of something now, so hurry up and take a look at it."

After Xiao Tian finished speaking, he turned into a long rainbow and shot towards the back mountain of Longyangzong, and everyone followed.

"Sure enough... the purple air is coming from the east, and the clouds are thousands of red..."

Everyone stood in the void, looking at the splendid scene above the back mountain, Xiao Tian took a deep breath and said, "My Longyang Sect's luck has increased tenfold!"

"This is really... incredible, what happened?!"

An elder of Longyang Sect stared with old eyes and screamed.

"Yes, has there been any amazing Tianjiao in my Longyang Sect recently? Have you done anything earth-shattering? It's weird..."

The other Elder Long Beard looked blank.

Xiao Tian looked at everyone, especially Tang Ruoxi and Qin Jiuyue with a meaningful look, which made the two women a little puzzled.

Before they could ask, Xiao Tian suddenly smiled mysteriously and said to everyone.

"Let's go, let the order go down, let all the members of the sect, including the deputy sect, elders, deacons, and major disciples, all go to the large square in front of the main hall of the main sect. There is something big to announce in this seat!"

"Sect Master, what a big thing, so grand?!"

Elder Long Beard asked.

Xiao Tian smiled without saying a word, "When the time comes, you will know."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Tian stepped in the void, his figure melted into the void and disappeared.

"I lost it, the lord has learned to play dumb riddles."

Everyone was helpless, but the action was still very fast, and they began to issue orders.

at this time.

The entire Longyang Sect fell into a scene of jubilation, and there were a series of pleasant and exciting voices from all over the place, but after the jubilation, everyone was deeply puzzled.

In less than half an hour, why such a big change happened? The sect doesn’t want to talk about it. It’s them. Almost everyone has made a lot of breakthroughs in their cultivation. Some people have even found that their aptitude has improved. Some, the overall strength of Longyang Sect is almost completely new!

Could it be that their Dragon Sun Sect... is there a Dragon God blessing it?

at this time!

Every disciple received a message from the elders of the sect, saying that they wanted everyone to put aside whatever they were doing and go to the big square in front of the main hall of the main hall to gather, and the sect leader announced something important!

All the staff gathered, such a grand move! Haven't seen it for more than a hundred years!

Although everyone is puzzled, it is a disciple's bounden duty to execute orders.

Everyone quickly turned their body skills, one by one quickly swept towards the main square in front of the main hall.

For an instant.

On the peaks of the Longyangzong quartet, countless colorful lights shot out, like a volley of fireworks, and the scene was very lively.

It took less than a cup of tea from all the news to the gathering of everyone.

"Eh, what's the matter, who of you knows?"

Before Xiao Tian arrived, the disciples who came first couldn't help but began to inquire.

"I don't know! I came here after receiving the order. I originally wanted to take advantage of the sudden improvement in my comprehension, but I wanted to learn about martial arts."

"Forget it, what else do you have to understand? After delaying time, the Sect Master won't kill you!"

"So, I came here non-stop..."

"The news says that the Sovereign will announce something important, it must be a major event, and it is probably closely related to us, it is impossible to say!"

"Yeah... eh, look, the Sect Master is here!"

Everyone was chattering.


A disciple's eyes were sharp, and he immediately pointed his finger in one direction and yelled!

Suddenly, everyone's attention passed.

Following a series of short bursts, Xiao Tian led a group of high-level sects to the void above the square.

Countless disciples looked at them, and immediately calmed down, but--

It has not been quiet for more than a breath of time, many people have discovered that Xiao Tian's aura seems to have undergone an astonishing change, it is more majestic and more turbulent than before!

Could it be...

The disciples opened their mouths in shock, and in the next instant, Xiao Tian's true disciple couldn't help exclaiming.

"Master, have you broken through the peak of the king realm?!"

Xiao Tian smiled heartily and nodded vigorously, "Yes, this seat is already a Saint-Master-level figure!"


There was a commotion at the scene, and then all the disciples cheered.

"Sect Master, long live!"

"Sect Master, long live!"


"Sect Master, are you telling us this good news specifically?"

In the eyes of all the disciples, Xiao Tian's breakthrough to the peak of the king's realm meant that their Longyang Sect could finally be regarded as a real sixth-rank top holy land, which is indeed an exciting and great thing!

It is also reasonable to announce it in public.

"Of course not."

Xiao Tian smiled and said, "It is a good thing for this seat to break through the peak of the king realm, but compared with this news, it is trivial."

"Okay, I won't do dumb puzzles anymore. Today, in front of everyone, this seat solemnly announces..."

As he spoke, Xiao Tian took a deep breath and paused a dozen or so breaths. It could be said that his appetite was stunned before he said loudly.

"Your former Leiyang Zongzi, the youngest and most admired man on the continent's youngest heavenly ranking list, who rescued hundreds of millions of people and the mad emperor Su Ba in the midst of fire and water, he is about to return across the border!"


This sentence is like a blockbuster!

One fall!

Everyone is shocked!

Countless people opened their mouths blankly, as if they couldn't believe what they heard.

"Sect... Sect Master, what you said is true?"

A disciple asked, stupefied.

"It's true! I have already got the exact news."


It wasn't until Xiao Tian was sure that the countless disciples of the Longyang Sect, who were dumbfounded, came back to their senses.

After returning to God, everyone was excited!

"My God! Lord Su Ba is coming back!"

"I can't believe it, I can still see Lord Su Ba himself in this life!"

"Ahhhhh! My idol!"

"Yami Butterfly!"


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