God-level Punishment System

Chapter 954: Soul Whip Lord

"Father, Feier, he has indeed obtained some important information and grasped some important clues. As long as he accomplishes this, my Ding family will surely be able to return to prosperity."

The Patriarch of the Ding family also looked a little ugly. After all, in front of the mercy of the entire family, Ding Chengyang pointed at him and cursed, so that he could convince the public in the future.

Even if it is a father, let him show some face for the patron.

What's more, Ding Fei was brought up by his single hand. He was already a martial artist of the Ninth-Level Realm at this age, and he did things quite well. This time he was even more ambitious, with a face of confidence and determination.

His father, the head of the Ding family, mobilized some people and went with Ding Fei. In his opinion, he had done nothing wrong.

"You, you bastard!"

Ding Chengyang almost carried it on his back.

Ling Zhi looked at him trembling with anger, and teased with his fists.

"Old man, you are wrong about that."

"Your grandson, something really ridiculous has happened. He still has the foresight and strength, and he's still calm in his work. Don't look down on others so much. How can you be considered your grandson."

Hearing Ling Zhi suddenly boasting about Ding Fei, Ding Chengyang's face was naturally more gloomy, but the face of Ding's Patriarch became weird.

These words are of course a pleasant person to listen to, and they are quite right. Ding Chengyang is Ding Fei's grandfather. He is always so Ding Fei. He is very unhappy as a father.

Had it not been for Ding Chengyang's sudden breakthrough and becoming a strong artistic conception, there would still be a place for him in this Ding family.

Seeing that the faces of the two father and son were different, Lexus was also inexplicably speechless.

At present, the two father and son are really drunk.

You don't need to think about it, the relationship between father and son must have been very different in the past.

Ling Zhi even suspected that if Ding Chengyang hadn't become a strong mood, he would have been forgotten by his son.

"But that's the case, but unfortunately, he found out that he was right, but he didn't have the ability to get something like that."

Lexus spoke again.

"So I am embarrassed. He doesn't have the qualified ability, so he wants to covet such things.

You see how bad this is, not greedy enough. "

Ling Zhi's face was calm, as if he was telling something that had nothing to do with him.

He saw that Ding Chengyang was the same as the Patriarch of the Ding family, and his aura suddenly rose.

"One of you is a father and the other is a grandfather, to judge, he is coming to swallow my elephant, can't I support him?"

"Then he hurt my friend again, which is more embarrassing. Originally, I was also a good boy who didn't like to cause trouble. Now I can't bear it anymore, so,"

Ling Zhi put on an innocent look and said,

"So I'm coming to you."


Ding Chengyang unexpectedly coughed up a mouthful of blood, his breath languishing again.

Patriarch Ding's face was also gloomy, almost dripping.

"You killed my son Ding Fei?"


Ling Zhi shrugged.

"Otherwise you can too, he hit my sword himself."


Ding Chengyang shouted and flew up.

"No one dares to despise my Ding's family so much!"

Regardless of his injury, he mobilized his spiritual power, gathered it into his palm, and grabbed Lexus.

Ling Zhi's eyes condensed, and he quickly punched, banging against this great spiritual palm.

Ling Zhi's body bends slightly, and the big palm of his spiritual power also retreats back.


However, Ding Chengyang won the power and did not forgive, and once again controlled the spiritual power to take a picture.

He flew away from the inside for dozens of feet, just in a place and angle where he could control the spiritual power to attack Lexus without losing his power, but Lexus could not attack him.

After this, Lexus took him several palms in succession, but he couldn't even touch his side.

This is the most rascal but also the best way to fight with a martial artist in the artistic conception.

No matter how powerful you are, what can you do to me? You can't even touch my side.

Ding Chengyang's breath slowly calmed down, he stood in the air, smiling and said,

"Well, do you think you can resist my soul power and your body is stronger than me, so you can defeat me?"

boom! He gritted his teeth and patted down again with his spiritual palm.

The smashed Lexus was slightly bent.

This is a blow of condensed spiritual power, which is much more spiritual than the martial artist himself. Even if his body is strong, he cannot ignore it and can only choose to resist.

With this blow, even with Lingzhi's body, a ray of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Huh! Just when Ding Chengyang wanted to launch the next attack, Ling Zhi moved, taking advantage of this gap, and hurriedly headed towards the Ding Family Patriarch.

"Do you think that if you kidnap him, I will throw a rat and cannot attack you?"

Standing there, Ding Chengyang sneered wantonly.



Ling Zhi smashed the Ding Patriarch's arm bones with a punch, and pinched his neck with one claw.

Then he picked it up.

He just mentioned the Patriarch of the Ding family sideways and turned to look at Ding Chengyang.

Ding Chengyang looked disdainful,

"Hmph, as long as I can kill you and pay any price, I won’t regret it. I still have a second, third, and fourth son. You can’t even imagine it. A Ding Patriarch is dead. I can Easily support countless Ding Patriarchs."

Ling Zhi could clearly perceive that Patriarch Ding, who was pinched by his neck and picked up, was shaking uncontrollably.

It is not afraid. If he is afraid, he should tremble earlier.

But because of these words of Ding Chengyang.

It's very common for father and son to be at odds, but the father doesn't care about his son's life or death, and he is so casual in front of his son that he treats his son's life like a dog.

No one can accept it.

Ling Zhi glanced at Ding Chengyang contemptuously.

"I understand why he talked to you like that before."

"But you too look at me too much. I, Lexus, never use family relationships to coerce others, even if he is my enemy."


Ling Zhi squeezed his arm, and the Patriarch of this medium-sized family died in his hand, Zheng Ruhe said. He suddenly shot, just wanting to exterminate some of the regenerative power of the Ding family.

"Old thing, you really don't even blink your eyes."

Ling Zhi sneered, and then suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Ding Chengyang.

"Go down!"

Ding Chengyang mobilized his spiritual power again, formed a giant fist, and slammed it straight at Lexus.

At this moment, the corner of Ling Zhi's mouth suddenly twitched, and a dark long whip appeared in his hand, Zheng Zhi Ding's biography, hitting the soul whip.

Under the sunlight, there was a gloomy glow.

"It's still you, come down to me!"

Ling Zhi yelled, hit the soul whip in his hand, slapped it, and drew it at Ding Chengyang.

Hit this Ding's owner

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