God-level Punishment System

Chapter 996: Owl's tail alchemy first

Ren Hai's face trembled, and he didn't dare to look at Lexus again. On his side, he had already reached the final step of the liquid condensate.

Then on the high platform, there was an unexpected and very weird scene.

I saw Lexus, who was one step behind Ren Hai, folded his arms and stood on one side with a relaxed expression. In front of him was the pill furnace that had already been turned off.

In the pill furnace, the faint smell of medicine emanating from it made everyone know that Lexus's pill was successfully refined.

Just can't see the quantity and quality.

This is enough to prove the strength of this alchemist for the first time to refine a certain kind of spirit pill.

The success rate of alchemy is not high, and on the basis of unfamiliar one, it can be successful once, which fully reflects the solid foundation of an alchemist.

Ling Zhi didn't say anything. He just stood there with his chest in his arms, watching Ren Hai's alchemy, but his face still had some distressed expressions.

This is a common problem of many alchemists, or a habit.

Ren Hai's previous refining was very good, but because of his distraction, the quality of a pot of pill was degraded and even failed. This was a pity and a waste to the alchemist.

Ling Zhi didn't just want to taunt him, but the truth... The waiting time was not long. After a while, Ren Hai raised his head and straightened up, and the same success was achieved.

Ren Haichang breathed a sigh of relief, but his face was a bit unsightly.

He was even obviously nervous.

The situation that had been a stable win, he now feels suspended.

Even if Lexus refining for the first time, the refining is not good, it is likely to be about the same as his refining this time.

Because he had only five pills in this furnace, although he stabilized the quality of the spirit pills at the cost of reducing the number of pills.

But wanting to win steadily, it is a little overhanging.

This time, Ren Hai didn’t talk nonsense. He patted the pill furnace lightly, the furnace cover was removed, and five round spirit pills flew out. He took them to Zheng of the jade bottle in his hand. Then his men shook slightly. The jade bottle flew towards the older generation of alchemy master Zheng

"Five elixirs of good quality, although they are not the best, they are almost the same!"

After a while, the group of alchemists gathered together to look at each other, read, smell, and discuss, and then came to this conclusion.

For these elderly people who regard alchemy as more important than their own lives, Ling Zhi himself has some admiration, so he did not ask for his own inspection, because he does not think this group of people will give up for Ren Hai Own principles.

His men shook slightly, and the spirit pills that had long been formed in the pill furnace flew into the jade bottle in his hand, and then he sent them to the group of hands. The six spirit pills that Zheng Er flew out couldn't hide the eyesight of those present.

Ren Hai's face turned pale, and his expression became more tense.

"Next, it depends on the quality of the spirit pills refined by Master Ling. It has six pills, but the quality is very poor, but they are also very common."

"As long as the quality of his six spirit feeding pills is medium, with the number of his six, he will win, right?"

Everyone talked.

Everyone turned their inquiries to those who had reached the level of a third-level alchemist, Chang Yu, but were not qualified enough to participate in the judgment.

Chang Yu thought for a while and nodded.

"If the quality can reach mid-range, it would be slightly better.

But if the quality is not medium, even if Master Ling becomes more pill, he will lose to Master Ren. "

After hearing these words, everyone's hearts were lifted, and the sense of expectation in their hearts not only did not let go with the six Ling Zhi Cheng Dan, but even more anticipation.

Anxiously waiting for the final result.

"If Lexus beats the old man opposite him this time, does it mean that Lexus is better than him?"

A female voice sounded abruptly at this time.

Who would ask such a question so blatantly besides Leng Yan? Some people turned their heads unhappy to find who it was and who disrespect Ren Hai.

Then they saw Leng Yan.

See Leng Yan's face.

Then... they all suffocated their mouthfuls, condensing their eyes on Leng Yan.

"Is there really such a beautiful person?"

They couldn't believe their eyes.

And some people who had noticed Leng Yan a long time ago took advantage of this opportunity to change their previous sneaky look and watch Leng Yan boldly.

They wanted to engrave Leng Yan's appearance in his mind. If possible, they even wanted to ask a painter to paint Leng Yan's portrait for them to treasure.

Bai Jingyu wanted to tease that this was the woman of my brother Lexus, but when he thought of Leng Yan's strength, he held back what he was saying...

"Yes, if Master Ling wins the three alchemy matches, it can be shown that he is better than Master Ren.

There is no doubt about this. "

The bold alchemy apprentice rushed to speak, hoping to get Leng Yan's attention.

And as he expected, Leng Yan indeed turned to look at him.

"Then Master Ren, according to your law, before this, was the strongest and most powerful alchemist on Yanwei Island?"

Leng Yan still asked bluntly.

"Yes, Master Ren is indeed the only fourth-level alchemist on Yanwei Island, and naturally the strongest alchemist on Yanwei Island these years!"

The man flushed with excitement when he spoke to Leng Yan.

I just feel that this time, only this incident is truly worthwhile.

The exquisite brows of the cold face wrinkled lightly, and the mouth that was as red as the cherry was not eager.

"Isn't that, if Lexus wins this time, then he is the most powerful alchemist on this Xiaowei Island, and the leader among alchemists?"

Ling Zhi touched his nose and stood on the high platform. Even he could feel the embarrassment and anger of Ren Hai standing opposite.

It's good for everyone to know this kind of thing in your heart, but Leng Yan doesn't understand it, and you have to ask your own questions in public, and be so straightforward.

Even though her somewhat silly and cute appearance made everyone believe that she didn't deliberately target Ren Hai, but she still made Ren Hai extremely complacent.

The alchemy apprentice who was questioned by him was hesitant this time, so he didn't dare to answer this question face to face in front of Ren Hai.

"Cut, coward, is there anything you dare not, is it a man?"

Leng Yan glanced at him contemptuously and hummed disdainfully.

She has always been one, what's the matter.

The man was extremely embarrassed, and he was filled with grievances and nowhere...

"Six four-grade feeding spirit pills, the quality...all are excellent!"

At the same time, a long-awaited voice sounded.

This sound was not loud or majestic, but it represented a shocking meaning.

That is... From this moment on, the number one alchemy leader of Yanwei Island fell on Ling Zhi.

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